A new setting has been added to modify this behavior. Now, officials will only be removed if the DATE changes. If only the time or field changes, but not the date, the officials will remain assigned to the game.
Official cards hyperlink to participant and office not showing
Move deprecated rulebook card into rulebook tab for new seasons
The rulebook was previously located in your office Settings tab. Now we've added a tab dedicated solely to the rulebook , where you'll find all the different points relating to this subject.
Fix team with same group ID in a game crossgroup stat
Side inherited permissions for offices and schedules
Permission inheritance typically involves permissions being passed down from a parent entity to its child entities. "Side inherited permissions" likely refers to a scenario where permissions are not only inherited vertically (from parent to child) but also shared horizontally among entities at the same level. We are fixing slowly this because it could cause problems. We started with the schedules.
Adding force reload on season change + back to main page
Removing add roaster if team is synched from Spordle ID
If a team is synchronized with Spordle ID, it is no longer possible to add members directly in Spordle PLAY. The only exception is when creating an external team for a tournament.
Season view weekdays-date filtering