Convert a CSV file to an XLS file (EXCEL)

Convert a CSV file to an XLS file (EXCEL)

There are two ways to convert a CSV file to an Excel file (XLS)




  • Open the CSV file

  • Select column A

  • Click on the Data tab

  • Click on Convert


  • In the pop-up window that will appear, select Delimited and then click on Next.


  • In the next window, select Tab and Comma, click Next.


  • In the last window make sure that the column data format is checked at Standard and that the destination is indeed your column A.

    Click on Finish.


  • Your Excel file will be ready and your data will be displayed in individual columns.





  • Download the CSV file and save it

    Open a new Excel sheet

    Click on the Data tab

    Click on From Text File/CSV


  • Select the saved CSV file

    Click on Import


A window will appear, make sure the following information is selected:

File origin: select 65001: Unicode (UTF-8)

Delimiter: select comma

Click on Load


  • Your Excel file will be ready, your data will be displayed in individual columns and in a table format.


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