Assigning Settings
Each organization must create its parameters at the start of the season. To do so, click on Offices in the left-hand menu and select your organization.
Then select the Assigning tab and click on Edit Settings.
Assignment Settings
Then select the desired settings:
Allow officials to view unassigned games: If disabled, officials will not be able to view unassigned games.
Visible days: This is the number of days in advance when officials can see the games
Daily limit: This is the maximum number of games an official can be assigned to in a single day.
Assignment visibility: This is the visibility of an assigned official's name and status in assignments. You have three options:
Show Name and Status
Show Status Only
Hidden information
Show Assigner name to officials: Select if you want the assigner name to be visible to the officials.
Show Supervisor to Official: Select if you want the supervisor's name to be visible to the officials.
Remove officials when a game is rescheduled: Select if you want to remove officials if you change the date, time, surface, or status of a game.
Assignors are notified by e-mail when a game is rescheduled, even if officials have been withdrawn from the assignment.
Enforce consecutive assignments: Select if you want. Officials will be required to either accept or decline all assignments within an hour of each other.
Show officials lists from child offices: Officials lists from all the child offices will be able to be selected and shown from this office.
Allow officials to request games: If disabled, officials will be instructed to contact an assigner to be removed.
Allow officials to refuse assignments: allows officials to decline assignments or not.
Remove officials when they refuse: this allows you to remove the official from the assignment when they refuse immediately.
Disable once confirmed: by activating this option, officials cannot refuse an assignment once it has been accepted.
Reason required: allows you to require a reason when an official refuses an assignment.
Minimum hours: you can specify the number of hours an official can decline before the game starts.
Allow early claims: Officials will be authorized to enter claims early prior to the end of the game.
Travel Expenses
These options allow you to authorize an official to claim expenses. You must indicate the amounts paid to activate the fees, and your officials can request a fee claim, which you will have to accept or refuse.
After configuring the assignment parameters, click Save at the bottom of the page.
Payroll Periods and Claims
For the Payroll periods and Claims box, please refer to the Payroll Management documentation.
In this box, the list of officials who have selected your organization in their settings indicating that they are available to officiate in your office will be displayed.
However, you can add officials if they are not on your list. Click on + Add an official.
Select the participant and click Save once you've found him. He will then be added to your list of officials.
In this box, the list of scorekeepers that have selected your organization in their parameters will be displayed, indicating that they are available for marking in your organization.
You can add markers if they are not on your list. Click on + Add official.
Select the participant and click Save once you've found him. He will then be added to your scorekeepers' list.
Officials List
The system lets you create customized lists of officials. You can create a list grouping your officials according to refereeing level or separate your types of officials. There are no limits to the lists you create.
By creating lists, you can better filter your officials when assigning them.
To create a list, click on + Add a list.
Enter the name you wish to give to this list and click on Save.
Then select your list to add officials.
Click on Add.
Then, enter one member at a time by searching for their name. Once you've found the member you want, click Add to add another member.
Once you've finished adding officials to your list, click Save.
Note: the lists created will be accessible in the official search when you make your assignments.
If you wish, you can create a list of attributes that will enable you to select officials according to specific criteria when assigning them. This personal note is added to the official's profile, to which only assignors have access; referees will not have access to this information.
You can create attribute lists based on your officials' performance, skills, quality, ranking, etc..
To create attributes, click on +Add an attribute type.
Then complete the required fields:
Name of your attribute type
The type of response value and the options depending on the type of value selected
Drop-down list: indicate the desired choices in your drop-down list, and click on Add for each answer choice.
Text field: you don't have to enter anything; you'll have to add text when you add this attribute to an official.
Number: enter the minimum and maximum number that can be selected.
Click on Save
To add an attribute to an official, search the official in the participant menu and go to his official profile. Select the Official tab, and under the calendar in the Attributes box, click +Add an attribute.
Select your organization and the desired attribute from the drop-down list, and indicate the value you wish to add to this official. Then click on Save.
Note: attributes created and added to officials will be accessible in the official search when you make your assignments.
Assignment System
Assignment systems indicate how many officials are needed for a game. Each system has a set of assignment rules that the assignor, the league, or the Branch can configure.
To begin, click on the arrow to the right of the Assignment Systems box or the heading to display its contents.
All assignment systems will be displayed, showing you the number of officials required for each system.
If you click on the arrow next to the assignment system, all the rules that have been created will be displayed.
You can add a new assignment rule or modify an existing one.
Add an Assignment Rule
Once you've set up your assignment system, creating your assignment rules is essential so that your system applies to your categories.
To add an assignment rule, click the + Add assignment rule button.
Complete the required fields:
Categories: if you don't select any categories, this rule will apply to all categories.
Schedule types: select for which schedule type this rule applies. This rule will apply to all schedules if you don't select a schedule type.
Game duration, days, and before are optional.
Order: if rule criteria overlap, you can add a number to specify the order in which priorities should be set.
Activate the Stop rule inheritance if you want this assignment rule to be applied by default to organizations below yours.
Modify an Assignment Rule
To modify an assignment rule, click on the one you wish to change.
Make the changes and click Save.
Pay Structures
The pay structures display the official pay rates for each category of your games.
To view the organizations' pay structures, click the arrow to the right of the pay structures box or the banner to display its contents.
Add a Pay Structure
To add a compensation structure, click on +Add a Pay Structure.
Complete the required fields:
Name: give a name to your structure.
Remuneration: indicate the salary for each official.
Click on Save.
Add an Assignment Rule to the Pay Structure
Once you've created your compensation structures, you MUST add an assignment rule to apply to the good categories.
Click on an assignment rule to expand its contents, then click on +Add an assignment rule.
As with adding assignment rules to the assignment system, you must complete the same fields to select the categories linked to this structure. If you wish, you can complete the other fields.
Once finished, click on Save.
Game Specifications
This parameter allows you to define the level of officiating for each category.
However, if you wish to assign an official who does not have the specified level, a message will be displayed telling you that the official is ineligible as he doesn't have the required level.
To add a rule, click +Add an assignment rule and complete the required fields for the assignment system and remuneration structure.
Assigner Determination
This parameter enables rules to be processed when a game is created or updated to determine which organization will assign the game.
To create an assignment rule, click on +Add an assignment rule.
Complete the required fields:
Select the type of assignment and its value according to the type chosen.
Assigned via:
Home Team Office
Home Team Parent Office
Assigned by:
Select the organization from the drop-down list
Categories: select the categories you want to add to this rule
Schedule Type: select the type of schedule you wish to add to this rule
If required, select the other optional fields:
Game Length
Stop rule inheritance
Click on Save
Assignor Replacement Rules
If your league or organization has added assignor replacement rules, these will be displayed below this box.
Apply Assignment Rules
If, after creating your schedules, you modify assignment rules in assigned systems, pay structures, game specifications, or in the assigned determination, you must re-apply the rules to existing games.
To apply your new rules, go to the top of the Assigning tab page and click on the three small dots in the top right-hand corner.
Select Apply Assigning Rules.
Enter the start and end dates of your schedules.
You can indicate the category for which you have made changes or leave the box blank. All categories will be displayed, but the rules will only be updated for those you have changed.
All games will automatically be displayed according to your selection.
If you have multiple games, go to the bottom of the page and increase the number of games per page by clicking on Rows per page.
Select the games you want, or click Game Number to select them all. There will be no impact if you select games for which you have not modified the rules.
If you have more than one page, select the desired games or all the games on each page.
Once you have completed your selection, click on Apply at the bottom right of the page.