Junior Cardings
This page was a temporary solution to be used while the rostering module was still under development in June 2021. Please do not use this page and instead look at our team pages by clicking here.
Carding is the process through which clubs at the Junior, Senior & Elite AAA levels “protect” the playing rights of specific eligible players for an upcoming season, thereby committing them to the club in question – only a Release of the player, or a Transfer of the player’s rights, makes the eligible again to play for another club at that same level
As per Hockey Canada By-laws, this capability must be available for use on June 1st of every year, which is recognized as the official rollover date between any two hockey seasons
Hockey Canada limits clubs to a maximum of 45 Cards available for use in any given season, which is the default setting the solution will put forward at setup (Members are able to adjust this number downward, as necessary)
Levels of Hockey That Use June 1st Carding:
CHL (Major Junior)
CJHL (Jr. A / Tier II)
Jr. B & Jr C. (if applicable)
Elite AAA (U15; U16; U17; U18)
CSSHL (U15; U16; U17; U18)
Senior AAA / Allan Cup Hockey
Solution Concept & Configuration
Hockey Canada will set up a new registration category for all eligible categories
(e.g. Major Junior; Jr A; Jr. B; Jr. C; Sr. AAA / Allan Cup; U18 AAA)Each category will be set with a maximum limit of registered players – or “Cards” – that can be used by each club
One-off Carding “registration package” (w/ zero-dollar fee) will be available in HCR 3.0 on June 1st; registrars will manually assign this registration package to players they intend to protect for the upcoming 2021-22 season
Between June 1st – July 1st 2021, whenever a player is registered by the association using this one-off Carding registration package, it will count as a “used Card” and counted against the limit of allowable registrations.
Player Movement & Rostering
To Release a player, the association will need to manually cancel the registration in the system; however, the player still counts against the total number of registered players / “Cards” a club is permitted to use during the 2021-22 season
Transfer functionality will be available June 1st; if clubs need to trade / transfer player rights with each other, they’ll be able to do so by using the as-built capability to change primary club assignment of the player profiles in HCR 3.0
Rostering will be available as of July 1st; clubs could then fully roster any registered players at this time
For 2022-23 season & beyond, the Rostering function will become the primary tool for June 1st Carding once again (similar to HCR 2.0)
Applicable Scenarios
There are two (2) unique scenarios where Carding is done in the HCR 3.0 platform – we’ll walk through both.
The scenarios are as follows:
Staff member at a League Office is responsible for managing all rosters of teams/clubs in said League
Teams/clubs have their own employee/registrar/club rep who is responsible for managing their own roster
In both cases, the intent remains the same – either a League Office staffer or a Club rep will be assigning a one-off, “manual registration” package to the players that the Club intends to “Card”
As well, the solution we’ve put forward will be pre-configured for launch – Clubs and/or Leagues will not be required to create these manual registration packages themselves, but will instead find their applicable one-off package for the 2021-22 season available to use immediately on June 1st
Carding Solution in Use
The platform will automatically process how many Cards an organization has remaining after each participant has been “carded” – there will be a real-time count displayed in the Registration Fees section of the platform
This solution will be in effect as of June 1st, 2021 (HCR 3.0 National Launch), and will remain the solution to use until Rostering is available from July 1st onward
As of July 1st, all Carded players of any given club will be converted into an initial Roster for that team’s 2021-22 season; moving forward, the Rostering module will resume its role as the June 1st Carding hub (beginning in advance of 2022-23)
Steps to card a player
Search for participant in the participant search
Go to participant’s profile
Go to registration tab
Click on the “+Add” button
Complete registration
Player has been “carded” even if status is “pending”
Confirm player to put on roster
Steps to release a player
Use the search to find a participant
Go to the participant’s profile
Go to the registration tab
Click on the row for the registration you want to cancel
Use the “Action” in the top right of the side panel to cancel registration
*A card will still be used for this player
Steps to transfer a player
*The incoming organization must initiate the transfer request
Use the search to find a participant
Use the option “Include members of all organizations”
Click on row of participant
Use the 'Action” button in the top right of the side panel
Sect “Request transfer”
Fill out requested information
Steps to accept/reject a transfer
Go to the “Task” section located on the left in the toolbar
Click on the row of the transfer you which to accept
Click on the “Action” button located in the top right of the side panel
Approve transfer / Refuse transfer
Recorded Webinars relating to Carding
May 20, 2021
https://zoom.us/rec/share/BmawKKiaYAh21ISd54mXYg475Svwaa9iPUwzlcFlwOEvUgtMlLG0xR7ql4jnE7di.bzZi7Of8-pOiztlj (Code secret: F1RkHx*W)