Spordle ID Navigation



Spordle ID Navigation



Change Organization

Menu on the left


Top left - Small square to the right of the Spordle logo


At the top left by clicking on the name of your organization or in the Manage menu at the top of the page


In the Manage menu at the top of the page


In the Manage menu at the top of the page


In the Manage menu at the top of the page

Online Registration

In the Manage menu at the top of the page


Tasks menu at the top of the page with submenus:

  • Movement

  • Transfer

  • Insurance

  • Maltreatment Complaints

  • Manage Requests

  • Travel Permit

  • Waiting List


Left menu at the top


  • Catalog menu at the top of the page with the sub-menus:

  • Registration fees

  • Membership Fees

  • Other items

  • Clinic Items

  • Questionnaires

  • Waivers

  • Terms & Conditions

  • Discounts

  • Installments


Report menu at the top of the page with submenus:

  • Dashboard

  • Exports

  • All available reports


Settings menu at the top of the page with submenus:

  • Platform

  • Organization

  • Categories

  • Clinics

  • Team Restrictions

  • Users

Help Center

Question mark at the top right


  • Communication

  • News

  • Notification

  • Language

Top right


Menu on the left


Menu on the left



You will find the dashboard by clicking on the 4 small squares at the top left. In this menu you can click on Show me around to see what‘s new, see your recent activities in Recently Viewed, your created and opened support requests and your notifications. It will eventually be possible to organize this page yourself in order to put the desired menus.


Left Side Menu

  • Your role and the organization that you are currently managing, will be shown in the top left hand corner.

  • Change the organization

  • Communications

  • History of your activities

  • Favorites

Top Menu

Note: Menus options are based on your permission level and your sport.

Manage: In the Manage menu you will find the following options.

  • Organizations

  • Members

  • Teams

  • Clinics

  • Online Registration


Tasks: In the Tasks menu you will find the following options.

  • Transfers

  • Movements

  • Maltreatment Complaints

  • Insurance

  • Manage Requests

  • Waitlists

  • Travel Permits


Catalog: In the Catalog menu you will find the following options.

  • Registration Fees

  • Membership Fees

  • Other Items

  • Clinic Items

  • Questionnaires

  • Waivers

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Discounts

  • Installments

Reports: In the Reports menu you will find the following options.

  • Dashboard

  • Exports

  • All Reports


Settings: In the Settings menu you will find the following options.

  • Platform

  • Categories

  • Clinics

  • Team Restrictions

  • Users


This is where Spordle will announce new changes to the platform. Governing Bodies and the branches will also have access to publish news in their sub-organization to announce things to your user groups.



In the Communications menu you can access communications with your members and organizations. For more information on the communications menu, click here.



It is in this menu that you can see your notifications and the follows up to your support requests. This is also where you can enable or disable the notifications you wish to receive by clicking on the small gear in the upper right corner.


Help Center

In the Help menu, you will find various resources to provide the necessary support. You can click on Click here to read the documentation to see the documentation for the page you are on. In the coming weeks, you will see more content attached to this bubble, including videos.

By clicking on training you will be able to see the schedule of upcoming training given by Spordle.




You can change the language by clicking here.


My Account

By clicking on the User symbol you can go to your My Account, your Support Requests, the Communication tool, or sign out.