This section is a dump of all the contextual help files of PLAY.



Account Identities


Accounts are no longer restricted to a single participant, and an account may have one or more "identities" to link multiple participants. This may be useful for parents of multiple officials, or for administrators looking to keep their roles separate, without needing to juggle multiple credentials.

The identity menu in the top right corner provides a dropdown to switch to another participant and a log out button. Only one participant (and their effective permissions) are active at a time. Accounts have a primary identity that determines the default participant after logging in. The name and initials of the active participant is shown in the menu bar.


Note that account eligibility has not changed. Accounts may only be associated to participants with administrative roles, or to team officials (managers/coaches) or game officials (referees). The registration process for new accounts remains the same. Participants cannot be linked to multiple accounts except by administrators.


On the participant profile page, an administrative role or team official can use the Invite button to email an invitation that is linked to that participant. This is only available to eligible participants described above.

The link in the email is one-time use and expires 1 month after creation. If the recipient of the invitation does not yet have an account, they'll be prompted to create an account. If they already have an account, they must be logged in before they can continue to link the participant.

An invitation may not be sent for a participant that is already linked to an account.


Administrators may also manually add or remove identities through the Accounts page, which is also the only place to change an account's primary identity. This will also allow an administrator to link an additional account to a participant with multiple accounts.


Last updated

May 12th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins


Account Roles

All roles are constrained to the specified office. League roles are based on the schedule office, while assigning roles are based on the office responsible for assigning the game and administrative roles are based on either.

The Manage permission within a category typically provides full access to a category with some exceptions; in profiles it provides access to contacts, but Addresses/Notifications are explicitly required, in assigning it only provides access to assigning settings, and scoresheets Events are explicit.

Team staff and on-ice officials are implicitly granted roles through the existence of a roster member or official qualifications. The Assistant role may be used to grant a participant equivalent team permission without adding them to the roster.

Last updated

December 6th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins


Creating new users


Find or create a profile

On the


page via the left sidebar, find or create the participant.


If you can't find the participant, and creating the participant results in an error, you may need to contact HiSports as their participant already exists and is not visible to you. If the user does not have a Hockey ID, then you can proceed without as it's not a requirement.

A Hockey Canada number (Hockey ID) is recommended to be used if the new user has one. This will ensure that active participants that are also a coach or official don't need to juggle multiple profiles, and will have access to teams in future seasons.

Add an administrative role

Once you've found or created the participant, you can add

their roles

Create an account

With the participant profile created and role added, you can now send an invitation. This will send an email to the specified email address with a registration link associated to the profile.

Alternatively, if the participant has a Hockey ID, they're able to self-register once you've added their role.


Last updated

July 27th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins


Calendar Sync


Officials can subscribe to their assigned games calendar to keep their personal calendar apps in sync.

Subscribe to a Calendar

To subscribe, go to

your profile

and click on the icon in the right corner of the Upcoming Games section.


Copy the link and add it to your calendar app. If a link doesn't show, click on Subscribe to generate the link.

  • Depending on your calendar app, changes to calendar events may be delayed. HiSports has no control over how often your calendar app checks for updates. Your app may have a setting to control how often it checks for updates. Google Calendar checks about 3-4 times a day.

  • HiSports (this app) will always show the most up to date information, in case there is ever a discrepancy with what you see in your calendar. A link to the game is included in all events for quick access to confirm game time.

  • The calendar subscription shows assigned games only. Requested and declined games are not shown. Canceled games may be shown with a canceled status, depending on if your calendar shows canceled events.


Last updated

July 27th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials

Getting Started for Officials


1. Update your profile



profile page

is where you'll find your contact information, availability and upcoming games.


Make sure your contact information is verified so that you can receive notifications about game assignments and announcements from your assigners. You'll see a warning on your profile page if you haven't done this.


2. Add your availability

Your availability consists of your assigners, your arenas and your calendar.

Make sure to keep your calendar up to date, and ensure you've reviewed the list of assigners and arenas that you're available to.


Read more about availability.



3. Request a game



in the left menu will show you all the games in the arenas you've made yourself available to and are qualified for.



Read more about requesting games.



4. Your upcoming games

Your profile page will list your upcoming games that you've been assigned to. You can see all of your past games, with links to scoresheets, under the games tab.

You'll also receive a reminder email the night before with your schedule for the next day.



Last updated

January 6th



Applies to

Officials, Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners

Managing Officials


To view official details, navigate to the participant page through either the

People page

or the Assignment Panel, and select the Officiating tab.



In BC Hockey, level qualifications are updated hourly.

Qualifications are visible to assigning managers and assigners, but only editable by assigning managers by clicking on the qualification row. Officials also see their own qualifications on

their profile page



Assigning Managers can also bulk import grade changes. Navigate to

an office page

, select the People tab, and select Import Grades in the Officials section. Changes will only apply to officials listed in that section.



Assigners are able to view and modify an official's availability. This calendar is the same interface that officials use to manage their availability.


Read more about how to manage availability.



Official conflicts can be added for teams. An official will be flagged as ineligible to officiate a game if the game involves a conflicted team.


