In 2022, Baseball Alberta initiated a partnership with Spordle to streamline data management processes and enhance efficiency throughout the organization. This strategic decision was made to address inefficiencies and fractures in data reporting caused by the split between database options. We acknowledge that some members may have reservations due to recent changes, but transitioning to Spordle ID is essential for the organization's long-term success.
Mandatory Registration
For the 2024 season, Baseball Alberta requires the registration of all members, including players, coaches, umpires, volunteers, and OFMs, into the Spordle ID system. This mandatory step is crucial for managing and approving all team rosters, including those in Baseball Alberta scheduled leagues (Community League, Provincial A, AA, and AAA/BAEL).
Getting Started
All associations are required to complete the Spordle ID User Form to request access to the system. Once the form is submitted, Baseball Alberta will provide access to Spordle ID at no cost to each Association account. Associations are encouraged to opt-in now to gain access to Spordle's extensive suite of tools, simplifying various processes.
Stay Informed
Baseball Alberta will begin to communicate information to our members regarding system updates and other important info through Spordle. We are committed to assisting associations in adopting Spordle ID smoothly and efficiently, ensuring a successful transition for the 2024 season.
For questions, support, or further assistance, please contact Liam Froment ( or Danielle Moffat (
Registration Collection Options
Option 1: Fully Utilize Spordle ID for Registrations
Open up all registration packages (players, coaches, volunteers, and OFMs) via Spordle ID.
Documentation on opening online registration can be found here.
Option 2: Third-Party Software Integration (RAMP, TeamSnap, etc.)
*This option is only being made available for flexibility for any associations that want to stay with their third party software for the 2024 season. However, you should be aware that this option will require a significant amount of work for your volunteers to import registration information into the Spordle ID system before the deadlines proposed or fines will be imposed.
Collect all mandatory Baseball Alberta fields within third-party software or externally. (See template below for fields that will be required)
Provide Baseball Alberta with fully completed CSV. file of players, coaches and OFM’s in separate files to upload into Spordle ID.
This process must be fully completed by the required deadline date and updated regularly to ensure up to date registrations.
CSV. template for required fields can be found here
Spordle is currently working on building the template into the system, but as of now there is no way to mass import registrations.
Spordle ID Requirements for All
Player / Coach Registration Deadline
All AAA associations must have all completed and confirmed registrations within Spordle ID prior to March 1st, 2024.
All AA associations must have all completed and confirmed registrations within Spordle ID prior to March 31st, 2024.
All Community League associations must have all completed and confirmed registrations within Spordle ID prior to April 11th, 2024.
For a player to be considered “registered” under Baseball Alberta, they must be added onto a team roster under Spordle ID.
This will ensure all invoicing, Baseball Canada / AABC / Baseball Alberta Board of Directors reporting, and data analysis will be completed on time.
Designated Spordle Contact (Registrar)
Each association must designate a Spordle contact (registrar). They will be the primary contact and user for their association.
All associations must fill out the Spordle ID User Form providing Baseball Alberta with their main Spordle contact and other additional users.
Once fully connected into the system, registrars will have access to add additional users within their association.
Association Registration
Associations must complete and fill out all base information on the Organization tab. This includes: Association Full Name, Abbreviation, Usual Name, Main Email Contact, Main Phone #, Primary Mailing Address and website. Documentation on how this can be done can be found here.
All mandatory staff and board members must also be registered and added under the staff tab of your Association. Mandatory fields are: President, Registrar, Umpire Coordinator and Girls/Women’s Baseball Director. All info can be found below.
Baseball Alberta has added a questionnaire labeled as the 2024 Membership Form that is required to be completed.
Once all information (Base Info, Staff / Board Members, Questionnaire) is filled out properly and finalized, you will be able to submit your association for approval for Baseball Alberta to review.
All documentation can be found here.
Staff and Board Member Information
Associations must provide Baseball Alberta with their current Staff and Board Members within Spordle ID.
They will all need to be added as members before designating them into positions.
The following positions will be mandatory: President, Registrar, Girls/Women’s Director and Umpire Coordinator. You will be able to add multiple positions on one individual.
