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Suspension tracking

General view

  • A Suspension tab is available in your left-hand menu as soon as you have the necessary administrative roles.

  • You can search using the following filters:

    • Participant

    • Team

    • Game

    • Schedule

    • Status

    • Discipline status

    • Automatic suspension


  • Suspensions can be viewed in a number of others different places.

    • League tab: As a league manager, you can view and manage suspensions in the league tab.

    • Game tab: You can view and manage suspensions in the scoresheet tab of a selected game.

    • Participant tab: You can view and manage suspensions in the "Participants" tab under the "League" section.

    • Team tab: You can view and manage suspensions by going directly to the team.

  • The suspension tab contains the following information

    • Participant's name and membership number

    • Name of the team with which the participant has received a suspension

    • Name of schedule

    • Game number where suspension took place

    • Suspension details

    • Status:

      • active: This indicates that the suspension is active and has not been served in a game.

      • completed: This indicates that the suspension has been served and therefore completed.

      • cancelled: This indicates that the suspension has been cancelled.

      • pending: This indicates that the suspension has been put on hold.

      • contested: This indicates that the member has contested his suspension with the Disciplinary Committee.


Please refer to the following documentation to rectify the situation: Managing a late suspension

How to change a suspension's purge team

An option is available to add a purge team to a suspension. This feature allows suspensions to be extended when a player changes teams or moves from one season to another.

  • At the start of the a new season, the league manager can check which suspensions are activeview current suspensions and update the team for the new season.

  • This option is also available if the member is registered with more than one team in the same season, and the league manager agrees that he should serve his suspension with the other team.
