April 22, 2022

New Features

New Navigation

We are rolling out part of the new navigation that we have put in place. This will be rolled out by region and by roles. Then the new navigation is enable in your region/role, you will see a popup ‘Try our new navigation’. Please note: you can move back and forth between the old and new navigation at any time.


Batch Registration Confirmation

You can now confirm registration in batch for the online registration module. You can select one or multiple registration and from the action menu , confirm them in batch.


New Manual Registration Form

In order to support manual registration (registration outside the HCR) we now have an option to print a manual registration form that will include all the mandatory fields. This will ensure that MHA’s will collect all an the mandatory information that needs to be captured when they enter the data inside HCR.


Manual Registration and Waivers Tracking

As part of the standardization process, we have put in place a new way for MHA (that are not using the HCR for registration), to capture the mandatory fields and waivers. This will capture the minimum data for a registration and save it in HCR, allowing MHA’s and branch’s to report on it.

From the registration tab, click on ‘Add’, select ‘Manual registration’ in the registration field box. The system will now ask you if you have the signed waiver already or if you want to send an email to the parent to capture the electronic signature.


Missing Documents and Notification

We now have a flag on the members profile for missing documentation, and a new search option that will allow you to search all the participant that are requiring documents. From the member search, select the flag option for ‘Missing documents’.

The system will search all the member profiles missing at least one document. This is based on the document setting of the organization. A red border is now added around the document section if there is one or more documents missing.

We have also added a notification - an email will be sent to the registrar when a new document is uploaded from the My Account.

For MHA not using the upload document option, we have added a Validate document button that allow you to mark the profile as having the proper documents. This can be used if you store or validate the documents outside HCR.

Finally as you create or confirm an address or a profile, you will have a flag that will allow you to confirm that the documents were validated even if they are not uploaded.


Confirm Address in Batch

We now have a way to allow you to confirm address in batch. From the member search, you can select one or multiple profiles and from the action menu you will be able to confirm the address.



Incomplete Profile Flag Management

We now have new flags to identify the missing required fields in a profile.

Those fields are mandatory at the profile creation steps but not when you edit a profile. You still have access to do changes even if you don’t have the data for those new fields.


Roll Over Fees

You can now rollover fees from past seasons. You need to set yourself in the season where the new fees needs to be imported. From the Catalog / Registration Fee, click on ‘Add’, then click ‘Rollover’.



3rd Party

For MHA using 3rd party like Teamsnap and Ramp, you will now be able to keep track of the signed waivers and the registration date from the waiver section.


Updates and Improvements

Official Supervision

On the first page ("Global Info") can we please have a field with radio buttons - 3 options: Referee, Linesperson, 2-Official System.

On the third page ("Select the levels") we removed the mandatory aspect from the scoring, so that supervisors can skip this section and come back to it later.


Management of Critical Waivers

Each organization can now define one or multiple waivers as critical. To set a waiver as critical, go to the catalog/Legal and Forms/Waivers - open the waiver. In the waiver management section, select 'Critical'.

A critical waiver needs to be signed in order for the player to be added to a roster.


Member Profile Changes

Birth country will now default to Canada when a profile is created. This is true when creating a profile manually within HCR view or when creating it during an online registration.

As you pick Indigenous status, either from HCR or My Account, the ethnicity will be set to indigenous automatically.

As a registrar you can now edit the profile and save even if you don’t have all the values for the mandatory fields.


Waiver Tab on the Member Profile

The waiver tab in the member profile has been redesigned in order to make it standard no matter what is the registration method used by the organization.

We now display all waivers and show the status - signed, declined or not signed.

We have also added filters so users can filter per season or per critical waivers.

Coach Qualification Expiry Date

On the qualification detail, the field "expiration date" is change to "renewal/expiry date" for every single qualification.


Organization and Settings Merged Together

We have moved some selections that were formally in the Setting menu to the Organization menu. Regional settings and Document management will not be managed inside Organization menu.


What's Coming Soon?

New Report Engine

Next week we will be releasing a fully functional report module with a brand new dashboard. The engine will allow you to customize the reports and save a version for your own needs.


Deficiencies Tracking in My Account

We will be releasing next week a new set of notifications in My Account to enable parent self service to update the profile. This will enable parent to complete player profiles including missing demographic fields, missing documents and missing waivers. This will include notification and emails when something is missing in the account.


Coach Qualification

We will be updating the data on coach qualification and cleaning up the data.