Legal and Forms - Questionnaires
For organizations that use Online registration only.
Adding a questionnaire is an optional feature, used to gather specific information from the registrant.
To Add a Questionnaire: click on Questionnaires from the list of options under the Legal and Forms section, then click Add. Once you have added the sections and questions, click Create.
Questionnaires can be created (if needed) with multiple selections and questions.
Questions can be set up for short answers, simple selection, multiple sections, date, time, or number selection.
Questions can be set as required (optional)
To Edit Questionnaire: click on the questionnaire, make your modifications, and click Save.
Here are visual examples of what each questionnaire looks like:
Short Answer
The short answer format gives the participant a chance to type in their answer.
Long Answer
The long answer format gives the participant a chance to type in their answer in a longer format compared to the short answer.
The checkbox answer format gives the participant a chance to make multiple selections with a checkbox.
Radio Button
The radio answer format gives the participant a chance to make a selection with a the circles.
Simple Selection
The simple selection answer format gives the participant a chance to select their answer from the dropdown.
Multiple Selection
The multiple selection answer format gives the participant a chance to make multiple selections with a dropdown.
The date answer format gives the participant a chance to choose a date within the dates set by the organization. In this example, the participant has to give a date between June 8, 2021 and June 30, 2021.
The time answer format gives the participant a chance to choose a time within the times set by the organization. In this example, the participant must choose a time between 2am and 10pm.
The number answer format gives the participant a chance to choose a number within the numbers set by the organization. In this example, the participant must choose a number between 1 and 10.
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