Last updated

January 6th



Applies to

Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners

Official Availability


As an official,

your availability

is determined by three factors:


  • the assigners you've selected,

  • the arenas you're willing to travel to, and

  • the time you make available in your calendar.

You can make changes to your availability by selecting "Settings" under your availability calendar.

Assigner Availability

As a new official, your list of assigners initially includes your qualification office. You can search and add associations that are using the assigning platform.

Your selection affects which games you can see and request, and also affects which assigners can see you when assigning games. It also determines the announcements from assigners that you can see and receive notifications for.

To make yourself unavailable and stop receiving announcements, remove the assigner from your availability.


Arena Availability

Your arena availability an optional feature you can use to limit your travel. If you do not select any arenas, you will be considered available to all arenas for your selected assigners.

For example, if you live in a big city, you might want to stick closer to home and only select nearby arenas so you're not traveling across the city. Your assigner will see a flag when assigning a game in an arena you're not available in to let them know you're not available at that arena.


Calendar Availability

By default, your availability is considered "unknown" to assigners. You can select dates on your calendar and mark yourself as either available or unavailable, depending on your preferences.

  1. Select the date. If you want to select multiple dates at once, select Multiple from the bottom left, then select all applicable dates

  2. Next to the calendar, click on Add Time to open the availability menu

    1. You can change "I will be available" to "I will not be available" if you won't be available for a period of time.

    2. The availability note will appear on the assignments panel for games during the specified time when an assigner selects your name.

    3. Click Add to finish your time entry

  3. You can add additional time slots in the same day by repeating the last step. You can also make yourself available all day, then become unavailable during specified periods of the day.

  4. Click Save to finish your changes


Last updated

January 10th



Applies to

Officials, Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners

Official Lists


Official lists are useful as a shortcut to a subset of your officials. You can filter the officials in the

assignment panel

using an official list, and

send announcements

to a list.


Add and update lists

  1. Navigate to the Office page and select the Assigning tab

  2. Under the Officials Lists section, click on Add List

  3. Give the list a name, then click Save. Note: This is the name of the list. You need to create the list before you can add members to it.

  4. Click on the newly created list to open it again and add members

  5. Click on Add to add a member, or (X) to remove a member.

If you have a long list of officials you'd like to upload, contact HiSports for assistance.


Last updated

August 17th, 2021



Applies to

Assigning Managers, Super Admins

Payroll Reports

The Reports section provides a number of reports that can assist with payroll operations. HiSports does not directly facilitate payments with officials.

Each report can be queried by any date range. By default, the Game Date filter in the top right corner of the report is set to Previous Month. You can click on the filter and change 'Previous' to 'Between' to access a calendar to select a specific date range.


Office Assignments

This report will query all games assigned by the given office (or any member association, if a higher office is selected).

Pay Summary

This section provides an overall summary of the total number of games officiated by each official, and amounts due. These counts are split into "Incomplete" and "Completed", which are further detailed in below sections.


Assignments List

This list will show individual assignments that were completed and accounted for in the summary section.


Incomplete Assignments

This may include games where the scoresheet was not yet completed, or the game was marked as cancelled/conflict/postponed. You may need to pay attention to this section if your policies pay out different amounts for incomplete games.

No Show List

A scorekeeper may mark an official as "no show" when removing them from the scoresheet.

Disconnected Officials

In exceptional cases, this section will list officials on a scoresheet that are not linked to a profile. This may occur when a scorekeeper's device is offline and cannot query additional officials, or if the scorekeeper was unable to find the official in the list and had to manually enter their name outside of the search.

Team Summary

This section is similar to the first Pay Summary section, based on the home team of each game. This will allow you to determine amounts owed by teams.


Official Assignments

Similar to the Office Assignments report, this will query for all games officiated by a given official.


Assignment Summary

This section lists total amounts by assigner. See description under Office Assignments


Assignment List

See description under Office Assignments


No Show List

See description under Office Assignments


Incomplete Assignments

See description under Office Assignments


Team Assignments

Similar to the Office assignments report, this will query all games by home team.


Assignment Summary

See description under Office Assignments


Assignment List

See description under Office Assignments


No Show List

See description under Office Assignments


Incomplete Assignments

See description under Office Assignments



This section will list the team's schedule and all officials assigned to the game. The download button in the top right corner can be used to save as a spreadsheet to print out for a team.


Last updated

April 19th



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners

Requesting Games

Depending on your association, you may have the ability to request games.

You may not see games for the following reasons:

  • You have not made yourself available to any assigners or have limited which arenas you're available to. You can read more about your availability




  • Your associations have disabled game requests.

  • There are no active games in the time frame that your associations make available to be requested that you are qualified for.

Finding a Game

On the left menu, select


. This will list all the games that you're assigned to and that are available to be requested. If you're also rostered to a team, you may see those games here as well.


There's an assignment status icon on the right of each game. It looks like a clipboard with a badge (circular overlay) on top.

  • A number within the badge indicates the number of unassigned positions. A single checkmark will show when all positions are assigned, and a green double checkmark if all positions are confirmed. X is shown if any positions are declined.

