Changing a registration fee or other item
You may now change a registration fee or other item associated. We also have added the feature where you can send an electronic invoice to the parent so they can pay via credit card if there is a difference in cost.
There are 3 small variations of the exchange process and all are related to the cost of the new registration fee or item versus the cost of the original registration fee or item. In each option, we create a credit for the value of the original registration fee or item and then apply this credit to the new purchase.
Very important note, the system will also detect if the payment is made or not on the original item and will not provide a usable credit if the parent did not pay.
If you wish to cancel an other item completely or remove from the members profile, you need first to create another item called CANCELLED ITEM for 0$ and exchange your current wrong item for the 0$ item
Option 1: Both exchange items are the same cost
Option 2: New exchange item is more expensive : The parent will be invoiced the difference.
Option 3: New exchange item is less expensive : The credit is created but not refunded at this time to the parent, it will stay on the file.
If there are future installments scheduled for the registration fee, they must be cancelled before you start the exchange process.
In this example, we will be exchanging a registration fee for JOHNNY TEST in the Spordle MHA
Left menu, choose member
Choose the registration tab in the member profile
Choose the line item you wish to exchange (registration must be either pending or confirmed)
In the side panel, under actions, choose Exchange Items
You will see this warning next, please note once you start this process, you cannot cancel it or close the window.
Once you click next, you will be asked to confirm which registration you want to exchange
Choose member type player
Choose the new registration package (the ones already registered to will be noted)
Click next
On the next page, you will be asked to select the payment method
Very important : to send an electronic invoice with payment link, you must choose Credit Card, the external payment choice is meant to be for a manual point of sale terminal
Choosing any of the manual payments options will not send an electronic invoice with payment link but will send an invoice to the parent
If you choose credit card, you will be prompted to select your merchant account. 97% of MHA’s only have 1 account so you will only see 1 choice
Next, you will be asked to answer the questionnaires that you have created. * You may choose to not answer as it is not mandatory
Next, you will be asked to sign the waivers. * You may choose skip all the waivers
Next you will be asked to choose an installment schedule if one is linked to this registration fee
Next, you will have to choose which member receives the invoice. If the parent does not have a Spordle My Account, you can choose here to create a new one
The last step is to confirm the invoice before it is sent
Congratulations, you have exchanged a registration fee and sent an electronic invoice to the parent
You can now see this registration in the members profile and the cancelled registration fee
Under the transaction tab, you can see the credit created and the new transaction for the new registration
Once the parent pays the invoice, the status is pushed back to HCR
In this example, we will be exchanging an other item for JOHNNY TEST in the Spordle MHA
The process is slightly different if the other item was purchased separately or if it is part of a registration fee.
Option 1: Item is purchased separately from a registration fee
You must be under the transaction tab of the member profile
Choose the line item you wish to exchange
In the side panel, choose exchange items
You will receive the same warning as the exchange a registration fee
You will be asked to confirm the item to exchange
Select the new other item from the drop down list
On the next page, you will be asked to select the payment method
Very important : to send an electronic invoice with payment link, you must choose Credit Card, the external payment choice is meant to be for a manual point of sale terminal
Choosing any of the manual payments options will not send an electronic invoice with payment link but will send an invoice to the parent
If you choose credit card, you will be prompted to select your merchant account. 97% of MHA’s only have 1 account so you will only see 1 choice
Next, you will have to choose which member receives the invoice. If the parent does not have a Spordle My Account, you can choose here to create a new one
You will be asked to confirm the change
Congratulations, you have exchanged an other item
You will now see this updated information under the transaction tab
Option 2: Item is purchased at the same time as a registration fee
The only difference is how you start the exchange process
Choose the registration tab in the member profile
Choose the line item you wish to exchange (the registration in which the other item was purchased)
In the side panel, choose exchange item
You will now be prompted to choose either the registration fee or the other item that you wish to exchange
Choose the other item and click next, the rest of the process is identical to option 1 of the other item exchange