
In your Documents section, you'll have access to all the media available on your Page.

All the documents on your Documents Page in your Premium Page will also be available in your Media Library.

Manage your Documents

Clicking on the visible toggle button in the menu gives you the option of making your menu invisible or visible to the public. If visibility is activated, the button will appear in your menu bar.

If you decide to reset the menu in the Menu section of Page Premium, the Documents menu will automatically revert to being invisible to the public.

Add a document

You can add a document to your Documents page at any time.

Spordle Page Premium only accepts files of the following types: *.png; *.jfif; *.pjpeg; *.jpeg; *.pjp; *.jpg; *.webp; *shtml; *.htm; *.text; *.txt; *.pdf; *.csv; *.dot; *.doc; *.docx; *xls; *.xlsx under 4 Mb.

Click on +Add → Document to add a new document.

You will need to fill in:

  • Upload a file* : Choose the file you wish to upload in this section (either from your media library or from your device)..

  • Visibility*: use the toggle button to select whether or not you want the public to have access to the document; by default, visibility is enabled.

  • Title* : will be visible to the public

  • Start date: When specified, the document is only displayed after the start date until the end date.

  • End date: after this date the file will no longer be visible.

  • Description: this will appear under the title of your document.

  • Add to an existing group (optional): if you have one or more existing groups, you can make your document appear under this group. If no group is selected, you can always add your document to a new group, or simply move it.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Click on Create. Your document will then appear in your Documents Page.




Editing a document

Once your new document is displayed on your page, you'll need to click on the small dots on the right to make changes.

You have 3 options :

  • Copy: copies your file to your clipboard.

  • Edit: allows you to modify your document. The same pop-up window appears as when you added the file.

  • Delete: deletes the entire document.


editing documents.png


You'll have access to the same parameters as when adding a document.

Delete a document

A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action, as deleting the file will permanently remove it from your page.

You'll have the option of deleting the file from your Media Library too, or not.

You can delete it permanently by clicking on Confirm.

This action is irreversible.

Manage your Document groups

You can also create document groups and drag documents into them. This will enable you to organize your documents.

Add a document group

Click on +Add → Document group to add a new document.

You will need to fill in:

  • Visibility*: use the toggle button to select whether or not you want the public to have access to the document; by default, visibility is enabled.

  • Title* : will be visible to the public

  • Description: this will appear under the title of your document group.

  • Add existing documents to the group (optional) if you have one or more documents already added to your Documents Page, you can add them to the group.

Click on Create. Your document group will then appear on your Documents Page.




Modifying a document group

Once your new document group is displayed on your page, you'll need to click on the small dots on the right to make changes.

You have 3 options :

  • Add a document: lets you add a document to the selected group

  • Edit: allows you to modify your document group. The same pop-up window appears as when you added the group.

  • Delete: deletes the entire document group and all included documents.

You will have access to the same parameters as when adding a document group.

Delete a document group

A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action, as deleting the group will permanently remove it from your page.

You'll have the option of deleting the file from your Media Library too, or not.

You can delete it definitively by clicking on Confirm.

This action is irreversible.