HiSports Functionalities

HiSports Staging App Documentation


This is a rough draft of the HiSports staging app documentation

Much more will be added such as Images, Cleaner explanation's, etc.





Schedule Search

  • Search for upcoming (and past) Schedules

  • Search through Schedules by filtering and/or sorting through categories

  • Categories include Name, Dates, Type, Division, Gender, Category, and Office

  • Save regular searches

Create a Schedule

Create a Schedule specifying Name, Season, Type, Office, Division, Gender, Category, and Start/End Date

Selected Schedule

  • Add Notifications for specific people for all games within the Schedules. Notifications can include Schedule Changes, Assignment Decline, Post Game Reports, Major Penalties Reports

  • Assign Overrides for rules to specific groups


  • Show Schedule details

  • Ability to edit Schedule

  • Ability to Generate, Upload, and Draft a Schedule


  • Add teams to Schedule (cannot delete teams from this page)

  • Can access each team within the Schedule and be directed to their page


  • Access or create new Drafts

  • Access or create new Games


  • Edit general settings such as Include Registrations, Allow Extras, Points System, Sportsmanship points

  • Add Roles to specific people to grant access to schedule resources


Game Search

  • Search for upcoming (and past) Games

  • Save regular searches

  • Option to show assignments for each Game (Referee, Linesmen 1, Linesman 2)

  • Option to group games by arena

  • Set each games Assigning Status (one or multiple at a time) as Active or Draft

  • Can view completed games Reports

  • Can View, Change, and Approve team lineups

  • Can View, Change, and Approve assignments

Game Lineup

  • Can View, Change, and Approve lineups for each team

  • Lineups will have requirements specified that must be met

  • Once lineup criteria are met, lineup can be signed off and approved

  • More in-depth Game Lineup functionality is found here

Officials Assignment

  • Can View, Change, and Approve assignments for each game.

  • When adding Officials to the game, you can search for Officials based off of numerous criteria

  • Each Official will have a Summary, Schedule, History, and Contact section

Create Game

  • Create a new Game and state the Schedule, Division, Gender, Category, Home/Away Teams, Venue, Start/End Time, Status, and Game Number

  • Add optional Comments to the game which will appear on the game schedule

Selected Game


  • View as well as edit the game information

  • Option to Forfeit the game, stating Forfeiting team and optional notes

  • Send League Messages that will send a notification to game officials, as well as delete these Messages

  • View history of any changes made to the Game


  • View, Add, Remove, or Edit the Officials for the game

  • View and Set the Settings for the Officials Criteria such as Officiating System, Assigning Office, Status, Min. Referee Level/Grade, Min. Linesmen Level/Grade, Pay Structure(Optional)

  • Create Officiating Messages that will be sent to the games assigners and assigned game officials, as well as delete this Messages


  • Set the Lineup for each team participating in the game

  • Lineup changes only apply to the game and do not affect the actual team roster

  • Select each player participating

  • Add extra players to the roster

  • Edit each player’s game information such as Jersey #, Position, Status, and Suspension details

  • Each team’s lineup has criteria that needs to be met

  • When criteria are met, the lineup can be approved and signed off


View the Events regarding the game and its details

Game Report

View the full game report. Option only visible when game is completed


  • Pregame Tasks must be completed prior to the game such as Setting Lineup (including bench staff) for each team, Setting Scorekeeper and Timekeeper, and setting Game Officials

  • View and edit the score and other details of the game

  • Pull or swap the current goaltender and set the time of event

  • Log a penalty and its details such as Time and Duration of infraction, Type of infraction, Who took the penalty, and Who is serving the penalty (in case of goalie or coach penalties)

  • Log a goal and its details such as Goal Time (period and time), Scorer, Assist #1 (if applicable), Assist #2 (if applicable), Goal Type (Powerplay, Shorthanded, Empty Net, Penalty Shot)

  • Ability to edit any log as well as delete them

  • Ability to edit period lengths

  • Track Shots on Net for each goaltender by each period

  • Create notes for the game

  • Scorekeeper, Timekeeper, Referee, and Linesmen must sign off on the to submit the completed game

Goalie Shots Against

A quick modal to log or update the shots on each goalie for each period



Search Venues

  • See descending list of all Venues ordered by location

  • Ability to search venues by keywords

Create Venue

Create a Venue by stating the Name, Rink Name (optional), Alias (optional – used for searching), Street Address, and City

