Tip of the Week

Each week I will post a Tip of the Week to answer some of the top FAQ’s from tickets or that was asked during the drop in sessions.


To find the user guide for Registration Report go to Reports menu and select Registration

This report is for all branches, regional offices and local organizations, it displays the list of all registrations of a specific MHA.

Things to Remember

  • If your association has done any manual registrations or an exchange of a package, please leave the filter for online stores blank. Selecting an online store for your report, will only include registrations completed online.

  • If you are including Other Items and Registration Fees on the same report - they will be on 2 separate lines in the report.

  • If you are searching for a member that you believe should be in the report, down the report to excel - you report maybe too large to show on search.

Branch - Summary Report

This report will give you a total number of registration by division. If you need a detailed report that includes names of registrations, use the Action button and select Go to detailed report.

Filter options for the Summary Report

Using the filter options allows you to narrow your search results. By leaving a filter blank, your report will include all options in that field.

Fields marked with an * are mandatory

* Organization: You can use the drop down or the tree to select an organization. (Selecting another MHA is permission based).

* Period: By default it will be set to the current season. Use the drop down to select a different season if needed.

Online Store: Select from the drop down the online store. Please remember to leave blank, if you want to include registrations that have been completed manually, or if you have done an exchange of a package.

Registration Type: You can filter by registration fee or other items - leave blank to include both.

Gender Identity: Use drop down to filter by male, female, prefer to to say or prefer to self describe.

Date - Start & End: You can narrow your search by entering a time period, or leave it blank to search for all appeals in the selected season.

Registration Fee: This will be made available if you select the registration type - registration. You can select All, or filter by the registration fee.

Other Item: This will be made available if you select the registration type - other. You can select All, or filter by each other item.

Branch - Detailed Report

This report will give you a detailed report for registrations that include member’s information. If you need a summary report for registration number per division, use the Action button and select Go to summary report.

Filter options for the Detailed Report

Using the filter options allows you to narrow your search results. By leaving a filter blank, your report will include all options in that field.

* Organization: You can use the drop down or the tree to select an organization. (Selecting another MHA is permission based).

* Period: By default it will be set to the current season. Use the drop down to select a different season if needed.

Online Store: Select from the drop down the online store. Please remember to leave blank, if you want to include registrations that have been completed manually, or if you have done an exchange of a package.

Registration Type: You can filter by registration fee or other items - leave blank to include both.

Date - Start & End: You can narrow your search by entering a time period, or leave it blank to search for all appeals in the selected season.

Origin: Use the drop down to filter by online transactions, admin or import.

Registration Status: Use the drop down to filter by the registration status - pending, confirmed or cancelled.

Date of Birth - Start & End: You can use the birth date range to narrow your search.

Gender Identity: Use drop down to filter by male, female, prefer to to say or prefer to self describe.

Division: Use the drop down to filter by online transactions, admin or import.

Registration Fee: This will be made available if you select the registration type - registration. You can select All, or filter by the registration fee.

Other Item: This will be made available if you select the registration type - other. You can select All, or filter by each other item.


Action Button

  • Go to summary report - This will take the report from a detailed to a summary report that includes reports on the total in each division.

  • Go to detailed report - This will take the report from a summary to a detailed report that includes names of members.

  • New custom report - You can create your own custom appeals report that will allow you to choose the columns that are generated.

  • Export excel - click to export your report


Custom Reports

You can create a custom report using any combination of the default columns listed below.

To create this report, click New custom report from the Action button, or the New custom report button located at the top of the search result display.


Give the report a name, and a description (optional but is useful if you want to save the custom report and use it again later). Click the box Save Filter Values if you want to save this custom report. Next, select all, or choose from the column options, then click Save.


Registrations Report - Summary - Default Columns

  1. Item Name

  2. Division Name

  3. Registration's Class Name

  4. Team Category Name

  5. Item Type

  6. Available Place

  7. Item Sold

  8. Item Left

  9. Confirmed

  10. Cancelled

  11. Pending

  12. Waiting List

Registrations Report - Detailed - Default Columns

  1. HCR Number

  2. First Name

  3. Last Name

  4. Birthdate

  5. Gender Identity

  6. Gender Identity Description

  7. Email

  8. Missing Document

  9. Member Type Name

  10. Member Status

  11. Amount Due

  12. Amount Paid

  13. Amount Owed

  14. Affiliation Due

  15. Affiliation Paid

  16. Affiliation Owed

  17. Rebate Amount

  18. Tax Amount

  19. Fee Amount

  20. Affiliation Fee Amount

  21. Payment Method

  22. Team Name

  23. Team Sponsor

  24. Primary Organization Name

  25. Shared Organization Name

  26. Previous Team Name

  27. Previous Division Name

  28. Previous Team Sponsor

  29. Previous Class Name

  30. Previous Team Category Name

  31. Member Unit Number

  32. Member Street Number

  33. Member Street

  34. Member PO Box

  35. Member City

  36. Member Postal Code

  37. Member Province

  38. Invoice Unit Number

  39. Invoice Street Number

  40. Invoice Street

  41. Invoice PO box

  42. Invoice City

  43. Invoice Postal Code

  44. Invoice Province

  45. Parent 1 - First Name

  46. Parent 1 - Last Name

  47. Parent 1 - Email

  48. Parent 1 - Phone

  49. Parent 2 - First Name

  50. Parent 2 - Last Name

  51. Parent 2 - Email

  52. Parent 2 - Phone

  53. Confirmed By

  54. Confirmation Date

  55. Cancelled by

  56. Cancellation Date

  57. Registration Status Date

  58. Registration Status

  59. Position

  60. Position Group

  61. Fee Type

  62. Fee Name

  63. Item's Organization

  64. Registration's Member Type Name

  65. Division Name

  66. Registration's Class Name

  67. Team Category Name

  68. Registration Amount

  69. Registration Early Amount

  70. Early Amount Until

  71. Registration Late Amount

  72. Late Amount After

  73. Invoice Number

  74. Invoice Date

  75. Origin

  76. Invoice Status

  77. Organization Name

  78. Name on the Invoice

  79. Email on the Invoice

  80. Registered in another organization

Search Results

In each of the columns, you will find a sort option with a directional arrow letting you know which way the sort is going in.

The blue arrows allow you to move from left to right when viewing the columns of your report.

Click on the Show box to change the amount of lines visible in your search results.



You can export your reports by clicking on the Action button and selecting Export Excel, or from the export button located at the top of the search display results. Using the export button, you can export to CSV or Excel.

A history of your exported reports can be retrieved from the Exports menu.


When using any of the filters for your search, the system will save your most recent options. to clear your search history, either click Clear, or click on Reset filters.

There will be times that your report is too large to display on the screen. A message will appear - Your report is too heavy, click here to download the complete report. Click on it, and you can view the full report from the export.


It is important to remember, if your association has done any manual registrations or an exchange of a package, please leave the filter for online stores blank. Selecting an online store for your report, will only include registrations completed online.