Note |
Important for soccer only: Validation and registration of line-ups will only be authorized after the end time of the previous game. This measure is designed to avoid problems linked to possible late suspensions. |
Enter the player's jersey number
Click on Save
If you wish, you can also indicate whether the player is a team captain by checking the appropriate box.
Select all your players to add jersey numbers. If a player changes jersey during a game, you'll be able to change the number in the game line-up.
up management
To confirm your line-up before your game, log in to Spordle PLAY and click on game in the left-hand menu. All your games will be displayed, and you can use the filters on the left to refine your search.
Click on the icon to the right of the game whose line-upyou up you wish to confirm
Select the players present at your game by ticking clicking each of them to the left of their names, and also tick click on the coaches present.
Note |
Important: The member can’t be added to the game line-up if not validated. |
If you notice that a player member is missing or you need to add a player member who is not on your roster, click on +Add Extra.
Info |
If this option is not available, it must be enabled by the parent organization. See related documentation. |
Note |
The extra member added to your line-up must belong to your office. |
Si vous constatez qu’un joueur est manquant ou que vous devez ajouter un joueur qui n’est pas sur votre alignement, cliquez sur +Ajouter un Extra.
Note |
Le membre extra ajouté à votre alignement doit impérativement appartenir à votre organisation. |
Tapez les premières lettres du prénom du joueur et sélectionnez celui-ci
Indiquez sa position (sélectionnez A)
Inscrivez son numéro de chandail
Cliquez sur Sauvegarder en bas à droite
Info |
N’oubliez pas de cocher ce joueur afin qu’il soit ajouté à votre alignement. |
Pour modifier le numéro de chandail d’un membre, cliquez sur le crayon à droite de son nom
Une fenêtre s’affichera où vous pourrez modifier le numéro de chandail et cliquez sur Mise à jour.
organization. |
Type the first letters of the player's first name and select it
Indicate the position
Enter the jersey number
Click on Save at bottom right
Info |
Don't forget to |
check this player to add him to your line-up. |
To change a member's jersey number, click on the pencil to the right of the member's name.
A window will appear where you can change the jersey number and click Update.
Signature of line-up(Approval)
Once you have selected all the players and coaches who will be in the line-up for your game, click on Sign up at the bottom of the page to your left.
Select the coach who signs and approves the alignment
Sign with your mouse or finger in the space under the trainer's coach name
Click on Save at bottom right
Then click Save on the game line-up page to save your line-upand up and approval.
Print line-upSheet