The travel permit module is accessible from the Tasks menu.
Complete the required fields:
Fields marked with an * are mandatory
Team*: you must select a team; players do not need to be added.
Event Name*: name of the tournament you are taking part in.
Reference Number: if you wish, you can add a reference number.
Travel Type*: select a choice from the drop-down list.
Event Type: select the type of event from the drop-down list.
Host Website: enter the name of your tournament website.
Host Team Name: if necessary, enter the host team's name.
Number of games: enter the games your team will play in your tournament.
Host Team Category*: you can select the category from the drop-down list or enter the category in text.
Host Country*: use the drop-down list to indicate the country where the tournament will take place.
Host Province/State*: use the drop-down list to enter the province or state.
Host City*: enter the host city for your event.
Host Organization: enter the organization hosting your event.
Location: indicate the location where the tournament will be held.
Travel Permit Fees
If your provincial or regional organization has set up travel permit fees, these will be automatically displayed when you request a travel permit. These fees cannot be removed or changed.
Your organization may include questions in your travel permit application. If a questionnaire has been added, the questions will be displayed at this stage. Questions marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory.
Tournament date