  • If you're assigned to a game, you'll see a person icon behind the badge. The badge will indicate your current response.

  • If the game is completed, a report button is shown instead.

You can open the assignments panel by either clicking on the status icon, or clicking on the game row to see all game details, then clicking on the Officials tab.

Using the Assignments Panel

If there are any available positions, you're able to click on the position and click the Request button. A notification will be sent to the assigner that you've requested the game. You can include a note with your request, which will be shown to the assigner.

You may be unable to request a game if you've made yourself unavailable at the time or if there's a conflict with your availability or eligibility. This will be indicated by the flags on the summary tab.

You'll receive a notification once you are assigned to the game by an assigner. A request does not limit which position you can be assign to, so if another position becomes available, an assigner can decide to assign you as needed.


Last updated

January 6th



Applies to

Officials, Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners

Responding to an Assignment


When a game is assigned, officials will receive an immediate email notification with a link to the game. You can also find your assignments on

your profile page



How to Respond

Your list of upcoming games on your profile includes games you've been assigned to but haven't responded to yet. To respond, either click on the game status icon to the right of the game row, or click on the game row and navigate the to Officials tab.

You can either accept or decline the game, and include a note for the assigner to see. Assigners may immediately receive a notification when an official has responded to an assignment.



Associations may require a reason when declining a game. There may also be a time limit to how many hours before a game you can decline a game.

When declining a game, you have the option to mark yourself as unavailable (this selection will default to your current availability). If you have any overlapping assignments that you haven't accepted yet, you can accept one of those instead.


Overlapping Games

Accepting an assignment will decline any overlapping assignments that you haven't responded to yet. You won't be able to accept an assignment if you have an overlapping assignment that you've already accepted until you first decline the other assignment.


Changing your Response

If something happens and your availability changes, you're able to change your response:

  • If you've previously accepted, there may be a time limit each association sets restricting how much notice before a game you're able to decline.

  • If you've previously declined, you can accept the game until you've been removed by an assigner. Otherwise, you'll have to request the game again.

If you're unable to make a game, make sure you change your response or contact your assigner to provide time for a replacement, otherwise a "no show" may be logged in your assignment history.


Game Messages

Once you're assigned to the game, you'll be able to send game messages for assigners and other officials.


Last updated

July 27th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials

Using the Assignments Panel

The assignments panel is designed to provide you with all the information you need about an official to be able to efficiently assign a game. Officials have a near-identical view of the panel when requesting a game, but they do not see the officials list.

You can access the assignments panel through the game list by selecting the assignment status icon, or via the Officials tab on the game details page.



Officials List

The list of officials is composed of:

  • Officials that have made themselves available to the association that is responsible for assigning the game

  • Officials that are a list member of the association that is responsible for assigning the game

By default, the list of officials will all officials, except for expired and unregistered officials. You can change the filters using the menu next to the search box, or search by an official's name, which ignores all filters.

  • Unavailable officials Include officials that are not available at this time or for this arena. By default, when unchecked, unavailable officials are hidden.

  • Ineligible officials Include officials that do not meet the level or grade requirements for the game. By default, when unchecked, ineligible officials are hidden.

  • Expired officials Include officials that have a previous qualification that expired. By default, when unchecked, expired officials are hidden.

  • Unregistered officials Include officials that haven't created an account. By default, when unchecked, unregistered officials are hidden.

  • New officials Show only officials that only have a single qualification in the current season (i.e., not a returning official with qualifications in past seasons).

  • Local officials Show only officials where their latest qualification is associated to the office responsible for assigning the game.

  • List Show only officials that are a member of the selected list (all other filters still apply). This filter will not appear if no lists have been created.

Official lists are best used for small groups of officials (crews) or to keep track of officials that have shown interest for a special event. Lists can also be used to include "outside officials" that have not qualified in your office. Officials are not shown what lists they are members of, and lists do not have any effect on what games they are able to see and request.

What's New


Latest Updates

  • The "Upcoming Assignments" official notification now reminders about unconfirmed assignments in the next 3 days.

  • A new Removed flag will be shown when an official previously declined a game and were removed. Rescheduling will reset this flag.

  • Suggestions will now highlight requests and officials already at the arena, along with any other ready officials when no official is selected. This replaces the previous filters.

  • "My Arenas" is now "Availability Settings" and officials are now able to select which assigners they're available to. Arena availability is now optional. The initial assigner availability (at time of release) is based on qualifications, arenas and lists. New officials will automatically have their qualification office added to their availability. Announcements are now based on officials assigner availability instead of qualifications.

  • The Office Assignment report now clearly summarizes totals by completed or incomplete game status, and a fees summary by team is now included at the end of the report.

  • A new Team Assignments report provides assignment details, similar to the Official Assignment report.

  • Officials can now request a game that conflicts with another game of a team that they're rostered to as a primary or affiliate player.

  • Official confirmations will now be reset only by changes to the start time, arena or game status. Officials will continue to be notified if only the teams or end time have changed, and can choose to decline if allowed as normal, but will no longer be required to confirm their assignment again.

