Fine Management

In the Tasks menu, you will find Fine Management. This option allows you to set a fine for an organization.



Fine Management Dashboard

From the home page, the list contains all the fines that have been issued. You can search by entering full or partial information or by using the drop-down and searching by status. You can also sort using the directional arrows in each column.

  • Creation date: The date the fine was set.

  • Fine Against: The organization the fine is applied to.

  • Fine Type: Enter a brief description of the fine.

  • Amount: The amount of the fine.

  • Status: A status of the fine

    • Awaiting payment

    • Cancelled

    • Draft

    • Paid

You can click on Sent or Received from the display boxes to filter by fines you have issued or those that have been applied to you.


Setting Fines

  • To create a new fine, click on +Add.

  • Use the drop-down to select the organization that the fine is against

  • Select the fine type

  • Describe the fine

  • Enter the amount of the fine

  • If required, click on Add document

  • Click Next


Then select one of the following two options:

  • Submit Fine

    • The fine will be submitted to the organization, and you can no longer modify it.

  • Keep as Draft

    • You can modify the fine, but the organization will not see it. You can submit the fine later.


A window will appear to indicate that the fine has been successfully created.


Updating Fines

  • To update a fine, click the line so the side panel opens

  • The Action button lets you select Submit to send the fine to the organization or Cancel if the fine has been entered in error

  • You can also submit the fine simply by clicking the green Submit button

  • If the status of your fine is draft, you can modify the information using the blue pencil


Once you have submitted a fine, a message will appear advising you that modifying it will no longer be possible. Click on Submit.


Receiving a fine

When a fine is imposed on an organization, the organization will receive an email if the notification Organisation Fine Awaiting Payment is activated.

In addition, the Fine menu on the left in Spordle ID will be red with an exclamation mark. Simply click on the Fine menu to access it.


The issued fine will be displayed with the status Awaiting payment. You can click on the line of the fine to open the side panel and see more details.

Note: If you have a Paysafe account, you will be able to create an invoice. See documentation: Invoicing. If you don't have a Paysafe account, you can set the fine as paid.



Once the issuing organization has received and indicated payment, the fine status will change to Paid, and the payment information will be shown in the side panel.


Receipt of fine payment

When an organization pays a fine, click on the fine line to open the side panel, click the Action button and select Set as paid, or click on the blue Set as paid button.

If you wish to cancel the fine, click on the Action button and then on Cancel.


Complete payment information :

  • Payment method

  • Payment date

  • Note if necessary

Click on Submit


The fine status will change to Paid, and the payment information will be shown in the side panel.