Update credit card


Note: if you add a new credit card, please note that the existing credit card will remain in your account and cannot be deleted.


IMPORTANT: when you change your credit card and have pending payments, you must change your card on all pending transactions.


To update a credit card in My Account, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the Payment Menu.

  • Click the Pending tab, then click on Change Card


A new window will open, click on +Add a card.


Update your credit card information and click Confirm.


You will now have two cards available in your account. Select the new card you have added and click on Confirm.

You have now successfully updated the card for the intended payment.


You will now also see 2 cards in your vault.


When a payment is declined, you will receive a notification that the payment has been declined when you log into My Account. If you wish to change your card so that the payment can be collected by your organization, please follow the steps above.

If your organization has manually registered and sent you an electronic invoice, you will receive an email requesting payment. When you log into your account, you will see a notification of a pending payment. Simply click on Pay Now to start the payment process and enter the data for the transaction.