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A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.


Q: When minimum age to attend is entered, is it determined as of the date the participant registers or Dec. 31?

A: The participants age is determined as of December 31st.

Q: In regard to Gender ID and Respect in Sport, will it still populate automatically to a member profile as HCR 2 did? There are links on the OHF and OHA websites. Should they be removed and set up as a Clinic?

A: The minimum and maximum, you can leave this field blank. You will still go to respect in sports and gender id, you won’t have to set anything up, it will transfer behind the scene.

Q: Will there be the addition of Trainer/Safety Person, and their required Clinic?

A: Yes, the full list will be updated. HC is sending over the list and all the correct information will be ready for June 1.

Q: What is the difference between open registration and open to the public?

A: Right now, there is no difference between them. We will keep open registration and remove open to the public.

Q: Will there be a category for Bench, Staff and water boy to register for a clinic.
A: They all fall under coaches, section.

Q: Will will this now be linked to participant profile.

A: Yes, it will be linked. Respect in sports, and a few others will be linked to the participants HCR profile.

Q: Volunteers do not pay, for their clinics. We bill teams and association. Can I set up a billing to MHA? Would I leave the fee in or remove it?

A: Create clinic with a fee for an accounting standpoint, it will not bill an MHA. You can manually add the people yourself, so that when you pull a report, you will have all the information. You can also set it up as pay by cash or cheque, don't select the online payment option so that coaches don't pay the fee, that you would bill to the MHA or team.

Q: When you are setting the times, do you have different time Zone or will I have to write in description?

A: We will add the time zone anywhere there is a time. It will show up before June 1. If you want to be extra safe add a comment in your description.

Q: Why would we not just have everyone register for all clinics?

A: All this is linked back to the participant profile. If he is a coach and referee, they can take that specific clinic.

Q: If someone has not been a referee before would you be able to open to it to everyone?

A: For a level 1 referee, you can open it to referees and players. If it is, a referee taking the Level 2, then they would be required to the have the pre requisite of Level 1 referee.

Q: If it is necessary to cancel a clinic, how do you delete a clinic? Can you change the date and automatically notify attendees, and receive confirmation of receipt?

A: You cannot delete, you have to go to each participant process the refund, then close the clinic. You can change the date and then advise them.

Q: Are they limited to their address or province they are a part of, or can they see Ontario if they are in BC.

A: Google analytics is supposed to pull up where you are located and show you what your clinics that are for your area. No one can register for a clinic if they are not from that branch for example BC can’t register in Ontario.

Q: I need to set up an account, do I need to set up my participant to my own account?

A: Yes, you need an account to link yourself to your participants (children).

Q: If I am from a different branch, can I sign up for a clinic that is not within my branch?

A: You cannot register unless the link was set to your tree. If you need to take that clinic, you would need to have the clinic shared to your branch or you would need to be transferred and then transferred back. Another method is to click on Hockey Canada and then anyone in Hockey Canada will be able to register, then you can share a copy of the private link.

Q: How do I plan and set up clinics if I need to take people from out of the branch?

A: If you want the clinic to be GTHL create clinic at that level only. Then create clinic under OHF, then anyone can sign up.

Q: Will we be able to remove/move people from clinics?

A: If you are the host of both clinics, yes you can remove and then place the participant in the other clinic. We suggest you refund transaction, and remove registration. Then add a participant to the other clinic, go back to the transaction tab and say you received the funds. There is no button to just move from one clinic to another clinic.

Q: Is there not just a way to have the select more than one clinic at a time, since it is the exact same information.

A: You can duplicate and edit the price and any information that might be different.

Q: Are we able to transfer a participant from one to another clinic?

A: Yes, it will be available as of June 1st (if you are host of the clinic).

Q: Can you cancel a clinic?

A: Yes, there will be a new option marked cancel, but the clinic won’t be deleted since we need to keep a record for the transaction tab.

Q: How will the times show up?

A: The time zone will be shown from the individual who created the clinic (the host organization)

Q: 3rd party fees, do you have to add fees to HCR?

A: You would need to create it as a $0.00 fee so that you will be able to create the clinic.

Q: For Criminal Record Checks (CRC), some clinics may have participants that require one and other participants that may not need one (based upon their age, in BC 18 years+). Is there an ability with the CRC function to include an age range that the system can check a participant’s profile for the CRC based upon their age?

A: Not at this level, it is required or not. In each organization there will be set rules by HC but can be changed by province. You can decide which participants have to have CRC.