Associations with roles beyond those listed above will be asked to fill out all their staff / board positions as well (REP Directors, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.).
All documentation and info for how to apply staff can be found here.
Teams within Baseball Alberta scheduled leagues must be entered into the system.
Team entry will be completed on a separate Google form and within Spordle ID, Baseball Alberta will manually add teams to each league they desire to play in.
Teams must be entered into the 2024 season and rostered with all players who are active for the current year.
Teams who will be entering Baseball Alberta Leagues must title the team name as follows:
ex. Fort McMurray Oil Giants Blue 13U AA or Red Deer Braves 18U BAEL
Teams will have the ability to rollover into future seasons. More info can be found in the documentation below.
All documentation with regards to adding teams can be found here.
All documentation with regards to the team profile can be found here.
Roster Management
Rosters will be 100% completed within Spordle ID.
In order for a player to be considered “registered” with Baseball Alberta they must be rostered on a team in the current year.
Players, Coaches, and OFMs must be added to team rosters before the roster deadline date.
This will be the responsibility of the designated Spordle contact and not the coaches and/or OFM’s unless otherwise delegated.
All documentation and tools with regards to rostering can be found here.
Roster and Coach Approval
All rosters in Baseball Alberta leagues will be required to request for approval.
You will have access to see what coaches will need for qualifications, background checks, etc.
Coach requirements will be checked and approved in Spordle ID.
Criminal Record Checks
Criminal record checks will be tracked within the Spordle ID system.
More information will be provided soon.
All transfers are to be tracked in the Spordle ID system.
More information will be made available soon.
Affiliates are to be added within the Spordle ID roster.
More information will be made available soon.
All Umpires will be required to register into Spordle ID under Baseball Alberta.
If an Umpire registers for a clinic, they will then be considered registered for the 2024 season.
Umpires clinics and registration will be made available on the Baseball Alberta Spordle Page.
Spordle, Baseball Canada and Baseball Alberta are currently working on a system to connect the NCCP Website to Spordle ID to sync data for all coaches and certifications.
All NUCP (umpire) clinic registrations to be hosted on Spordle.
Registration for all clinics will be made available on the Baseball Alberta Spordle Page - Clinics.
Communication Tools
Spordle ID allows for communication to all members of each organization.
Associations may still use third-party applications / software to communicate with their membership if preferred.
All info regarding how to use communication tools can be found here.
Spordle Play Requirements
Detailed Spordle Play Requirements will be communicated at a future date.
Communication Strategy
All communications to the Baseball Alberta office will be made through the designated Spordle contact for each association.
Paysafe Merchant Account
In order to collect credit card payments, you must first open a Paysafe Merchant account.
This process can be found here.
Paysafe Merchant Account Fees per transaction: 0.50$ + 3.55%
(0.20$ + 2.05% Paysafe Processing Fee + 0.30$ + 1.5% Spordle Service Fee)
Training Sessions, Resources, and Support
Baseball Alberta along with Spordle will provide training sessions, resources, and support to assist associations in adopting Spordle ID effectively.
Spordle has created documentation for all sections of the Spordle ID system. Mostly all questions about Spordle ID can be answered from here.
All Spordle training sessions will be recorded and members will have access to view the recordings.
The following dates have been decided for Spordle training:
Thurs, October 19th @ 7:30 pm MT (Overview and Registration) - COMPLETE
Thurs, October 26th @ 7:30 pm MT (Teams, Roster and Communication) - COMPLETE
Wed, November 1st @ 7:30 pm MT (Reports) - COMPLETE
Thurs, November 9th @ 7:30 pm MT (Spordle Play) - COMPLETE
New sessions will be made available in the New Year
All recordings and info from the first batch of sessions can be found here.
*You will be able to register for all sessions here.
Associations will be charged with zero fees to use Spordle ID in 2024.
Fines / Penalties
Fines and penalties for non-compliance with Spordle ID requirements will be enforced in 2024.
Spordle Page
Spordle Page will be provided to all associations to add updates, news and host registrations.
This is where all schedules, stats and standings will be hosted.
Information on how to use and update your Spordle Page will be provided soon.
You are able to find Baseball Alberta’s Spordle Page here.