Customized dashboard

Customized dashboard


A customized dashboard is a centralized space displaying key information and indicators tailored to the specific needs of a user or organization. It makes it possible to quickly visualize relevant data, track the progress of objectives, and analyze statistics in real time. All the information in this dashboard comes from the Spordle ID platform.

Dashboard customization provides a concise, relevant overview, allowing users to focus on the elements that are most important to them. This feature optimizes monitoring and decision-making by facilitating access to essential information, reducing the need to scroll through multiple screens or reports.

Access to this customized dashboard is granted by an authorization added to your role in SPORDLE ID. Currently, it is visible only to associations and not to regions, leagues or tournaments.


In the following sections, you'll find details of the information available in each tab of your organization's customized dashboard.

We value your opinion! To send us your suggestions and comments, please use the form in the dashboard, top right.
