FAQ- HCR Question


Registration Set Up


Q: What does Terms & Conditions mean?

A: This is the last screen you will see before you confirm your payment and this is the online stores refund policy.


Q: What is the membership fee?

A: This is the evaluation and Hockey Insurance fees. The fee comes from Hockey Canada and covers each player.


Q: What happens when I exclude the membership fee?

A: The membership fee represents the amount required from the participant for registration to its governing body for the season. By excluding the membership fee, your organization, for this specific registration, is not responsible for collecting the membership fee. This is usually used for training camps and other activities not related to registration to a hockey season.

Q: How do I set up a non-player?

A: To set-up a Non-Payer you must first set up your catalogue item in the ‘Registration Fees’ window. Under ‘Member Type’ there is a dropdown menu where you can select Non-player types. (please remember to exclude the membership fee). Once this step is completed Non-player types will be available in the manual registration window.

Q: How do I set up discounts?

 A: To add a discount, go to the ‘Catalogue’ window, under the ‘finance’ section select ‘discounts’, you will need to select a choice between ‘dollar-amount-off’ or ‘percentage’. In the same window, you will need to set up a rule for the discount to be applied to. Tip: Setting up a rule for an additional child does not overwrite the first rule.

NOTE: The Membership fee is not eligible for any type of discount. Even if the discounts on the regular fee from the MHA are greater than the total fee. The membership WILL NOT be discounted.


 Q: How do I apply discount rules to my multi-child family?

 A: When setting up your online store, In the ‘Payments’ section, under ‘Terms & Conditions, Discounts & Payments’, add the previously set-up discount that applies.

Note: Only add one discount per family. Even if you try and apply more than one discount to a family, only one discount will work.

Q: How do you apply discounts to a manual registration?

A: Applying discounts to manual registration must be done through the credit process. In the Member’s profile, under the transaction tab, click ‘add’ to apply a credit.

Tip: You must apply the credit to the transaction not just the Member’s Profile.

Q: How do I set-up Early Bird and Late Fees?

A: Note: The early fee and late fees are the amounts they are going to pay not the difference in the amount of the regular fee. E.g. If the full fee is $500 and the early bird discount is $50, you have to enter $450. (See chart below)



Amount to be entered into HCR3.0



Amount to be entered into HCR3.0

Regular Fee



Early Bird

-50 (less 50 off to the regular fee)


Late Fee

+50 (Plus $50 to the regular fee)


To set up a fee: In ‘Catalogue’, under ‘Products and Services’ then ‘Registration Fees’, Click Add, set up the ‘player’ member type, select the division, name the fee, Select the regular registration fee and early fee and/or late fee with a specified date.

To edit a fee: In the same section as above, click on the line item of the fee, a side panel will open. From there, you can use the ‘blue pencils’ to edit the Fee amount and/or the date.

Q: Do I have to create the Rowans Law waiver?

A: No. The Rowan’s law waiver will be pushed down from the branch.

Q: Do I have to create the Hockey Canada waiver?

A: No. The Hockey Canada waiver will be pushed down from Hockey Canada.

Q: Do I have to create the Member Branch waiver?

A: No. The Member Branch waiver will be pushed down from the branch.


Q: Do I have to create a waiver?

A: You have the option to create as many MHA waivers as needed, but it’s not mandatory.


Q: What can’t I apply two questionnaires to a registration fee?

A: You can add a questionnaire with multiple questions, but you can’t add multiple questionnaires.

Installments, Payments Refunds:


Q: How do I set up installments?

A: Click ‘Menu’ and navigate through ‘Catalogue’ to ‘Finances’ to ‘Installments. To apply the installment plan, go to ‘Catalogue’, ‘Products and Service’, ‘Registrations Fees’.

Note: You have to pick the number of installments they will have.

Q: I have multiple installments plans how do I give them options? 

A: You need to set up Multiple Installment plans. Click ‘Menu’ and navigate through ‘Catalogue’ to ‘Finances’ to ‘Installments. To apply the installment plan, go to Catalogue, products and service, products and services, registrations fees.

Q: How do I apply a credit to an installment?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it for future release.

Q: Why can’t I set up an installment at 0%?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it for future release.

Q: Why isn’t ‘other items’ part of installments?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it for future release.


Q: How do I apply a refund?

 A: Go the ‘Member’s Profile’, ‘Navigate’ to the ‘Transaction’ tab, click on the line item. (Tip: don’t click on the invoice that will navigate you off the page). The side panel will open, click the blue action button. There is an option for refund.

Q: How do I apply a refund by a method other than payment?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it for future release.


Q: How do I apply a refund if I haven’t accepted the full amount of payment?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it for future release.


Q: How can I refund an Initial credit?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it for future release.


Q: How can I remove discounts if a child from a multi-child family deregisters and charge the adjusted amount to the parent?

A: You will have to create an ‘other item’ and apply it to the child. Go to Catalogue, products and services, other items (e.g. name it ‘fee adjustment’). Then go to the Member’s profile, registration tab, click add to do a manual registration of an ‘other item’, select the ‘other item’.

Q: What happens when an installment payment is declined?

A: The system will try and run the credit card three times. If it was still unsuccessful, their member profile will show the word ‘Declined’.

Q: How do I recharge an installment after it is declined?

A: Click the word red word ‘Declined’ in the Members profile and it will recharge the card overnight.

Q: How do I change or cancel a credit card number?

A: Go to ‘My Account’, click on ‘payment’.

Q: How do I refund a partial installment payment?


Q: How do I change payment type from installments to full balance?