Selected Venue

Ability to edit Venue information as well as delete Venue all together


  • Shows Venue information

  • Provides directions to the Venue via Google Maps

  • Shows Offices related to Venue

  • Ability to add an Office, select a Primary Office, and delete an Office from the Venue


  • Provides a list of Games within the Venue

  • Sort through games by Game #, Time, and Home or Away teams

  • Ability to view and edit the Game Lineup with the same functionality as here

  • Ability to view and edit the Officials for the game with the same functional as here

  • Can select a specific Game and utilize the same functionality as here



Search People

  • Search a person via name or hockey ID

  • Sort list of people by name or hockey ID

Create Person

  • Create a person by stating their first and last name, and hockey ID (optional)

  • Creating a person does not register them. Registration is done through Spordle ID

Selected Person

Ability to edit person’s name and hockey ID


  • Shows Participant Information like name and hockey ID

  • Ability to Invite a participant with a registration link via email to create new or link an existing account

  • Shows participant Contact Information and whether it’s verified or not.

  • Can specify Contact Information such as Email, Mobile, or Home phone. Options to set as Primary or Emergency contact

  • Shows the list of teams the participant is rostered on as well as their Position, Jersey #, and Status for each team

  • States the Qualifications the participant has

  • Can add Qualifications like Official Level, Referee Grade (optional), Linesperson Grade (optional), Season, Qualification Expiry Date, and Office

  • Can view Administrative Roles as well as add them by stating the Role and Expiry Date (optional)


  • Can view, add, and edit Contact information

  • Can view, add, and edit Addresses. Address information consist of Type, Address, Address 2 (optional), City, Province, Postal Code, and Set as Primary

  • Ability to update Profile Information such as Birthdate, Hometown, Height, Weight, Stick Handedness, and option to make Profile Public


  • View Teams in which the participant is rostered in

  • Ability to Update Member details for associated teams such as Positions, Jersey #, Captaincy, Affiliate, Over/Under-age, and Released.

  • Can also specify a Member as Bench Staff, where you can select their Role

  • Can delete the member from the roster.

  • View Games that the participant is playing in

  • Can sort through Games by Game #, Start Time, Home/Away Team, and Venue

  • Ability to view and edit the Game Lineup with the same functionality as here

  • Ability to view and edit the Officials for the game with the same functional as here

  • Game Conflicts will be flagged if there are any overlapping games


  • View participant Registrations as well as delete them

  • Can add a Registration will information such as Season, Division, Participant, and Office

  • View Teams in which the participant is rostered in

  • Ability to Update Member details for associated teams such as Positions, Jersey #, Captaincy, Affiliate, Over/Under-age, and Released. Can also delete the member from the roster.


  • View participant Qualifications as an Official

  • Can add as well as update Qualifications like Official Level, Referee Grade (optional), Linesperson Grade (optional), Season, Qualification Expiry Date, and Office

  • View participants Availability on a month-by-month basis

  • Participant can set Availability for a specific day, or multiple days at a time, by stating if they are or are not available during a specific timeslot

  • Availability Settings are offered to allow participants to select specific Associations they would like to be available for, as well as specific Arenas they can regularly travel to

  • View, add, edit, and delete Conflicts with specific teams

  • *Lists* - figure out what this is


  • View all Notification sources for the participant

  • Edit Notifications details such as Destination Contact, Scheduling, Assigning, Game Reports, and Major Penalties

  • View Administrative Roles for the participant

  • Add and edit Administrative Roles with details such as Role, Office, Divisions, Genders, Categories, Expiry Date, and option to Disallow Reports

  • View Accounts that the participant is linked with


Search Teams

  • Search through all Teams

  • Search through Teams by filtering and/or sorting through categories

  • Categories include Team Name, Hockey ID, Office, Division, Gender, and Category

  • Save regular searches

Create Team

Create a Team by specifying the Team Name, Hockey ID, Season, Division, Gender, Category, Office, and Adding a Logo

Selected Team

Ability to edit team information


Showcases team Logo, Hockey ID, Season, Category, and office


  • View team Roster and each players Jersey #, Positions, and Status including Bench Staff and their Roles

  • Ability Add as well as Edit participant details for the team such as Positions, Jersey #, Captaincy, Affiliate, Over/Under-age, and Released.

