Versions Compared


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  • Each league/tournament/etc allocates sequences of game numbers to each schedule

  • Game numbers are only unique within each schedule and may be reused in other schedules

  • Game numbers often have a prefix and suffix to identify which league and category

  • A schedule with groups/flights will have a sequences per group (flight 1 will have 1000-1999, flight 2 will have 2000-2999, etc within the same U13 schedule)

  • Draft games can Games should have their numbers re- sorted based on the date/time prior to at time of publishing, but and published games cannot be re-sorted

    • Renumbering is a manual action. Automatically doing so may cause confusion as people use numbers as a reference while scheduling, so it’s usually only done in preparation for publishingDraft games do not use sequences

Existing behaviour

Currently we have a (published) games table and a drafts table, where drafts essentially act as isolated containers of a schedule.


Following the implementation of SPR-453 Draft Redesign, two game tables will exist: Game (published) and DraftGame (unpublished). The original Draft table that creates an isolated container effect will no longer continue to exist. Sequences (this proposal) are necessary to introduce to maintain the original start number draft option functionality.


A sequence will be composed of a starting number (which may have a prefix/suffix matching the regular expression /^(.*?)(\d+)(\D*)$/) and a maximum range.

This is modelled after Postgres sequences, which allows keeping track of the next number in a sequence within limits. This would allow you to create a sequence with a starting number of U13L1000 which increments by 1 up to U13L1999.

Creating a sequence must validate if the range overlaps with any existing sequences to avoid creating conflicts. A new sequence must throw a validation error if the maximum causes an overlap into another sequence in the schedule.


Creating a game, regardless of whether it’s published directly or a draft game, will pull the next sequence number available. Drafts will require sequences to be configured in the schedule as draft games cannot rely on the game ID sequence

Draft games will use temporary IDs as identifiers until they are published. There is no need to renumber these while they’re a draft as they will be numbered in the correct order upon publishing. This also avoids a situation where there’s a publicly perceived gap in the schedule numbering because that gap is used by draft games. This also avoids needing to edit a sequence after draft games have been deleted and need to be recreated.

If the next sequenced number already exists for whatever reason (e.g., that number was manually provided when creating a game or in case of an error updating the sequence), the next available sequence number will be produced until a non-conflicting number is available.

If a numbering sequence exists in the schedule, the user is not given the option to manually enter or change game numbers in the schedule as they will be automated. This will prevent potential user errors.

When a game is deleted, creating that number in the sequence will not be reused, despite leaving a gap in numbering.

If the applicable sequence is exhausted, then games cannot be created and drafts cannot be published until this is resolved.


If a schedule has no groups, it is limited to one sequence for the schedule. If a schedule has groups, it is limited to one group per sequence.

1001-1299 = Flight 1
1300-1599 = Flight 2
1600-1899 = Flight 3
1900-2199 = Flight 4

When scheduling cross-group games, the game number is always taken from the sequence of the home team. While it is possible for a team to be in multiple groups in the same schedule (e.g., PCAHA playoffs), when generating the schedule, we select the groups, so this is how we can disambiguate the groups.

If necessary, it can also be possible to produce multiple sequences, so that number in the sequence will not be reused, despite the can have multiple sets of sequences as necessary. The sequence with the lowest next number that has not been exhausted will be used to produce the next sequence. However, this is unlikely necessary and will not be allowed initially to avoid potential user error.


It will be possible to manually reset a sequence back to a given starting number, which may be necessary in case a batch of games are deleted. Resets will never be done automatically as we cannot predict if the user wants to reuse the sequence or not. All games in the schedule must be deleted in order for the reset to be available.It will also be possible to produce multiple sequences, so that you can have multiple sets of sequences as necessary. The sequence with the lowest next number that has not been exhausted will be used to produce the next sequence.







Once all sequences are exhausted, a validation error will prevent games from being created or draft games from being published until a viable sequence is available. We cannot fall back to a game ID as that would be a bigger mess to clean up, and it would be easier to block publishing so that they can fix the sequence then resume publishing.Assuming a sequence of U13L1000-1999, it is possible for a user to create 100 draft games, which will use sequence numbers 1000-1099, then before publishing, a user may create a published game in the same scheduling, which will use the next number in the sequence, 1100. Publishing the pending draft games would retain their original 1000-1099 range of game numbers. Publicly, a gap in the game numbers would appear as 1000-1099 hasn’t been published yet, but this is not a concern.


PCAHA game numbering system is well defined:
