Settings - Platform Configuration
Role management is a process that requires vigilance. By creating and assigning roles to users, you permit them to access certain sensitive information and perform actions that may have a major impact on a member's profile. This management is reserved for certain users only via roles targeted by the federation.
What is a role?
A role is a set of component permissions that are enabled to be assigned to users to set their permission in the system. There are two types of roles in the platform :
System roles: These are roles created at the top level organization and pushed down to the sublevel organization.
Regular roles: a role defined in one organization and available only to that specific organization.
A role must have a name, a description, and one or more components to allow access to the system.
The additional role in a user profile is an important concept that helps manage the different versions of the roles that you might need. A user must have a primary role but can also be assigned multiple additional roles. By doing that, the system will combine all the permissions from the primary and additional roles when the user connects and grant all the permissions based on that. This is really useful when you want to do a different version of a role.
For example, if in most organizations, you have a Clinic management role that needs to only have access in read-only to the member profile, but you have some organization that requires complete member profile access, you will define your Clinic management role with read-only on member profiles. Then, you will need to create an additional role Member profile with full access to all the permissions on the member profiles. Those two will be assigned to the user(s) that need full access, and the other will only have the clinic management role.
Any role defined can be used as an additional role.
How to create a role?
Creating roles is an important process. When a role is created, certain modules with dependencies must be activated. That's why Spordle has created basic roles and will provide the components that need to be activated to add this module to a role or create an additional role when activating new modules.
If you get insufficient permission when creating a role, you've forgotten to activate a dependent component.
To create a role, click on Platform Configuration, Role Tab in the Settings module, then click the +Add Button.
You will need to add a Title and a description. By default, the Status will be active, and the role will be set as a regular role. If you need this role to be a system role, you must modify the System Role drop-down to Yes.
Once it’s done, you can assign the component permissions to the role. The Dashboard module must be activated.
For everything related to a member, i.e. if the member profile is involved (member, transaction, team, report, clinic, etc), you need to activate the member module at least and add the READ permission to the Profile Component.
If you wish to limit the information viewed in a member profile, you must activate only the components you need.
Assign Role
Roles are assigned via the Organization module in the User tab.
Seasons of activity
Note: This function is available according to your roles and permissions. This permission may be granted by your provincial organization.
Adding an activity season allows you to set up an automation to exclude affiliation fees on registration fees for a specific activity, such as your training camps.
Add an Activity Season
To add an activity season, click on Settings, Platform, select the Activity seasons tab, then click +Add.
Complete the required fields:
Status: Indicate if the status is active or inactive
Name: Name your activity season
Description: Enter a description for your activity season
Display Order: Indicate the order in which you want to display this activity season
Exclude Affiliation Fees: Select Yes or No to indicate if affiliation fees should be excluded or added to the registration fee.
Click Add.
The activity season can then be applied to your registration fees and your online store. For more information, please refer to the Registration Fees or Create Online Store documentation.
Modify an Activity Season
Click on the activity season you want to update to open the side panel. Use the blue pencil to make changes.
Delete an activity season
To delete an activity season, click the Action button and select Delete.