This tab contains all the data required to track member registration information:
You must select a start and end date to display the desired registration information.
Current season:
This tab groups registration data for the current season, providing a complete view of currently registered members.
This tab displays all registrations for the season, including member details and registration types.
New registrants :
Lists members registered this season who were not registered the previous season, allowing new registrants to be identified.
Unique Registrants :
Separate account for each registered member. Some members may have multiple registrations, but here each individual is counted only once.
Returning Registrants :
Regroups members registered this season who were also registered the previous season, making it possible to track participant loyalty.
Multiple Registrants :
Shows members who have registered more than once during the current season (for example, for several programs or events).
Non-Returning Registrants :
Lists members registered last season but not registered this season, providing an overview of those who have not renewed their registration.
Registrations by Status:
Categorizes listings according to their current status, such as "confirmed", "pending", "canceled", etc.
Registrations by gender :
Displays registrations by member gender, allowing you to track diversity within registrants.
Registrations by Member Type:
Classifies registrations according to member type, such as "player", "coach", "referee", etc.
Registrations by Date :
Organizes listings by registration date, making it easy to track peak periods and trends over time.
Registrations by Division:
Categorizes entries according to divisions or categories, such as age groups or skill levels, for a detailed view by participant segment.
Current season vs. last season :
This tab allows you to compare key statistics between the current and previous seasons, facilitating analysis of enrolment trends.
These tabs provide valuable data for evaluating and comparing enrolment trends, helping to adapt member recruitment and retention strategies.
Registrations - last season :
Displays the total number of registrations for the past season, providing a benchmark for current registrations.
These tabs provide valuable data for evaluating and comparing enrolment trends, helping to adapt member recruitment and retention strategies.
Unique Registrants - last Season:
Shows the number of distinct members registered last season, each individual being counted only once, even if they have multiple registrations.
Registration Difference - last Season :
Indicates the difference in enrolments between last season and the current season, allowing you to track the increase or decrease in enrolments.
Percentage of registrations - Last year vs. current season :
Displays the percentage change in enrollments between the previous season and the current season, for a quick view of growth or decline.
Registrations by Status - last Season:
Sorts last season's registrations by status, such as "confirmed", "pending" or "cancelled", for detailed analysis.
Registrations by Gender - last Season :
Regroups last season's registrations by gender, allowing you to see the breakdown of members by gender.
Registrations by Division - last Season :
Categorizes last season's registrations by division, providing a view of participation by age category or skill level.
Registrations by Registration Date - last Season :
Organizes last season's registrations by registration date, to analyze peak periods and seasonal trends.
last Season vs. 2 Seasons ago
Displays the total number of registrations for 2 seasons ago, providing a benchmark for current registrations.
These tabs provide valuable data for evaluating and comparing enrolment trends, helping to adapt member recruitment and retention strategies.
Single registrations - 2 seasons ago:
Shows the number of distinct members registered 2 seasons ago, with each individual counted only once, even if they have multiple registrations.
Difference in registrations - 2 seasons ago:
Indicates the difference in the number of registrations between 2 seasons ago and the last season, making it possible to track the increase or decrease in registrations.
Enrollment Percentage - 2 seasons ago vs Last Season :
Displays the percentage change in registrations between 2 seasons ago and the last season, for a quick view of growth or decline.
Registrations by Status - 2 seasons ago:
Categorizes 2 seasons ago registrations by status, such as "confirmed", "pending" or "cancelled", for detailed analysis.
Registrations by gender - 2 seasons ago:
Regroups 2 seasons ago registrations by gender, allowing you to see the breakdown of members by gender.
Registrations by Division - 2 seasons ago:
Categorizes 2 seasons ago entries by division, offering a view of participation by age category or skill level.
Listings by Entry Date - 2 seasons ago:
Organizes 2 seasons ago listings by registration date, to analyze peak periods and seasonal trends.