Maltreatment Complaint
Note: The Maltreatment Complaints menu is permission based and is only accessible according to your roles and authorizations in HCR.
From the History tab of a member's profile, the maltreatment complaints will show all incidents added in the Tasks/Maltreatment menu and by adding it from the member’s profile.
Display of maltreatment complaints
A history of all maltreatment complaints will be shown.
#: The tracking number for the complaint
Incident Date: The date incident happened on
Submitted By: The name of the person that submitted the complaint, or listed as Anonymous
Maltreatment Grounds: The ground for the maltreatment
Race, national or ethnic origin, skin color or language spoken
Religion, faith, or beliefs
Sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression
Genetic characteristics
Outcomes: The outcomes of the complaint
Verbal or written warning
Suspension *causes a suspension
Eligibility Restrictions
Permanent ineligibility
Other discretionary sanctions
Status: The status of the complaints
To add a Maltreatment Complaint from the member's profile, click on + Add. Click here for the user guide on entering a Maltreatment Complaint.