  • HCR clinic sync frequency has been increased to every 30 minutes.

  • You can view outstanding requests from officials in a new Assignment Requests report. This report shows requests for upcoming games that have not been fully filled yet. Requests made in the last 3 days are highlighted.

  • An Expired official filter has been added in the assignment panel, and the ineligible flag now only applies to level/grade requirements. By default, expired officials are now hidden until this filter is selected.

  • A new Assigner game filter is now available to search exclusively based on the assigning office. The Office filter no longer includes the assigning office, and will now only filters based on the schedule and team offices. These filters can be combined.

  • The assigning office is now shown at the bottom of the assigning panel. This is visible to assigners and officials.

  • Official qualifications now sync from HCR clinics every morning.

  • Notifications are now immediately sent only when an official declines a game. Requests and confirmations are sent in a digest email every 6 hours, or immediately if the game is within 48 hours.

  • A new "Show assignments" option allows assigners to see assignments within the games list. Only assignments for games with assigning access are shown.

  • New schedule assigner role.

  • Assigners now have access to the schedules and offices pages.

  • The schedule tab in the assignment panel can now show multiple days.

  • Messages are now shown in the assigning panel for better visibility and access via game lists.

  • Declining assignments can be disabled entirely to direct officials to contact assigners.

  • Assignment notifications are enabled by default for assigners now. Contact an admin to disable.

  • Team information is now shown in the assignment panel, and some "chips" can be clicked on to show more information.

  • Announcements can now be sent to official lists which enables you to send an announcement to a subset of your officials.

  • Draft status hides assignments from officials and does not send notifications until the status is changed to Active. Status can be changed for multiple games at once to either Active or Draft via the main Games page.

  • A new Assignments Game List report lists all games assigned by an office and the assigned officials, with a configurable date range.

  • The Officials List report has been updated to highlight qualification validity

  • Announcements no longer notify officials only related by arena availability, but announcements still appear to these officials. Officials qualified within the association are still notified.

2020-21 Updates


    is now the URL for all functionality. is no longer in use and will automatically redirect. We recommend updating any existing links on your own websites or documentation.


  • The assigning status shortcut on the games list has been updated to be consistent with a new lineup status shortcut. The number of unassigned positions is now shown as a badge (circular overlay), and a single/double checkmark is still shown (now as a badge) when all positions are assigned/confirmed.

  • A new filter has been added to show only officials that are newly qualified (i.e., no qualifications in other seasons).

  • Official lists can be used to filter the automatic list of officials to the list of officials in the list, and include additional officials that are not otherwise included.

  • Scorekeepers can now remove an official from the scoresheet as "no show". A list of no show officials are included in the existing assignment reports.

  • Assignment history tab now includes an assignment count breakdown by day/week/month/season.

  • Unavailable status. Officials can mark themselves as unavailable in their calendar with a note, and declining an assignment also provides an option to mark themselves as unavailable.

  • Personal iCal calendar subscriptions to display official assignments in their own calendar. This is only visible to officials.

  • Help articles are now integrated in the admin app.

  • Sidebar design update to improve navigation visibility to your profile, availability and this help section.

  • A new Local Officials filter has been added to the Assignments Panel, to allow associations to prioritize officials that qualified in their association.

  • A new Travel flag has been added to warn if an official is assigned to another arena within an hour of the game. Assigners should review the Schedule tab to determine if arena distance is reasonable to travel.


    Officiating Announcements

    have been added to the profile page.


To contribute feedback, please contact your designated support contact.


Last updated

January 10th



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners


Assigning Settings

Assigning Rules


Assigning rules automatically determine the assigning settings once a game is created or updated.

Rule priority is determined based on office hierarchy and level of specificity, and rules can be filtered based on the game duration, date, and time of day, along with standard game attributes (division, gender, category, etc.)

  • Assign Type This rule specifies how to determine the office responsible for assigning the game. By default, league games are determined by the Home team office, tournaments are determined based on the Schedule office. It's also possible to use the Arena office, which can resolve to a Zone. The resulting office will determine the remainder of the rules. If the office does not have assigning enabled, rule evaluation will be halted and the game will not be assignable.

  • Officiating System This rule determines what officiating system is required for the game. There are a number of systems available to choose from, ranging from 1-4 officials with an optional supervisor.

  • Minimum Level This rule determines what officials are eligible for the game based on their officiating qualification. Officials will not be able to request games if the required level is below their qualification. A separate rule exists for each position.

  • Minimum Grade Optionally, like the minimum level, this rule allows you to specify a minimum grade.

  • Pay Structure You can specify which pay structure is associated to a game. This will be displayed in the assigning panel and available in reports.

While you need to determine a default for most games, not all games are the same, so remember that you can always change settings on a per-game basis.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020


Assigning Settings

Applies to

Super Admins, Assigning Managers

Pay Structures


Pay structures determine each position's fees for an assigned game.


Assigning rules

will automatically select a pay structure for a game, based on game attributes such as the division/gender/category, and also the game duration, date or time of day. You can also override this selection on a per-game basis in the game settings.



assignments panel

will show the applicable fee for each position, so that officials can see what to expect, and reports are available to calculate your officials total pay for any period.



