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In this section, you can set up clinics for all participants within Spordle ID. Clinic registrations can be for a targeted group or open to the public.

You can also duplicate a clinic from a previous season. For more information, see the documentation Duplicate a clinic from one season to another.


Please note: Auto-complete does not always enter the correct information. If you use this function, please ensure that the information entered is what you want.

Create a new clinic

To access the clinics section, you must click on Manage and then on Clinics.

Access to creation of a clinic depends on the roles and permissions assigned to you.



Click +Create Clinic in the top right corner to create a new clinic.


Note: If you have started to create a clinic without completing it, a message will appear. You will then have the choice of continuing to create the current clinic or starting a new one. However, if you choose to create a new clinic, the current course will no longer be accessible.


For a clinic to be made active, all five steps must be complete

  1. Clinic Information

  2. Session Information

  3. Communications

  4. Payment Options

  5. Review

Step 1 - Clinic Information


The clinic information section is broken down into five sections:

  • Host organization

  • Clinic info

  • External courses

  • Expiration

  • Prerequisites

  • Attendees

  • Description


Host Organization

Define the host organization that organizes the event. Depending on your role and permissions within Spordle ID, you may have several options in the drop-down list. If you are a member of a regional organization, you will see your level and all local organizations below you. If you are a local organization, you will only see your organization.

Clinic Information

  • Select season: Choose the season to which the clinic is linked.

  • Select the type of qualification:

    • Official qualification: A recognized certification.

    • Qualification or clinic offered by the host organization: A program specific to the organizer.

  • Select qualification category:
    A course can be divided into different categories, depending on the sport you manage. Each category is associated with a specific color, allowing clear identification for participants and organizers alike. These categories include referee, instructor, coach and safety.

  • Select the qualification for this course: Choose the specific qualification linked to the clinic

    After selecting the category, a drop-down menu of qualifications automatically appears, allowing you to choose the qualifications corresponding to this category.

  • Enter the name of your course:
    By default, the system suggests the name of the qualification. Once you've selected the category, the qualifications drop-down menu appears automatically, allowing you to select your qualifications for the category.

External courses

Note : The full course fee must be paid by the participant in order to access the external course content.

If you have an external course in your internship, you must select the following items:

  • External course: Select the course name

  • Pass Mark: Indicate the pass mark required for the course final exam so that participants can obtain the qualification associated with this external course.

  • Required session type: Define the parameters according to which the system will award the qualification.

    • Online - On demand: This option applies when a course only includes an external course. The system will check the passing grade and automatically award the qualification if the participant achieves the minimum grade required.

    • Online - Live: This option is used when a participant needs to take a live online training session in addition to an external course. Both sessions must take place in the same course. The instructor must indicate whether the participant has attended the course. If the participant passes the external course with a passing grade and the instructor validates attendance, the system will award the qualification to the member.

    • In person: This option is used when a participant is required to attend an on-ice session after the external course, and both sessions take place on the same course. The instructor must indicate whether the participant attended the course. If the participant passes the external course with a passing grade and the instructor confirms attendance, the system will award the qualification to the member.

Note: adding a External course to a clinic is impossible while participants are registered there. You must create a new clinic and transfer the registered participants from the old Clinic to the new one.

Please refer to the document Transfer Clinic to transfer your participants.


  • When setting up a course, you can define an expiry date for the qualifications obtained by participants. This allows you to manage the validity of qualifications and ensure that they are regularly updated. The following options are available:

    • Fixed period :

      • Allows you to set a specific duration (e.g. 1 year, 2 years) from the date the qualification was obtained.

      • Ideal for certifications requiring periodic renewal.

    • Fixed-date:

      • Associates a specific expiry date with the qualification, regardless of when it was obtained.

      • Useful for qualifications valid until a common deadline, such as the end of a season or program.

    • No expiration:

      • Indicates that the qualification has no expiry date.

      • Suitable for qualifications that are permanent or not subject to updates.



To add a prerequisite, click on + Add a group. Then, you select the prerequisites for your clinics from the drop-down list and choose whether they are All mandatory or At least one mandatory.


You can select multiple qualifications and indicate them as a prerequisite

  • At least one mandatory: This option allows you to combine several qualifications, including those considered equivalencies; your participants must have at least one of them to register.

  • All Mandatory: This option allows you to select one or more qualifications; your participants must have all of them to register.


Note: It's impossible to add prerequisites to a clinic while participants are registered in the Clinic. You must create a new clinic and transfer the registered participants from the old Clinic to the new one.

Please refer to the document Transfer Clinic to transfer your participants.


The participant's section lets you manage the members who can take part in your clinic and define various parameters such as :

  • Participant type

    • If this Clinic is open to participants who do not yet have a member type, please leave the Participant type field blank.

  • Minimum and maximum number of participants

    • If no minimum or maximum number is entered, the number of registrations for your Clinic will be unlimited.

  • Minimum and maximum age restrictions

    • If you don't specify an age, participants of any age can register for your Clinic.

  • Waiting list

    • To add a waiting list, you must enter the maximum number of participants you will accept at your Clinic.

  • Background checks

    • If you check this box, all participants must have a valid background check before registering for a clinic (Note: this only applies to members aged 18 and over).

VERY IMPORTANT - REMEMBER, if you add an attendee type, that participant must have this member type on their profile before they can register.

Note: Member types get reset every year. To get a member type added to a profile, the participant must register in that season, be rostered to a team, or complete a clinic.



