August 11, 2022

August 11, 2022

New Features

Creating questions for registrar only

We are releasing a feature that will now allow the registrar to create questions that are only visible by the registrar. This will allow you to record information that you don’t want the parent to see or to be asked when they do the registration process. They will appear on the questionnaire tab and on the reports for registrar use.

In order to set that you have to use the Admin only flag for each of the questions.

Since only one questionnaire can be used per registration fee, you should make separate sections for administrator questions only and for your members' questions. This will prevent your members from seeing the title of a section they do not have access to.


IMPORTANT : please do not put your questions ‘Administrator only’ mandatory


You can access the member questionnaires in two ways in the Registration tab of your online store or in the member profile under the Registration tab. In both cases, a side panel will open, you select the Questionnaires tab and you can access the administrator and member questionnaires during registration


Organization grouping (zone) and League

Today we are launching a new module that will allow organizations to create zones within their organization tree where members from multiple MHA can be registered on a team. The same concept will also be in place for league creation where you can create a league that will have teams from multiple organizations. Both structures work in the same way. The main difference between the zone and the leagues is the fact that the leagues will be associated with a third party electronic game sheet system.


This feature will work at all levels (province / region / district). The registrar of the organization will be able to go to the menu Manage, Organization and the tab Zone or League to create a structure.


Simply click on Add to create a new zone or league. The system will then display pop-up windows that will allow you to create the organization and select the sub-organizations that will be part of this new structure.

Select the parent organization, enter the name, abbreviation and address of your zone or league.

Click on Next.



Select the organizations and divisions that will be in the new area or league

The last step is optional and will allow you to assign a registrar to manage that zone or league and link a payment account to the zone to process registrations, if necessary.


At the end of the process, the new structure will be created and you will be able to see the organizations that are part of it.

Since the zone or league is created by a higher parent organization, when you log in at the zone or league level, you will be able to see the organizations that are part of your structure in read-only mode. Any changes must be made by the higher parent organization.

When using the zone, you will be able to link teams to the zone and when creating teams, the system will automatically search for organizations that are part of the zone and allow you to add those players to the team roster without any transfers or sharing.

Please note that you will be able to rotate these structures from one season to another, so you will not have to do this work again next year.

In the future, features will be added to the league section to provide more options. For now, we are creating the league structure so that it can be used with an electronic game sheet.


Note: If you need help creating leagues, zones and moving teams, please create a support ticket from the help center so we can help you properly structure your zones or leagues.


Share a registration store

It is now possible to share a registration store between multiple organization. This works similar to the clinics process. In the online store, there is a share button.

It allows you to choose the organization to which you wish to open your registrations.

Once the registration is shared and open, the system will allow all players in the shared organization to register. At the end of the registration process, the player will automatically be shared into the new organization and the system will determine the expiration date of that share based on the default settings for share expiration.

This feature will be very useful for organizations that run camps or pre-camps and need to open registration to multiple organizations. This process can be done at any level.

Updates and Improvements

Clinics filter

This function for deleting the filter was not working properly and filters that were never deleted. A patch has been made to fix this function.

Insurance search

We have changed the Approved field by branch in the insurance search to add an All search option. You can now search by approved by branch, not approved by branch or all applications

Clinic attendee management

If a questionnaire was attached to a clinic, the questionnaire was not displayed in the clinic attendee management tab, we have now added the questionnaire tab so you can manage the answer of the questionnaire right from the attendee management.

Transaction type

For a credit card transaction, we now have 3 types of invoices:

  • A regular transaction where at least one payment was processed on the card

  • A prepared transaction: This is when a registrar that creates an invoice for a member and sends it to the member in My Account so they can make the payment online.

  • A pre-authorized transaction: This is a transaction that is configured not to process payment for new profiles until you have confirmed their profile.

We are adding a flag in the transaction side panel to display if this is a prepared transaction or a preauthorized transaction.

Prepared transaction will have this now:


Pre-authorized transaction

Deleting files on transfer request

We are adding the option now to be able to delete a file that was attached to a transfer request.


Note: the file can only be deleted by the user that uploaded the file.

International address management

We have improved the address entry screen to allow entering an address from an other country that don’t have provinces. The display was reformatted so we display the country selection first and then if we are in Canada or USA we ask for province. This will allow the registrar to enter international addresses.

Postal code search in the registration portal

We have improved the search engine in the registration side to make it more accurate.

Note that when an organization use a postal code in the Postal code settings in HCR, they will be the only one appearing with that postal code on the registration site. In a case where the postal code is shared in multiple MHA, each of the MHA needs to set this.

Training Calendar

Check out our training calendar—new sessions are being added all the time—click here for the training calendar.

You can also request a training session—click here to request a training session.

What’s Coming Soon?

  • Permission and role standardization

  • Duplicate profile report

  • New suspension code and update in the suspension module

  • Improvement in the transaction display