This tab brings together all financial information relating to registrations, payments and credits, providing an overview of current transactions and balances. It provides detailed data for accurate financial management and optimal monitoring of transactions within the organization.
This tab displays the list of invoices generated for registrations, payments and other transactions. It allows you to view the details of each invoice.
Number of invoices :
This indicator shows the total number of invoices issued, making it easy to track the number of transactions carried out over a given period.
Invoice amounts :
This tab displays the total amount of invoices generated, providing a clear view of expected revenues or pending transactions.
Invoices by Type :
This tab lets you sort invoices by category or transaction type, such as registrations, penalties or credits.
Invoices by Status:
This tab sorts invoices according to their current status: paid, pending, partially paid, or canceled, making it easier to manage and track payments.
Invoices by Date:
This tab organizes invoices according to their creation date, allowing you to view transactions made during a specific period and identify trends over time.
This tab centralizes all information on payments received, pending or being processed, providing an overview of payment management.
Payments collected
This tab displays the total amount of payments already received and finalized, making it easy to keep track of funds collected.
Credits Used :
This tab lists the credits applied to invoices for amounts due, allowing you to see where credits have been used to reduce the balance due.
Payments Pending :
This tab shows payments that are currently being processed or are scheduled for settlement, but have not yet been finalized.
Payments Requiring Verification :
This tab groups payments that require manual verification, such as suspicious amounts, transactions to be confirmed, or potential errors.
Overdue payments :
This tab displays pending payments that are overdue, allowing you to track overdue payments and manage dunning if necessary.
Payments by Date :
This tab organizes payments according to the date on which they were made, providing a chronological view of transactions for tracking payment trends.