Q: I assume the confirmation email will automatically include the clinic details; ex location, time

A: Yes, clinic information will be in the confirmation email

Q: If you set up a clinic at a certain level (i.e. region) but later want to open it up to other regions, can you do that? Or should we build them at the branch level and then just set them as private and send the link to the specific groups we want to target.

A: Go to advance setting and use the organizations and click on who you would like to share with. You can select as many as you want to share with.

Q: With the clinic fees, when you choose the payment options you will allow, is there an option for “other” and if so, can there be a field where the individual can specify what that is exactly?

A: Right now, we are using pre-determined terms that we got. If we have a lot of another necessity, we can look at adding another payment type. These requests really have to go to HC.

Q: Can a participant transfer themselves from a clinic they were sign up for to another one in the same category through their own profile or do they still need contact the branch office directly to move them?

A: This will be done by the branch (Host/Manager), the participant will not be able to transfer themselves.

Q: We can apply credits for profiles for online registration. Is there a way to provide a discount or a credit to an officiating clinic?

A: Right now, unfortunately you will not be able to apply credits for clinics.

Q: Can a participant register for more than one clinic in different regions.
A: Yes, he can register if he has not done the other course already. Until he actually passes the clinic, he can register for that same course several times. He would also have to pay and then a refund would be required.

Q: How would you link to respect in sports?

A: Choose respect in sport, it will link to that website.

Q: Regarding terms and conditions is that a mandatory field, and is it set up by HC or MHA.

A: Yes, its mandatory, whoever creates the clinic, it will be their own terms and conditions. We suggest you use that to deal with the online payment (refunds).

Q: What is the waiting list?

A: You set the limit of 20 participants, after the first 20 registrations, then the next person can add themselves to a waiting list. It is a feature that will be ready by June 1

Q: Can you send the private link to certain people that aren't apart of your branch.

A: If they do not belong to you, you can ask for a share or you can share a private link.

Q: If you have a secondary association can you register for both clinics.

A: Yes, if they have a secondary association, they will have access to both clinics.

Q: Does the insurance/membership fees for HC fees will be taken off if their first sign up is the clinic.

A: I do not believe the fee kicks in for clinics.


Q: Will the basic information show if the player is released?

A: We are trying to keep the information private. Release from your roaster, or release or from your association. They are two separate steps. Release from roaster - July 1, full release is not ready yet.


Q: Having to roster after, there was an attach team cards will you ion HCR 2.0

A: Right now, there is no system between transfer being complete and roster, if there is something specific then we would need to speak to Hockey Canada. You as the association or member branch, we can have emails and then you can follow up to make sure they are rostered.


Q: Do we need to know the participants full name to create/search the Transfer?

A: First /Last name but you need to have both filled out or HCR #.


Q: With the shared transfers, will they automatically revert to their primary office at the end of the designated scheduled time frame? Or will that have to be done manually?

A: Yes, you can set an expiry date for the shares to be removed and they will go back to the original MHA.


Q: Can we search by DOB, as this was easier for hyphenated names.

A: No, but with the elastic search, you can search by shorter or hyphenated name.


Q: Is it possible to see a share

A: Search all participants of all organization, search by name, then you will see the participant you want. Click on the permission, side tab, action, click on transfer, enter information. In the tasks, you can see that you have a pending request and that the next person to approve is Spordle.


Q: Is there a way to remove the mandatory requirement for transfer documents to be uploaded. Not all transfers in BC require documents to be uploaded.

A: We can ask HC, for which case we would not need them It would be up to them for which ones are mandatory or not mandatory.


Q: Will we be able to leave notes on transfers without rejecting it? If there are documents missing for example.

A: Not right now, if you are missing document, refuse and then say what is missing and then force them to start over. It’s really just approved or rejected; we don’t want to leave it pending.


Q: Would we be able to overwrite a share until transfer is done.

A: If you had permission before, then yes, you will be able to do this step.


Q: On tasks page – does pending transfer stay there as "open" until it is fully completed? Even if you have reviewed it and it is waiting at other levels? And if so, how do you know which ones you have reviewed without opening the side panel and which ones now need your attention?

A: There will be a button to filter, on which one you need to review, and which one are open, complete or rejected.


Q: In the history of transfers, can the date be listed without having to open each transfer

A: On the participant profile, you will be able to see under the transfer date.


Q: What are the transfer types?

A: The types of transfer that you will have a choice from permanent, shared, limited, unlimited.


Q: Will documentation be mandatory

A: No, it will not be mandatory


Q: If a team selects the incorrect type of transfer, can the approver change it?  i.e. Junior to Junior (out of season) and it should be Junior to Junior (in season).

A: You will probably have to reject and restart from scratch, just put a comment explaining why.