Last updated

December 7th, 2020


Assigning Settings

Applies to

Super Admins, Assigning Managers




Announcements are found on the

profile landing page

. Creating an announcement will send a notification to members. Past announcements are always visible based on office visibility, including announcements from parent offices (regions, leagues, zones).


Editing or deleting an announcement will not send a notification email.

Officiating Announcements

Officiating announcements are shown to all officials available to the selected office, based on qualifications or arena selection, regardless of if they receive an email, or are members of the selected list.

Announcements sent to an office will only notify officials who:

  • have selected the announcement office as one of their assigners,

  • have a valid non-expired qualification in any office, and

  • have


    their contact email


Announcements sent to lists will be sent to all members with a verified contact email. Lists can be managed under the office assigning settings page.

Officials can unsubscribe from office announcements by removing the office from their availability settings. To unsubscribe from a list, the assigner must remove them from the list.


Last updated

January 6th



Applies to

Super Admins, Assigning Managers, Assigners

Game Messages


There are two types of game messages that are visible on the game details page:

  • League These messages are visible to everyone with access to the game. Only league administrators may create this type, and notifications are immediately sent to team officials and any assigned game officials.

  • Officiating These messages are only visible to assigners and any official. Only assigners and assigned officials may create this type, and notifications are immediately sent to assigners and assigned officials.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations



The following notification types are available to be enabled for a participant which apply to an office, schedule or team.

Notifications are only sent to participants with

verified contacts



  • A digest email is sent when there have game changes within the past hour.

  • These emails are sent at the start of every hour. If a change was made at 10:05 or 10:40, an email will be sent at 11:00.

  • Team staff automatically configured for this notification, and assigned game officials are also included


  • An email is immediately sent whenever an official declines a game. Notifications for requests and confirmations are sent in a digest email every 6 hours, or immediately if the game is within 48 hours.

Game Reports

  • An email is immediately sent following the approval of a scoresheet with a link to the scoresheet.

  • Team staff are automatically configured for this notification, and assigned game officials are also included

  • Scorekeepers may include additional emails as recipients when completing the scoresheet

Major Penalties

  • An email is immediately sent following the approval of a scoresheet with a link to the scoresheet, if any of following penalties are assessed:

    • Match duration

    • Game Misconduct

    • Gross Misconduct

Notifications are not automatically enabled for administrative roles and must be individually opted-in. For example, if you're adding an assigner, you may want to make sure you enable the Assigning and/or Scheduling notifications, depending on their preference.

Assigned game officials automatically receive scheduling notifications for assigned games and evening reminders for upcoming assignments.


Last updated

October 5th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors

Team Contact List


A contact list for teams in your schedules may be available to you. This includes the contact information for the team's manager and coach.

To access the contact list:

  1. Navigate to your team page, via the


    item on the sidebar and select your team in the list


  2. On your team page, at the top of the page under your team name, select the Schedule tab

  3. Under the section Schedules & Contacts you will see a list of schedules.

  4. Click on the arrow on the left to expand the schedule (not the schedule name) to view contacts

If you do not see the arrow to expand the schedule, or the section is called Schedules, your district has not enabled this feature.


Last updated

October 23rd, 2021



Applies to

Team Staff, Team Assistants, Super Admins, Admins, Registrars, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Associations



Change your Password


Forgot Password

If you've forgotten your password, a

Forgot Password

link is available under the login form, where you can enter your email address.


An email will be sent with an unique link to reset your password. This link must be used within 20 minutes before it expires and you must request a new link.

Change Password


your profile page

, the My Account section has a Change Password button.


You'll need your current password before you can change your password. If you've forgotten it, you can log out and follow the forgot password process.


Security Requirements

HiSports requires that your password is at least 8 characters long.

A long password that you can remember or store in a password manager is recommended over a short password with varying symbols and digits that you can't remember.

Your account is tied to your participant profile, and not just your team. If someone on your team needs access, they must register their own account. If you have an assistant on your team that is not on a roster, league administrators are able to grant a non-roster assistant role that is fully equivalent to your own rostered role.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations, Editors

Contact Verification


Before HiSports can send you notifications, you'll need to verify your email address.

  1. Navigate to your profile and click on the (!) Unverified button next to your contact

  2. Check your inbox for an email with the subject "Verify your HiSports email"

  3. Click on the Verify email button in the email. You can also copy/paste the link at the bottom of the email.

  4. Your email is verified once you see the notification at the bottom of your profile page


  • If you don't see anything to the right of your email address, your email is already verified and you don't need to do anything else.

  • Verification emails are sent immediately, so if you don't receive it right away, you might need to double check the email address you entered.

  • If you're using a work email address, some employers hold external email for 10+ minutes. We recommend using a personal email address for timely delivery.

  • You need to be logged in to verify your email. You may need to click the link in your email again after logging in.

  • The verification email link expires after 1 week


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations

Getting Started


To get started with HiSports, the first thing you'll want to do is create teams so you can upload rosters and schedules. You'll also want to make sure you're in the correct season, which is found in the top left corner.

