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In this section, you can build the session plan for our Clinicyour clinic. You can add a session by clicking on one of the

+Add a session buttons, as indicated by the red arrows.


Once you have clicked on +Add Session, a

A new window will appear to create your sessions. You must first select the language in which the Clinic clinic is offered at the top right.

You will be presented with three options for the training clinic:

  • In-person: The Clinic Since the clinic is in person; you must indicate the address, , it is mandatory to enter the address and time information: date, time , and duration and . You can also add a note if desired you wish (this option is optional).

  • Online - Live: The Clinic occurs clinic takes place online at a specific date and time. You must indicate therefore provide the URL link, as well as the mandatory information concerning the schedule: date, the time , and the duration and . You can also add a note if desired you wish (this option is optional).

  • Online - On Demand: The Clinic is held clinic takes place online and can be done completed by the participant at a time that is most convenient for them suits him/her, but before the specified deadline. You must indicate provide the URL link, as well as the mandatory information: start and end date and time, and the duration, and duration. You can also add a note if desired you wish (this optional option is optional).


NOTE: Leave the “Link URL” box empty if you're using MOODLE, as the link will be added automatically.

Click on Next ADD to move on to step 3 to create your Clinic.



In this section, you can attach any it is mandatory to add the terms and conditions, questionnaires, and waivers for your Clinic. These all should corresponding to your clinic refund policy. The clinic questionnaire and exemptions are optional. All these elements must first be created in the catalog Catalog section, which you can quickly view accessible by clicking here.

The payment conditions are mandatory; the questionnaire and the waivers are optional.



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In the registration confirmation and registration email section, you can add must write a text message confirming the member's registration for the Clinicclinic. This message, which will be displayed at the end of the member's online registration process and in the confirmation email.This text is mandatory, and we have many formatting options, as indicated by the red box. It is also possible to , is mandatory.

You have a number of formatting options for customizing the text. You can also add an attachment to the message, if required.

Note: If you want, you can add the same registration confirmation message and confirmation email.


Note: If you want to copy and paste text, the mouse will not work; please use Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.

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Confirmation Email

In this section, you are asked to write a message that will be e-mailed to the clinic member once their online registration has been confirmed.

You have numerous formatting options to personalize the text. You can also add an attachment to the message, if required.

Click on Next to move on to step 4 to create your Clinic.


  • Clinic Items

  • Payment methods

Clinic item

In this section, you can add clinic items or fees related to your Clinic. Clinic items can be created ahead of time by going to the Catalog Menu and selecting Clinic Items, or you can create them during the creation of a clinic.


In this section, you must add clinic items, which may represent expenses related to your clinic. These expenses must be associated with your clinic. To add items, click on the + Add buttons.

We recommend that you create your clinic items in advance in the Catalog menu, under the clinic items section.

If your clinic is free or requires no purchase, you can create a $0 item and make it mandatory.


Note: At least one item must be set to mandatory.


Once you have clicked After clicking on the + Add button, another a window will open where you can choose appear, allowing you to select your options from the a drop-down list. There A checkbox is also a checkbox available to make these items mandatory.


To create a new clinic item, click . You can add more than one clinic item if required.


You can also create a new clinic item directly from your clinic. This item will automatically be added to your catalog, under the section clinic items, and can be reused for other clinics.

To do this, click on Create and add an clinic item. You can choose to make the this item mandatory and indicate that taxes will be applied. specify whether taxes apply.



Payment Methods

You can add the payment methods you wish to accept in this section. The drop-down list is connected to your merchant account, and you can check the boxes to determine which manual payment methods will be acceptedIn this section, you can add the payment methods you wish to accept. If you wish to offer online payment by credit card, a Paysafe merchant account is required. You will then need to select your merchant account from the drop-down menu. If you don't yet have a merchant account, you can request one by consulting the related documentation. You can also check the boxes to indicate the manual payment methods you accept.

You must select at least one payment method.


The final step is to review all the information for your Clinic.



If you need to make any changes, click on the blue edit button in the upper right corner of each section.

 Once you have reviewed the clinic information, click the Create Clinic Once you've reviewed all the information about the clinic, you can define its status according to the action you wish to take. The available statuses are: Draft, Closed, Open registration, Private or Visible to the public.

Then click on the “Create clinicbutton at the bottom of the page. Your Clinic If you create the clinic without changing its status, it will be created saved as a draft, and you must make it active for . You will then need to adjust its status to allow members to register.





