October 15, 2024
Updates and Improvements
Invoicing module
We are adding this week a field on the invoice that allow you to set the due date of the invoice. This will be available when you create or edit an invoice and will be display to the end user when they receive the invoice.
We are also changing the description field on the invoice to allow multiple lines and formatting. This will improve the look of the invoice and allow the user to describe properly the invoice.
We are adding the general setting for the invoicing module so you can define if the platform fees goes to the customer or to the organization. You will still have access to change it for each invoices.
If you have a default fee for your team registering to a tournament, this will be automatically copied on the invoices. You will still have the option to modify the fee.
External team management
If you use the external team management, you will now see the Gender and the position in the grid. It will allow you to quickly copy and paste the lineup from an excel spreadsheet into the grid so you can easily fill out the data. This enhancement is available in Spordle ID and in My Account for the external team manager.
Tournament module
We have improved the display inside Spordle ID when you are registering a team to a tournament. You will now see the date and a link to the tournament on the card.
Also when you are registering a team to a tournament, we have added the dates in the drop down.
Training Calendar
Check our training calendar. New sessions are frequently added.
For Baseball Québec, click here to consult the calendar.
For Soccer Québec, click here to consult the calendar.
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