Lists teams without players and bench staff, allowing you to identify those requiring additional registrations or reconfiguration.
Classifies teams according to their current status, such as "activeapproved", "pending" or , "incomplete" or draft, for tracking their state of readiness.
This tab compares team registration data between the previous season and two seasons ago. It highlights multi-year trends, such as increases or decreases in the number of teams, changes by division and other key indicators. This two-season comparison makes it possible to track the evolution of registrations over the long term, evaluate the results of past strategies, and anticipate needs or adjustments for future seasons.
Total Teams - 2 season agos seasons ago :
This tab shows the total number of teams registered over the past 2 seasons ago, serving as a reference for analyzing the growth or decline in the number of teams this season.
Difference in number of teams between last season vs. 2 last seasons ago:
This tab displays the difference in the number of teams between the previous season and 2 season agosseasons ago, offering a quick overview of registration increases or decreases.
Team total graph - 2 season agosseasons ago:
This tab graphically displays the total number of teams registered in 2 season agosseasons ago, providing a visual understanding of registration data and facilitating comparison with the previous season.
Team division chart last season vs. 2 last seasons ago :
This tab compares the number of teams from the previous season with those from 2 years ago by division, highlighting variations within each division and helping to identify divisions with significant increases or decreases in registrations.