Info |
Note: adding a Moodle course to a clinic is impossible while participants are registered there. You must create a new clinic and transfer the registered participants from the old Clinic to the new one. Please refer to the document Transfer Clinic to transfer your participants. |
When setting up a course, you can define an expiry date for the qualifications obtained by participants. This allows you to manage the validity of qualifications and ensure that they are regularly updated. The following options are available:
Fixed period :
Fixed date: Define the qualification's validity period and expiry date. Example: The qualification is valid for three years and is due to expire on August 31. If the member completes the course on October 1, 2022, the qualification will expire on August 31, 2025.
Allows you to set a specific duration (e.g. 1 year, 2 years) from the date the qualification was obtained.
Ideal for certifications requiring periodic renewal.
Associates a specific expiry date with the qualification, regardless of when it was obtained.
Useful for qualifications valid until a common deadline, such as the end of a season or program.
No expiration:
Indicates that the qualification has no expiry date.
Suitable for qualifications that are permanent or not subject to updates.