If your rosters are not yet ready, you can still upload a list of teams and get started with your schedules. You'll need to enter rosters before you can start scorekeeping.

Note: If your association is in the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR), you do not need to follow these instructions as HiSports is integrated with HCR and will automatically sync teams, rosters and official qualifications frequently. In this case, skip to the scheduling section.



Navigate to the Teams page found on the left hand menu, then press Create in the top-right corner.

For each season, you'll need to create a new list of teams, and each team will require an unique ID number in the system. Scorekeepers will need the home team's ID and game number to log into the scoresheet, which means they don't require their own accounts.


If you're importing from another system, look for a column with an ID number and check to see if it's unique for each season.



Navigate to the Teams page found in the left hand menu, find your team, then navigate to the Roster tab. If you've just created a team, you're already on the team page.

To import a roster, click on the Import button under the Team Roster section. You'll be presented with a file input which accepts a CSV with the following columns:

  • ID: This is the participant's registration ID, and should uniquely identify the participant. This ID should not change between seasons, so that a participant maintains the same profile from season to season. If you're importing from another system, look for an ID column that is unique for all seasons.

  • first: First name

  • last: Last name

  • number: Jersey number, optional for bench staff

  • position: F/C/D/G for players, or "Manager", "Head Coach", etc for bench staff. The full list of positions can be found in the Add Member menu. If a member has multiple positions, the import tool only handles a single position, and additional positions can be added by editing the roster member afterwards.

If the participant already exists in the system, their name will show a link to their existing profile so you can verify the correct participant is being linked. Otherwise, new participants will be created, so you should use caution with this tool.

You can also add members one at at time by pressing on the Add Member button and entering the member details in the form. You will need to create the participant via the People page first before you can do this.



To create officials, you'll need to create or find their profile under the People people. Keep in mind that officials may already have a profile if they're a player on a team. On the profile page to turn someone into an official, create a Qualification.


If you would like to configure your association for assigning, please contact support for further details. You'll be provided with a template to set up your assigning rules, to automatically determine the number of officials required and the minimum official level required for each division when a game is scheduled.



Before creating schedules, you must create teams first. These teams do not need rosters, in case you haven't completed rostering yet.

In HiSports, a schedule represents a part of the season, which means you can create Placement schedules during pre-season, League schedules during regular play, then Playoffs schedules during playoffs. You can also create Exhibition, Tournament or Championship schedules. Each schedule is for a single division/category, so if you have multiple divisions in your league, you'll need to create multiple schedules.

Navigate to the Schedules page found in the left hand menu, then create Create. You'll need to enter a name to identify it easily, the type, division, and start/end dates. Once you've created the schedule, you can

start scheduling games




Once your teams, rosters, schedules and games are entered, you're ready to start scorekeeping. Your scorekeepers can log in with the game number and home team's ID. Once the game is completed and signed by officials, this login will no longer be valid and only administrators will be able to modify scoresheets.

Bench staff are also able to create an account using their first and last name, and their ID number. This account will be for their profile and is able to be reused each season as they will automatically gain access to their new teams once rostered. Their account will allow them access to update their roster jersey number and enter lineups before each game.


Last updated

April 6th



Applies to

Super Admins

HCR 3.0 Sync Status


Overall Status: Running normally. No known issues at this time.

  • Teams & Rosters

    • Frequency: Every 30 minutes, automatic.

    • Duplicate teams may occasionally appear when a team is recreated in HCR to update it's division. This is being manually cleaned up on an occasional basis.

  • Registrations

    • Frequency: Upon request.

    • Registration data quality in HCR appears to vary. Some registrations may be skipped when a division or member type is not identified.

    • TeamSnap does not currently push registrations to HCR, so these registrations would need to be manually uploaded to HiSports by an administrator.

  • Official Qualifications

    • Frequency: Every 30 minutes, automatic.

    • Qualifications are based on clinic registrations up to the next week.

Instant syncing is planned once HCR 3.0 makes this functionality available in their API. This article will be updated as more information becomes available.


Last updated

November 10th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Registrars, Schedule Organizers, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations

Participant Registration


Participant registrations require the Hockey ID, first and last name, which must match exactly (but not case sensitive) with their profile. Attempts to enter a partial name (Rob instead of Robert) or nicknames will not successfully validate.

Players are not eligible for registration. The following participants are eligible for registration:

  • Team staff

  • Officials

  • Administrative roles

Note that name changes do not sync from Hockey Canada once they're in our system, but admins are able to change names.

You'll only need to register once. Your profile will automatically be updated once you're rostered in future seasons.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations

Support & Training


This Help section is provided by HiSports as a general "How To" reference. It is not intended to replace support and training from your respective organizations.

If you require support, please contact your designated support contact. Do not contact HiSports Technical Support directly.

  1. Contact your district: See list below. If you cannot reach anyone, please proceed to the next steps.

  2. Weekday Inquiries: Contact

    or the BC Hockey Office at

    (250) 652-2978

    . Available Monday to Friday from 08:30 - 16:30.


