Custom pages

As page managers, you'll be able to manage the personalized pages you can add to your Premium Page..

A custom page is a page that allows you to add information not already available on your Spordle Page. It could, for example, be a page introducing your board members or employees, or it could be used to disseminate information on different programs within your organization.

Create a custom page

You can add a new custom page at any time.

Click on +Add → New page to add a new page. Choose your template

When you arrive to create your page, you will find 4 templates available:

  • Article containing, in this order :

    • Title

    • Text section

    • Image

    • Text section

  • Article 2 contains, in this order :

    • Title

    • Image

    • Text section

    • Image

  • Text which contains in this order:

    • Title

    • Text section

  • Image Gallery which contains in this order :

    • Title

    • Text section

    • Images (3x5 grid, maximum 15 images)

  • Image Gallery 2 contains, in this order :

    • Title

    • Text section

    • Images (in lines, 10 images maximum)


You'll need to choose one of the templates to create your personalized page.

You can change templates at any time, as long as you haven't saved your page. As soon as you save your page, the template is final.

At present, these are the only models available. Our team is actively working to add more models.

Creating your pages

You can then fill in the sections of your chosen template as required.

Please note that it is not mandatory to fill in all the sections of the template. You can modify them or leave them blank.

The Title* is a mandatory field on the left-hand side of your screen, required to name your page. You can change the title at any time.

Add an image

To add an image to the image section, you'll need to drag your image to the designated location or click to select a file. You can upload the image directly from your media library or device. The image will be automatically displayed on your page as soon as you select it.

Add text

To start writing in a Section of text, click on Click to start writing...

You can write and edit your text as you like.

You can change the text format by clicking on Paragraph with the arrow, and choose whether you want another title, a paragraph, etc.:


You can also change the nomenclature of the text by clicking on the desired nomenclature and the 3 small dots to put the text in :

  • Bold

  • Italic

  • Underline

  • Strikethrough


You can also add links and bulleted lists as required.

Finalize your page

Once you've completed your customized page, don't forget to write a title and Save, otherwise your changes won't be saved.


Choosing a title and URL

The title* is a mandatory field on the left-hand side of the page, which is required to create a URL to your custom page.

Then you can Save.

Clicking on Save gives you 2 options :

  • Save

  • Save and publish

You don't need to publish a page if, for example, you haven't finished making changes to it, or if you'd like another user to check it, etc. You can return to it at any time by going back to your Custom Pages.

However, when you want visitors to be able to access it, you'll have to publish it and add it to your Menu afterwards.


Manage my Custom Pages

When you access your Custom Pages page, you'll see a complete list of your Premium Page's custom pages.

Find your pages

To find certain pages, you have 2 options:

  • Search: use the search bar to find a specific page

  • Order by: you can order your pages according to 2 criteria in ascending or descending order:

    • Name

    • Publication date

So you can control the order in which your pages are displayed, or go straight to them.

Page options

When you click on the three small dots at the right end of your custom page name, 5 options will be displayed:

  • View page: takes you directly to the page in your menu

  • Add to menu: adds the page directly to your menu. This option will take you directly to the Menu page.Add to menu: adds the page directly to your menu. This option will take you directly to the Menu page.

  • Published page: allows you to publish the page on your Premium Page. If your personalized page is not published, it will not be displayed even if you add it to your menu.

  • Modify: allows you to modify your personalized page and takes you directly to our page editor.

  • Delete: Delete the page from your Premium Page completely.

Add to menu

This option lets you add your personalized page directly to your menu. It will take you directly to your Menu page.

You will then need to fill in this form:

  • Custom Page Name* (will automatically be the title of your newly created page)

  • Name (in English and French)

  • Add to drop-down menu (optional if you have an added drop-down menu)

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Click on Add to add the page.

Delete a page

A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action, as deleting the page will lead to its permanent deletion.

You can delete it permanently by clicking on Confirm.

This action is irreversible.