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Moving participants to an a Permanently Ineligible Members status is permission based, and will disallow this member from registering for hockey or be rostered to any team within Hockey Canada.


Note: Access to Permanently Ineligible features is highly restricted. Please keep information strictly Confidential.

Table of Contents

Move a Member to Permanently Ineligible Status

Go to the participant’s profile, and from the Action button, select Make Member Permanently Ineligible.


  • Select from the drop down a Reason For Status Change:

    • Historical sanction - Hockey Canada or a member has in fact sanctioned that person in the past and we have evidence to support it.

    • Sanction - This is an outcome that may result from the Complaints and Disciplinary Measures Policy. The new sanctions lead to this situation.

    • Criminal Convictions(s) - Hockey Canada or a member has evidence (potentially newspaper articles) that a person has a criminal conviction that makes them ineligible.

    • Maltreatment complaint / Hearing decision - Maltreatment Complaint/ Hearing Decision.

    • Temporary ineligible / ongoing processes - Hockey Canada or a member must render a person temporarily ineligible due to a an ongoing processes lead process led by the BCIS or NSO’s independent third party.

    • Other

  • Select from the drop down an Imposing Organization

  • Enter a note

  • Click Submit


This will set the members status to Permanently Ineligible, blocking all activity on the platform, including access to the member’s profile from the My Account; it will be blocked.


Note: Submitting this status change will trigger a notification.



Note: All users in HCR will be able to see the Permanently Ineligible status on a members profile, but only user users with permissions will see the Reasons and the Notes.


On the participant’s profile, under the History tab, you will see that the Member status Log include includes a record of the status change.



Note: The information found in the Reason’s column is only visible to users with permissions. All other users will only see the member’s status log.


To update a note that was entered when changing a status, click on the line in the Member status Log opening the side panel. Use the blue pencil to edit the note. and click the checkmark to save.


Move a Member out of Permanently Ineligible Status

When a participant is moved out of an ineligible status, notifications will be sent to a user that has permission.


The status change is added to the Member’s Status Log in the History tab of the member’s profile.


Create an Permanently Ineligible Member

If you obtain information on a person that would be marked as ineligible but currently does not have a member’s profile in HCR, and you can create an ineligible member. Unlike creating a full profile, only basic information is required.


  • Enter the First and Last Name

  • Select a reason from the drop down

    • Historical sanction - Hockey Canada or a member has in fact sanctioned that person in the past and we have evidence to support it.

    • Sanction - This is an outcome that may result from the Complaints and Disciplinary Measures Policy. The new sanctions lead to this situation.

    • Criminal Convictions(s) - Hockey Canada or a member has evidence (potentially newspaper articles) that a person has a criminal conviction that makes them ineligible.

    • Maltreatment complaint / Hearing decision - Maltreatment Complaint/ Hearing Decision.

    • Temporary ineligible / ongoing processes - Hockey Canada or a member must render a person temporarily ineligible due to a an ongoing processes lead process led by the BCIS or NSO’s independent third party.

    • Other

  • Select from the drop down an Imposing Organization

  • Enter a note

  • Click Submit


A profile will be created with an HCR#, but no date of birth has been added. From the Action button, no actions are available.


From the Overview tab, under the Document section, you can add a a pdf article or other reference material.

  • Click on +Add

  • Select the document type permanently ineligible

  • Click the link to upload your document

  • Click Add


Note: Only user users with permissions will be able to view documents added with the document type Permanently Ineligible.


Potential & Permanently Ineligible Members

When a new profile is created, the system will flag any profiles that are potential potentially a match to an ineligible member.

A Member Created from Online Registration - When a profile is created during an online registration, a message is displayed This profile has been frozen by HCR Administrators. Please directly contact your provincial member of Hockey Canada for support.


A Member Added Manually - When a profile is created manually inside HCR, the system will search


for any matches that will include ones flagged profiles for


ineligibility. You can click the quick view to open the profiles in another window without starting your search over. If the possible matches are not the member you are adding, click on Create new member.


A Perfect Match Found - The system will allow you to add a member but will


warn you that you are creating a perfect match with an ineligible member. The member that you are creating will have the status of Permanently Ineligible that will need to be reviewed by Hockey Canada.


A Partial Match Found - The system will allow you to add a member but the member will be flagged as Potentially Ineligible that will need to be reviewed by Hockey Canada.


Note: Members with the Potentially Ineligible status will be functional in HCR, but it will remain flagged until HC Sport Safety can confirm it doesn't represent someone who should not be participating.

Image Added

The following note will appear in the member's profile:

The status changed automatically to Potentially ineligible because this profile has similar characteristics to an existing profile flagged as permanently ineligible in HCR. No action from participants or registrars is required. The profile is not blocked but will be reviewed by sport safety.


An email will be send sent to Hockey Canada for review.


Each potential match will need to be reviewed. You can click on the line to open the side panel, and click on the Quick View to open the member’s profile.

You can select multiple members profiles at one time by using the quick view. From the left hand side, you can Select All, Select Current Page or Unselect All. Then click the + to open in Quick View all members.


From the Action, select Manage Approval.


From the pop-up window you can select Remove from list, which will remove them from the potential ineligible members list, or you can select Make Ineligible.

Selecting Remove from list will revert the member to their previous status.


When selecting, Make Ineligible:

  • Select a reason from the drop down

    • Historical sanction - Hockey Canada or a member has in fact sanctioned that person in the past and we have evidence to support it.

    • Sanction - This is an outcome that may result from the Complaints and Disciplinary Measures Policy. The new sanctions lead to this situation.

    • Criminal Convictions(s) - Hockey Canada or a member has evidence (potentially newspaper articles) that a person has a criminal conviction that makes them ineligible.

    • Maltreatment complaint / Hearing decision - Maltreatment Complaint/ Hearing Decision.

    • Temporary ineligible / ongoing processes - Hockey Canada or a member must render a person temporarily ineligible due to a an ongoing processes lead process led by the BCIS or NSO’s independent third party.

    • Other

  • Select from the drop down an Imposing Organization

  • Enter a note

  • Click Confirm Ineligibility



Reports are located in the top menu, click Reports and select Permanently Ineligible Participants Report.


Note: This report is only available with user to users with this permission level.


From this report, you can generated generate a list of permanently ineligible member members only or include potentially ineligible participants.


My Account

Linking a member in My Account that has been marked as Permanently or Potential Ineligible will be given a warning message that this account has been frozen by HCR Administrators.


Members that are linked in My Account will be shown the status of the Potential Ineligible. The member will have full access to upload documents, review qualifications, waiver and registrations.


Members that are linked in My Account will be shown the status of the Permanently Ineligible. The members information will be blocked and will not be able to access information on any of the members tabs.
