Member Add


To add a new member click + Add Member.


Please note: Auto-complete does not always enter the correct information. If you use this function, please make sure that the information entered is the one you want.


Enter the name and date of birth, the system will search for all existing members.


The system will look for a member matching your search, you can click on the quick view or the link for Go to profile to confirm this is the same member. The system will also search for any matches that will include ones flagged profiles for ineligibility. If no matches are found, click on Create new member.

Note: When viewing a member through the quick view of the link for go to profile, information may be limited if the member belongs to a different organization. If a transfer is required, you can start the process by clicking on Action and request transfer. You will then have to follow the Transfer request procedure available in the Tasks menu.

A Perfect Match Found - The system will allow you to add a member but will warn you that you are creating a perfect match with an ineligible member. The member that you are creating will have the status of Permanently Ineligible that will need to be reviewed by Hockey Canada.


Enter the following General Information:

  • Email

  • Birthdate

  • Gender Identity

  • Primary Language

  • Secondary Language (optional)


Enter the following Demographic Information:

  • Birth Country

  • Citizenship

  • Identify as Indigenous

  • Race & Ethnicity


Enter the Address:

  • Address Type

  • Move in year

  • P.O. Box

  • Street Number

  • Address

  • City

  • Postal Code

  • Country

  • Province

Note: If you require to enter a P.O. box or Legal Land Survey, click Enter Address Manually


Enter the Phone Number:

  • Phone type

  • Phone number


Enter the Document(s):

If you don’t have the documents at the time of creating the profile, you can upload them at a later time.


Then click on Next.

A new window will open. You can select to add the participant as a Confirm Member or Unconfirmed Member. An option to check off that the required documents have been validated. Then click on Submit.


The system will tell you that the member has been successfully added and you will be taken to the member's profile page to complete their information.