  3. Weekend Inquiries: BC Hockey helpline will be available on Saturdays from 10:00 to 16:00, or email


Types of issues that are covered by BC Hockey and Districts:

  • Access Issues: password resets

  • How to use the Electronic Scoresheet (for scorekeepers and teams) and the administrative app (all administrative users)

  • Account creation and assigning administrative roles

  • Escalating technical issues to HiSports

  • General training, documentation or activities

  • Facility internet issues (wifi)


Provincial / Regional / District Support Links




West Kootenay

East Kootenay

North West

North Central


Last updated

October 18th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Assigning Managers, Assigners, Officials, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations




When a game is created or rescheduled, the system will automatically check for conflicting games. If there is another game within the same district at the same venue that overlaps the scheduled game time, the updated game's status will automatically be set to Conflict.

If a game has the Conflict status, a Conflicts section will appear on the game details page which shows all conflicting games. These games must be rescheduled or changed to an inactive status (Conflict, Cancelled, Postponed) before the conflicted game's status can be changed to Active. If no games appear in the Conflicts section, then the game status can be changed back to Active.

Note: The conflicted game's status will not automatically change from Conflict to Active when conflicts are resolved.

e.g., If Game A is scheduled at 13:00-14:30 and Game B is later scheduled at 14:00-15:30, then Game B will automatically be marked conflict until either Game A is rescheduled or Game B is rescheduled to a different time or venue. Game A will remain in Active status while Game B will show Conflict, and a Conflicts section will appear for Game B.


Last updated

January 16th



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers

Managing Leagues


Leagues are a special type of office that can have members outside of the standard office hierarchy. You'll find this useful if associations in your region are divided into regional groups/leagues.

Unlike schedules, leagues only need to be created one time, and will span all seasons.


Creating a League

Leagues are usually named after their sub-region and do not include the division/category of play. This is to avoid confusion with schedules, as offices are simple organizational units that do not perform any sort of attribute filtering, which is typically where schedules come into play.

Some examples of leagues: Fraser Valley West, South Central, Mid Island.

When selecting a parent office for a league, you typically want to chose your regional office as a parent, instead of an association.

League Members

The purpose of league members is primarily facilitate authorization at this time. A director/manager can be assigned to a league and inherit access to all member associations to be able to manage rosters.


Groups allow you to split up a schedule into multiple cohorts, flights, etc. which also splits the standings.

If a group exists in a league, a group selection will be required when adding teams or games to a schedule. If needed, you can specify attributes to limit what schedules a group appears in.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers

Scheduling Games


Games belong to a schedule, and schedules belong to an league or association ("offices"). Schedules help keep things organized and facilitate standings. They can also be further divided into cohorts or flights ("groups").

Create a Schedule

When creating schedules, you'll need to provide a name, type (Exhibition, Placement, League, Playoffs, Tournament, Championship), attributes (division, gender, category) and start/end dates.

Generally, tournaments and championships are scheduled under an association office, and all other league schedules are under a league office. Which office you select will affect how permissions work, and this set up works best for most.

Add Teams

To populate the standings and narrow down the list of teams when creating a game, you'll need to specify which teams are participating in the schedule before you can schedule a game.

Schedule Games

There are 4 ways to schedule games:

  1. Create each game individually

  2. Upload a schedule file

  3. Generate a schedule

  4. Draft a schedule

Game numbers must be unique within each schedule or group. Keep in mind that game numbers are used for the scorekeeper login, so your numbering scheme should be unique enough to avoid assigning the same game number to the same home team within a season.

Schedule Upload Template

You can use the template below to upload a schedule. When uploading a schedule, you'll be asked to confirm the column mappings, so most files work as long as they have unique column names.

Template Schedule Upload.csv

If you have a Excel spreadsheet, make sure to save it as a CSV before uploading.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers

Tournament Organizers


An organizer role can be granted to a participant for a schedule. This provides access to the following actions within the schedule:

  • Add/remove schedule teams

  • Schedule new or existing games

  • Complete pre-game lineups (no access to modify rosters)

Adding an organizer

Navigate to the schedule's Settings tab, and add a role. Select a participant and the organizer role, then select Save.

If this is a new user, they can self-register if they have an Hockey ID, or you can send an invitation.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins



App Installation


Note: This is not necessary to use HiSports. You can continue directly in the browser without installing, if desired.

HiSports uses modern web technology to deliver an responsive web application that can be installed on both Android and iOS directly from your browser and runs like a typical app.

There is no need to search the app store and wait for large updates. Installing the HiSports app through your browser means it's always up to date when it's loaded and doesn't use any extra data.



First, open

in Chrome, then tap the three dot menu next to the address bar.


Tap Add to Home screen

Finally, tap Add.

The Scoresheet app will now be installed to your phone/tablet, and opens full screen.


First, open

in Safari, then tap the Send button in the middle of the bottom row.


Tap Add to Home Screen. You may need to scroll over the last row to the right.

Finally, tap Add.

The Scoresheet app will now be installed to your phone and opens full screen.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations, Scorekeepers

Game Lineups


Team officials can manage their game lineups through the HiSports app. You should always make sure your team roster is up to date before completing your lineup, as your roster is used as a template for each game lineup.