Q: I cancelled the registration why is there a balance owing?

A: Cancelling a registration is not the same as refunding the transaction or cancelling future installments. You will need to complete those steps as well.

Q: I have applied the payment to a multi-child invoice but now I want to cancel one of the children’s registration, how do I reapply the payment to the remaining children?


Q: How do I register an Overage or Underage child?

A: To register an Overage or Underage child, you must first register them in their age group and the roster them to the appropriate team. You will have to use credits, refunds or ‘other items’ to adjust the fee.
Note: The functionality is being developed to use the exchange module to handle Overage and Underage registration.

Q: (Ontario only) Why am I able to register for the wrong division?

A:  Hockey Canada’s age groups are a 2-year brackets. If you register for the wrong division, you will need to use the exchange module to adjust it.

Q: Am I able to set up age restrictions on divisions?

A: Yes. But please create a support ticket by using the ‘Bubble’ and mention ‘birth year restriction’

Q: Why can’t I cancel an optional Item?

A: You can cancel these items, but you cannot refund it. You can use a general refund and put a note in for which item the refund is for.

Online Registration:

Q: How do I adjust the dates of my online store?

A: In the ‘Online Registration’ window, click on the side panel and select the store you want to modify. In the general information section, select edit. In this window you can edit, start dates, end dates and times. Remember to click save at the end.

Q: How do I make an ‘Other Item’ mandatory?

A: In the online registration window, click in the items and fees section. Click on the item you want to make mandatory and side panel will open. You can select which ones you’d like to make mandatory for registration.

Q: Why isn’t my registration fee showing up in my store?

A: After you create your registration fee in your catalogue you need to add it to your online store. This can be found in the ‘items and fees’ section.

Q: Why isn’t my discount applying in my online store?

A: After you create your discount in your catalogue you need to add it to your online store. This can be found in the ‘Terms & Conditions, Discounts and Payments’ section.

Q: How do I add my merchant account to my online store?

A: In the online registration, go to ‘Terms & Conditions, Discounts & Payments’, go to the payment options and select your merchant account from the drop-down menu.

Q: How do I get notifications for registration?

A: In the online store set-up under the General Section, under the registrar e-mail address there is a check box that says, ‘send an e-mail with each registration’.


Q: How do I turn off notifications for registration?

A: In the online store set-up under the General Section, under the registrar e-mail address unclick the check box that says, ‘send an e-mail with each registration’.

Q: My parents can only register existing players?

A: This means your member branch has turned of the option to add new players. Please contact them for best procedure to create and HCR number for the new player.

Q: How can I bulk confirm registrations?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.

Transfers of Registration


Q: Why can’t initiate a transfer?

A: There are a few potential causes, the most common are:

  1. Outstanding Balance,

  2. Existing pending balance,

  3. Player is already shared to them,

  4. Documents attached exceed 10MBs


Q: How can I see if there is already a transfer request?

A: Go the Member’s profile and under ‘history’ all transfer for that player will be there.

Q: Why aren’t my transfers showing up?

A: You need make sure the ‘action required’ check box is not selected.



Q: How do I release a player?

A: Open the Team, Go to the ‘team roster’ tab, select the player by highlighting their line, click the action button and select release

Q: How do I edit my jersey numbers?

A: Open the Team, Go to the ‘team roster’ tab, click the ‘edit roster’ button. This will give you access to edit jersey numbers


Q: Why is it mandatory to have a position when I am rostering players?

A: If you are unsure of the player’s position, you can select ‘player’ as a position


Q: How do I move players from affiliate to active or vice versa?

A: You will have to release the player from their current roster spot and re-add them in the correct position. Please contact your branch for assistance with this.

Q: I accidently released a player how do I get them back?

A: This is a branch only tool, please contact them for assistance

Q: How can I edit the team category?

A:  Under the ‘team profile’ in the tab ‘team information’, if there are no players on the team you can edit this in the team information section.


Q: Why aren’t players and coaches showing up in the search function?

A: The most common reason for this is that the coach or player is not shared or a member of the organization.


Q: Why can’t I add players to the affiliate roster? 

A: You need to be rostered to a team as an active player before you can be rostered as an affiliate.


Q: Why can’t I add a person as a player and coach?

A: This is not permitted currently. 


Q: How do I submit my team for approval?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.


Q: How do I print my official team roster?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.


Q: How do I double card a player?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.




Q: How can I run a pre-registration report?

A: Pre-registration is now called ‘registration’ in HCR3.0.


Q: How come I can’t link my questionnaire report to registration?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.


Q: Why isn’t my manual registration showing up in my online store report?

A: The online registration option is not where all the registration will be listed. This module is only for those who register online. You can create registration fees without linking them to an actual online store. The manual registrations you created will be visible in the actual player’s profile.

Click the word registration (this box is next to the blue search button). Click search. This will provide a list of all registrations (from all your online stores and all your manual registrations).


Q: How do I run a waiver report that includes all the waivers?

A: Currently you can only run a waiver report that the MHA created. Future functionality may include a push of the other waivers.

Q: What reports are planned for HCR3.0?

A:  A few reports that are planned are below:

  • Registered Participants not on a Team

  • Deficiencies

  • Non-Returning Participants by Registration

  • Participants on Multiple Team

Q: Why are cancelled registrations showing up in my reports?

A: We need to keep a historical record of each transaction for tracking purposes. However, there is a separate column you can use to filter these from your report.


Q: Why when I cancel a registration does it not show cancelled on the questionnaire report?

A: Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we are reviewing it in the future.