A Media library
All the files of all your pages in your Premium Page (*.png; *.jfif; *.pjpeg; *.jpeg; *.pjp; *.jpg; *.webp; *shtml; *.htm; *.text; *.txt; *.pdf; *.csv; *.dot; *.doc; *.docx; *xls; *.xlsx) will be available in your Media Library.
Manage my media
You also have the option of filtering your media by :
All media
For all your files, you can observe:
File title
File preview
File name (the one on your device)
Tfile size (maximum 4 Mb)
File type
You'll also be able to manage your files.
Download a file
To download a file from your Media Library to your device, click on the desired file.
Once you see the preview on your screen, you'll find an arrow indicating download in the top right-hand corner of the preview.
Delete a file
Clicking on the X in the right-hand corner of the file gives you the option of deleting it.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action, as deleting the file will permanently remove it from your page.
You can delete it permanently by clicking on Delete.
This action is irreversible.