  • Can also specify a Member as Bench Staff, where you can select their Role

  • Can delete the member from the roster.

  • Ability to import a Roster File is CSV format


  • View Schedules that the team is participating in

  • View Games that the team is participating in

  • Can sort through Games by Game #, Start Time, Home/Away Team, and Venue

  • Ability to view and edit the Game Lineup with the same functionality as here

  • Ability to view and edit the Officials for the game with the same functional as here

  • Game Conflicts will be flagged if there are any overlapping games


  • Can set Home Ice arena and timeslot

  • Ability to set Team Roles to a participant as an Assistant with optional expiry date of the role

  • View and add Team notifications that apply to each game. Has same functionality as here


Search Leagues

  • Search and Sort Leagues by Name

  • Each League will specify its Parent Office which you can sort through as well

Create League

Create a League by stating the Name, Parent Office, and League Logo

Selected League

Ability to edit league information


  • Showcases League Name, Logo, Type, and Office

  • View and add Office Members associated with the League

  • View Schedules that the League is partaking in

  • Ability to add Schedules to the League by specifying Schedule Name, Season, Type, Office, Division, Gender, Category, and Start/End Date


  • View all Teams within the League as well as their information

  • Can sort through Teams by their information

  • Ability to add a Team to the League by specifying Team Name, Hockey ID, Season, Division, Gender, Category, Office, and Logo


  • View all Venues associated with the League

  • Can sort through Venues by Venue Name and Address


  • View all Office Settings associated with the League

  • Ability to edit Office Settings by selecting the Visibility of both Skater and Goalie Stats, Style of Sportsmanship Points, Contacts Visibility, Administrative and Team Reports, and HCR Sync Attributes

  • Can view all the Groups within the League

  • Ability to add Groups by stating the Name, Type, Divisions, Genders, and Categories

  • View and add League Roles. Has same functionality as here

  • View and add League Notifications. Has same functionality as here

  • View Rulebooks associated with the League

  • Add a Rulebook by specifying the Name, Office, Infraction (which takes in Name, Duration, Options, Stick Infraction, and Archived), Min/Max Lineup Limits per Position, and Additional Policies



Search Offices

Search and Sort Offices by Name and Type

Create Office

Create an Office by stating the Name, Type, HCR ID (optional), Parent Office, and Office Logo

Selected Office

Ability to edit Office information


  • View Office Name, Logo, HCR ID (if applicable), Type, Parent Office (if applicable)

  • View Offices under the Selected Office. An Office can have zero to many Offices associated with it

  • Ability to add an Office by specifying the Name, Type, HCR ID (optional), Parent Office, and Logo

  • View Leagues that the Office is associated in

  • Can add a League by specifying the Name, Parent Office, and Logo

  • An Office that is a League will not show the option to view or add associated Leagues


  • View all the Teams associated within the Office

  • Sort through Teams by Name, Division, Gender, Category, Hockey ID, and Office

  • Can add a Team by specifying the Team Name, Hockey ID, Season, Division, Gender, Category, Office, and Team Logo


  • View all the Venues associated within the Office

  • Sort through Venues by Name and Address


  • View all the Schedules associated within the Office

  • Sort through Schedules by Name, Dates, Type, Division, Gender, Category, and Office

  • Ability to add a Schedule by specifying Name, Season, Type, Office, Division, Gender, Category, and Start/End Date


  • View all the Registrations associated within the Office

  • Sort through Registrations by Season, Participant, Office, and Division

  • Ability to add a Registration by stating the Season, Division, Participant, and Office

  • Can also import a Registration with a CSV file

  • View all the Officials associated within the Office

  • Sort through Officials by Season, Participant, Office, Level, Grades, and Expiry

  • Can add Qualifications by stating the Official Level, Referee Grade (optional), Linesperson Grade (optional), Season, Expiry, and Office

  • Can import Grades with a CSV file


Office Settings have the same functionality as League Settings found here




Search News

  • Search News by Title

  • Sort News by Title, Date, and Office

Create News

Create a News Post by stating the Title, Date, News Details, Office, and Cover Image (optional)

Selected News

  • Ability to edit News information

  • View all details about the News Post