My Account - Members



My Account - Members

When you register a member, they are automatically added to your members list in the Members menu. The organization in which you have registered the participant is also displayed.

Note: Creating a new member profile directly in My Account is impossible. To create a profile for a member that does not exist in Spordle ID, you must register or contact your local organization.

The initials of all the members linked to your account are displayed, you have to click on an initial to display the member.


Search for a member

If you have added more than nine members to your My Account, a search engine is available to help you find one of your members more easily.



Add a Member

To add an existing member to My Account, click Create Member or the + next to your members' initials.

Then, complete the required fields.

  • First name

  • Last Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Relationship (that you have with the member)

  • Then click on Link profile


The system will search for the member in the Spordle ID database and display the profiles that match your search.

Select the profile you are looking for and click the Validate button at the bottom of the page.

You can also search by participant number by clicking Search with participant number at the bottom of the page.



Add a Sports Profile

Suppose you have a member registered in multiple sports (Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, and Dragon Boat). In that case, you can add their Spordle ID member profile for all the sports profiles they participate in. Click on +Add Profile and select the correct member profile by sport.

IMPORTANT: This option allows you to use one account to register your children for Baseball, Hockey, and Soccer. You will then access your child's invoices, payments, and contact information in one place.

View Member Profile

To view the member's profile, click on View Profile.


Tabs on the Member Page


This tab displays only the member's first name, last name, age, and membership number.



A red notification appears in a member's profile when data is missing, such as documents or a background check.

Clicking on the notification will display more information.



Member Card

For sports that are using the profile photo (passport), viewing and printing it by clicking on the Member Card is possible. To print it, click on Print.



Submit an Address Change.

If you are moving, you can request a change of address by clicking on Submit an address change. A change of address email will be sent to your organization, and they will be responsible for validating your change.


Note: The member profile address will never be displayed in the member, the change will only be made in the Spordle ID platform of your organization.

Depending on the organization, proof of residency may be required when changing your address. Please consult your organization for more information.


Accounts Linked to this Member

By clicking on Accounts linked to this member, if you are the account holder, the names of the persons and the date on which the member was linked to My Account will be displayed. You will also be able to Unlink any accounts you wish.

If you are not the Account Owner and wish to have a linked account removed, please contact your organization's registrar, who will be able to remove the linked account.

You can also contact your organization to request that you become the account holder.



Events are displayed in the general tab, allowing you to see the three upcoming events for all sports profiles in your My Account.

The Events box is also displayed on the My Account dashboard.

A blue View Full Calendar link will give you access to all the events displayed in your profile.


Unlink a member

If you wish to unlink a member from your My Account, click on the three small dots to the right of the member's initial and select Unlink.


Remove member profile

If you only wish to remove a member profile and keep the member in your My Account, click on the three small dots at the top right of the sports profile you wish to remove. Then click on Remove Profile.



A Manage menu will appear in the top right-hand corner if you are a clinic instructor, coach, or official.

Suppose you are a clinic instructor and your organization has activated this function, the Clinic Management option will appear, allowing you to access the clinic according to the access granted by your organization.

If you are an official, the Game Incident Report and Official Supervision options will be displayed, depending on the official's function.

If you are a coach, the Travel Permit option will be displayed if the organization authorizes team officials to submit travel permit requests.

Please refer to the Manage menu documentation for more information on these features.



It is possible to add a contact to a member's profile. In the Contacts tab of a member, click on +Add a contact.

Fill in the required fields:

  • Contact type

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Phone Type

  • If you wish to add a phone number, click on +Add a number

  • Set as an emergency contact (optional)

  • When finished, click on Add


The contact will then be added to the tab. Please contact your organization if you wish to remove it or make changes.


Mandatory missing profile picture ( Soccer only)


Criteria for Soccer Profile Photos

  • Profile photos are mandatory for members U8 to Senior.

  • Photos are only recommended for members U4 to U7.

  • Photos are valid according to the following criteria:

    • For players U4 to U18, photos will be valid for three (3) years.

    • For players U19 and over, photos will be valid for five (5) years.

    • The photo's expiry date is May 1st of each year.

    • The validity of photos for coaches and referees is the same as for players.


Profile photo for online registration

  • When registering a new member, uploading a photo for the member's profile is mandatory. Otherwise, online registration cannot be completed.

  • If an existing player's photo is missing from his profile or has expired, the system will ask you to add the photo when registering according to the criteria for U8 to Senior players and for coaches and referees. Otherwise, online registration cannot be completed.

  • If the profile already exists and the photo has not expired, the system will not ask you for a photo.


Profile photo when registration is done manually by the club (i.e., not online)

  • If your registration is not done online and by your club, your registrar will still be able to register you, even if your profile photo is missing or expired. However, a message will be sent to you so the registered member's photo can be uploaded to My Account Spordle.

  • If the photo is not uploaded or has expired, the ARS cannot validate your registration. The player cannot be added to a scoresheet. He may be added to a team, but it will be impossible for the coach to select him. When the referee enters the match results if the player has played, the referee may enter the player on the scoresheet, but a notification will be sent to the league to advise them that an ineligible player has participated in this game.


Documents may be required to approve your profile, please ask your local organization for a complete list of what is required in your area.

If a document is required, you will be notified of a missing document, and the document type will be indicated.

The required documents can be added by clicking on Add File, select the document type, add the document, and click on Save.

Only one document can be added at a time, but the same document type can be used as many times as needed.

If a document was added in error or is no longer valid, please contact your local organization, and your registrar can remove it.


Other information about profile photos

  • If you log in to My Account Spordle without registering a member and the photo of a member linked to your account has expired or expires within the year, the system will create a To-Do task in My Account Spordle to update the photo.

  • If your organization rejects the photo, the system will create a To-Do task in My Account Spordle to upload a new picture.



Here's how we protect your documents

  1. All documents are stored in a file system in AWS (Amazon Web Service), which is entirely secure. All uploaded files belong to the account that uploaded them. Spordle employees do not have access to these files.

  2. Files can only be viewed when logged into My Account - the URL link for each file is not publicly available.

  3. Only the account member who downloaded the file can access it in My Account.

  4. With read permission, the registrar can access the file via Spordle ID.



The participant's registration history can be viewed here.



All coaching and officiating qualifications and their statuses will be displayed in this tab. When registering for a clinic, use the correct member number to add the qualification to your profile.



If waivers need to be signed, the Waivers tab will be displayed.

A history of the member's waivers is displayed, showing the season, the reference number, and the list of waivers indicating whether or not they are signed. If a waiver has not been signed, click on it to open the side panel and click on the blue pencil to sign it.





A history of the member’s teams will include the team name, season, division and member type.