In this tab, you can provide essential information about the course, such as title, description, dates, location, prerequisites and equipment required. This section is crucial to inform participants and help them understand the content and objectives of the course, so as to encourage them to register.

The Description section is optional.

Click on Next to move on to step 2 to create your Clinic.


Step 2 - Session(s) Information


The session information section is broken down into three sections:

  • Contact(s)

  • instructor(s)

  • Session(s)

Contact(s) and Instructor(s)

In these two sections, you need to add a contact person and an instructor for the clinic. To add a contact other than yourself, click on"+Add a contact". You can also add yourself as a contact by clicking on the corresponding link, as indicated by the red arrow.

Adding an instructor when creating your clinic is not mandatory. You can leave this field blank and complete it later. However, it is essential not to omit this step if you want the instructor to be able to manage participants and enter clinic notes.


If you are adding a contact or an instructor other than yourself, you must specify the database where you want to search for them. Three options are available:

  • Include members of your organization only

  • Include members of all your sub-organizations

  • Include members of all organizations

You must then complete the following fields:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Date of birth

  • Participant ID number (ID number verification will ignore other fields if this one is specified)

Click on Search to find the desired contact

After selecting your contact, the system will ask you for the following information:

  • Email (required)

  • Phone number (optional)

  • Visibility of the contact

    • Show all information

    • Hide email and phone number

    • Hide all information

  • When adding a contact, rather than an instructor, you have the option of designating as an instructor and choosing to be notified of each new registration.

  • Then click on Add


A side panel will open on the right by clicking on the contact. You can edit the contact or instructor information by clicking on the small blue pencil. You can also click on Action and Remove this contact or instructor from your Clinic.

The link to My Account is reserved exclusively for adding an instructor.

The system will then ask you to link the contact's or instructor's account. If an account has already been created, the system will show you the available accounts, and if no account is linked, you must create a new account to link the contact or the instructor to an account. Once completed, click Next.

You can also skip this step by clicking on Skip link. In this case, you can return later to the side panel to link the account and manage access.

Afterward, you can give the instructor access to your Clinic. Here are the possible accesses for an instructor:

  • No access: The instructor does not have access to the Clinic

  • Read only: The instructor will only be able to see and print the list of participants in a clinic

  • Read and Edit: The instructor will be able to see and print the list of participants in a clinic and will also be able to confirm the presence and success of the participant.

It is essential to link an account to the instructor if you want him/her to be able to manage course attendance and enter the associated grades. For more information on instructor management of courses, please consult the documentation: My Account - Management - Course.

Session (s)

In this section, you can build the session plan for our Clinic. You can add a session by clicking on one of the +Add a session buttons, as indicated by the red arrows.



Once you have clicked on +Add Session, a new window will appear to create your sessions. You must first select the language in which the Clinic is offered at the top right.

You will be presented with three options for the training clinic:

  • In-person: The Clinic is in person; you must indicate the address, date, time, and duration and add a note if desired (this option is optional).

  • Online - Live: The Clinic occurs online at a specific date and time. You must indicate the URL link, the date, the time, and the duration and add a note if desired (this option is optional).

  • Online - On Demand: The Clinic is held online and can be done by the participant at a time that is most convenient for them but before the deadline. You must indicate the URL link, the start and end date and time, and the duration, and add a note if desired (this option is optional)

Note: You must leave the URL Link box blank.

Click on Next to move on to step 3 to create your Clinic.


Step 3 - Communications


The communications section is broken down into three sections:

  • Questionnaires

  • Registration communication

  • Confirmation email


In this section, you can attach any terms and conditions, questionnaires, and waivers for your Clinic. These all should be created in the catalog section, which you can quickly view by clicking here.

The payment conditions are mandatory; the questionnaire and the waivers are optional.

Note: You can only add one term and condition, one questionnaire, and many waivers.


Registration and Email Confirmation

In the confirmation and registration email section, you can add a text confirming the member's registration for the Clinic. This message will be displayed at the end of the member's registration process and in the confirmation email.

This text is mandatory, and we have many formatting options, as indicated by the red box. It is also possible to add an attachment to the message.

Note: If you want, you can add the same registration confirmation message and confirmation email.

Note: If you want to copy and paste text, the mouse will not work; please use Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.

Click on Next to move on to step 4 to create your Clinic.


Step 4 - Payment Option(s)


The payment options section is broken down into two sections:

  • Clinic Items

  • Payment methods

Clinic item

In this section, you can add clinic items or fees related to your Clinic. Clinic items can be created ahead of time by going to the Catalog Menu and selecting Clinic Items, or you can create them during the creation of a clinic.

If there are no items for purchase for your Clinic, or your Clinic is free of charge, you can create a $0 item and make it mandatory.

Note: At least one item must be set to mandatory.


Once you have clicked the +Add button, another window will open where you can choose your options from the drop-down list. There is also a checkbox to make these items mandatory.


To create a new clinic item, click Create and add an item. You can make the item mandatory and indicate that taxes will be applied. 



Payment Methods

You can add the payment methods you wish to accept in this section. The drop-down list is connected to your merchant account, and you can check the boxes to determine which manual payment methods will be accepted.

You must select at least one payment method.

Click on Next to move on to step 5 to create your Clinic.



Step 5 - Review


The final step is to review all the information for your Clinic.



If you need to make any changes, click on the blue edit button in the upper right corner of each section.

 Once you have reviewed the clinic information, click the Create Clinic button at the bottom of the page. Your Clinic will be created as a draft, and you must make it active for members to register.







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