April 15, 2024


Updates and Improvements

Draft profiles

We are rolling out the first part of the updates to remove the draft profiles. The draft profiles will no longer be displayed in the member search page. You will still see draft as a filter and some reports will still show the draft profiles , this will be updated in the next release. As of right now, the member list will no longer display them.

Display the answers of a questionnaire in the clinic section

In a clinic, when you are browsing the attendee list , we will now display the answers of the questionnaire in the questionnaire tab. In the past, the data was empty there and the only way to see the answers was by extracting a report.



The online registration creation was updated so the user is no longer allowed to select a disable rebates in the registration form. In the past, the drop down was showing all the rebates, including the disabled one. Now the system will show you only the one active.


It will now be possible to extend the last installment date after the end of the season if needed. This can be useful for organization doing end of seasons activity and want to collect money after the end date of the season. The process is the same as before, we have just removed the validation on the installment date.


We have fixed the report in the communication that you can download after sending an email. The list of emails and contacts used for the communication was not downloading properly. This is now fixed in this week release.


New status display in the support section

We are introducing 2 new status in the support section to help you track your request with Spordle. The 2 new status are :

  • Product development

    • A ticket will be flagged as Product development when the request needs a quick fix. This is usually a small item missing or a quick fix on an existing feature. Once the development is completed, the status will be changed to done and a notification will be sent to the user.

  • New feature

    • This will be used when it’s a brand new feature not part of the short term roadmap. The ticket will be set as new feature and once we start developing it, you will be notified. At the end of the development, an email will be sent and the ticket will be move to done.

Training Calendar

Check our training calendar. New sessions are frequently added.

Click here for the training calendar.


Training Requests

You can also request a training session.

Click here to request a training session.