October 13, 2022

New Features

Travel permit

The Travel permit module has been launched and is now accessible to all branches.

By default, all branch super users now have access to the travel permit module. Two new additional roles are now available: Travel permit creation and travel permit approbation. Those roles can be added to anyone that needs to add or approve a travel permit inside HCR.

One setting is available for enabling the travel permit in my account. Under Settings - Organizations - Travel permit, you can now enable the management of travel permits inside my account. This is not enabled by default for any of the branches.

All travel permits created by this user will be visible in My Account.

When you enable that, all members that are added to a team as any position in the team’s official section will now have access to create or view and print a travel permit.


Inside HCR, travel permits can be managed in the Task list menu. This will display the list of all travel permits from all sub-organization. You also have access to create a new travel permit from the task list.


4 statuses are available as of right now:

  • Pending: everyone can modify and edit; the pdf version of the travel permit can’t be printed;

  • Submitted: travel permit can be modified by HCR user; pdf version can’t be printed;

  • Approved: travel permit is approved, all fields are locked, and the pdf version can be printed;

  • Declined: travel permit is declined, all fields are locked, pdf version can’t be printed.

By default, the travel permit is set with a basic workflow where if you have the approval permission on the travel permit, you can approve or decline. In that basic workflow, only one approver is needed, and anyone in the organization will be able to approve if they have permission. We have a more advanced workflow system where you will be able to set one or multiple approvals inside your organization. This is similar to the transfer workflow we have. If you need to set this up, the first step will be for you to make sure that the approvers have all valid and active HCR users. Once you have them set up, please send us the steps that you need to set up to hcr@spordle.com so we can help you build those approval steps.


The travel permit module comes with the same notification system as the transfer. Any change or new submission of a travel permit will trigger an email to the creator and the approver(s) that are part of the workflow. The notification looks like this.


Pending certification status

We now have a way to enforce the validation of the certification when submitting a roster and flag the members that won’t have a qualification valid until the end of the season. This process will automatically flag a member with a status of Pending certification if the certification is not in the member profile or will be expired before the end of the season.

Contact our CS team if you want to set that up, and we can train you on this.

Updates and Improvements

Critical waiver rules

We have improved the rules and the process of managing critical waivers that need to be added to a member profile. The process is now as follows:

  • When a My Account owner links his account to an HCR number, the system will insert and ask the member to sign the Hockey Canada critical waivers. At this time, the system does not know if the member will be a player, a coach or an official, and in the past, we were adding waivers to the profile that were irrelevant.

  • When a player registers for a program, the system will now ask for the missing waivers. The ones that are already signed will be skipped, and the system will ask for the waiver for the organization tree the member is registering to.

  • When a coach or an official registers to a clinic, the system, will ask for the waivers that are not signed and required for the organization tree the member is registering to.

  • When a player registers to Teamsnap or Ramp, the current process stays the same, the third-party system will ask the critical waivers for the registration package selected.

  • When a player or a bench staff is added to the team, the system will now check if there is any missing critical waivers in the organization tree of the team. If there are, the system will add those waivers to the member profile and update the missing waiver flag. This is true if you add the member inside the HCR or from a third-party platform.

By doing that, we are preventing some waivers from being added to the member profile that is not relevant to the role the member will have in the current season. This will prevent a lot of cases of having waivers from a shared organization when the member will now play in that organization in the current season.

To put all the members to the proper status, scripts were run to delete some of the waivers that were not signed and were not related to any of the roles in the current season.

We have also cleaned up the merge process to make sure that all the rules defined here are also applied as you merge a member.

Skills academy rules

We have reviewed the process of the Skills Academy to prevent some issues we had in the past season. Here are the rules.

  • When users from the Skills Academy organization roster the player, they will no longer be able to ask for a permanent transfer. They were in the past, causing a major issue with reporting. Now they will only have the share option, and if the branch has the default expiry date for a share, then this will be applied automatically.

  • When a Skills Academy user roster the player on a Skill academy team first, the Skills academy will be set as the primary team. As soon as the home MHA of the player rosters them on a team, the system will ask the registrar if they want to set the home team as primary.

  • The skill academy organization is flagged with a special category. That allows us to make sure they are never part of a double carding count and that you don’t have to set anything on your side as a regular MHA to allow a player to be part of a regular team and a Skills academy team.

Note that we have done some cleanup in the database to revert the permanent share of those skills academy players from last season to replace that by a share.


In that release, we are adding the suspension display inside My Account. The member can now see his suspension list and history inside My account.

We have also completed the data migration on Suspension, so all the history from HCR 2.0 is now part of the HCR 3.0 database.

Deficiency report

The deficiency report was modified to include the registration that comes from a third-party platform. In the past, that report was only based on the registration that was done in HCR.

Registration report update

The registration report now includes:

  • Missing document fields

  • Fee type (clinic or registration)

  • Position

  • Position Group

Additional role

We have fully released the Additional role option to allow branch super users to add additional permission to a specific user. The goal is to allow customized access for users with additional permission for a component that is usually not part of the standard role.

Branch super can see our training calendar to register for training on this specific module.

Training Calendar

Check out our training calendar—new sessions are being added all the time—click here for the training calendar.

You can also request a training session—click here to request a training session.

What’s Coming Soon?

  • Reports updates

  • Affiliate participants should not be included in any team counts

  • Change team category on an existing team