You can access your lineup either through the Upcoming Games list on

your profile

, or the




  1. Click on the lineup icon on the right-hand side of the game row. Alternatively, you can click on the game row to show the game details, then click on the Lineups tab. The lineup icon will show a badge (icon overlay) with an exclamation mark if it's an upcoming game that isn't completed yet, or a green checkmark if you've already completed your lineup.

  2. Click on the names of all players and bench staff that will be at this game. You can also click on the checkbox at the top of each list to select all members. If you don't see a green checkmark next to the name, you may need to click on the pencil to the right of the name to set the jersey number. You can also change positions, captain status, or mark a player as suspended here.

  3. Once you've selected your lineup, click on Sign to sign the lineup as ready. You can also click Save instead to come back to it later.



If you need to mark a player or bench staff as suspended, select their name on the lineup, click the pencil next to their name, then check off Suspended and enter the total games served. This member will not count towards your lineup limit.



The Add Extra button allows you to add members that are not on the roster for an individual game.

League administrators may use this function at any time. Schedule settings may be changed to allow team officials to use this as well, which is disabled by default for all schedules.


Last updated

July 27th, 2021



Applies to

Team Staff, Team Assistants, Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers

Preseason Registrations


To support preseason scoresheets while teams are not rostered, registrations can now be used as a template for lineups, instead of needing to search for players individually.


Association Setup


Associations must have registrations uploaded to HiSports.


Registrations in HCR are being manually synced daily at this time while we await further integration capability from HCR 3.0.

Note: Some associations may invalid registration data in HCR that may be unusable or potentially inaccurate.


TeamSnap does not currently push registrations to HCR. Associations using TeamSnap can

manually export their registrations using these instructions

, and upload them to HiSports directly.


Import Tool

While this tool works for TeamSnap, it also works any other system that can export a CSV file that meets the requirements below. You must have an admin or registrar role to use this tool.

Navigate to the association's Office page, select the People tab, then click Import under the Registrations section. This will open an importer tool where you can drag and drop a registrations file, and ask you to select the columns, so specific column names aren't necessary. This file must include the following columns:

  • HCR Number

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Division

While the division column supports a number of variations on the U## format, if your variation is not currently valid, please contact HiSports.

Please ensure the file is manually reviewed prior to uploading, as any players that do not yet exist in the system and cannot be matched by the provided HCR number will be created by this tool. This could lead to duplicates if not carefully managed.

Individual additions

You can also click on Add in the same Registrations section to add an individual player as needed, or navigate to their participant profile to do the same.

League Setup

Schedule Settings

For each schedule that you want to allow registrations to be used in the lineup, navigate to the schedule's Settings tab, click on Edit Settings in the Settings section, and enable the Include Registrations option.

This setting must be enabled for each individual schedule and can be toggled at any time.

Scoresheet Usage


Normally when a team has players on their roster, the lineup will show these players as options on the checklist. During preseason, this checklist would otherwise be empty.

With registrations included, registered players will be included in the checklist that can be selected. Once selected, the user entering the lineup can enter the jersey number or customize the position and captaincy as usual. When a team has over 30 members displayed, the full list is displayed and a name filter is available.

All registrations are defaulted to a player position (F) in the lineup. Team officials should either be rostered or added as extras by league administrators.

Game Report

On the final game report, any player that is not rostered will have an asterisk (*) next to their name on the lineup.

This includes registered players added through this method and any player that is added as a lineup extra by a league administrator.


Last updated

September 14th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins

Scorekeeper Login


Scorekeepers are able to log in without creating an account or installing an app.

  1. Navigate to


  2. Select Scorekeeper from the menu

  3. Enter the Game Number and Home Team Hockey ID

This provides full scoresheet access. Once the scoresheet is signed by officials, the scoresheet is no longer accessible through this login.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Associations, Scorekeepers

Scorekeeping Guide




This website contains all information that a scorekeeper needs to know and is publicly accessible so that scorekeepers can easily access it.


Last updated

November 12th, 2021



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations, Scorekeepers



A scratchpad can be useful for keeping track if you're just getting started or when you're in a fast-paced game.



Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations, Scorekeepers

System Requirements


Suggested Screen Size

Anywhere between 7-10" is recommended.

Tablets are preferred to give you the most comfortable layout. Phones are also supported.


Minimum: Android 6 (N)

Browser: Chrome is the default on Android (minimum supported version is 58). Make sure to sign into the Google Play Store to keep your browser up to date, especially if you have an older device.

Firefox, Samsung Browser, Brave, and Opera are also supported on Android.


Minimum: iOS 10.3

Browser: Use Safari, as Apple handicaps other browsers. Unlike Android, Safari updates are tied to the OS version, so ensure iOS is up to date.

Note: We've observed that a number of people disable cookies on iOS unintentionally, which prevents the app from fully working. If disabled, a notice will pop up directing you how to fix this.

Laptops & Windows Tablets

Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari are supported. Ensure that you're always running the latest version of your browser.

Internet Explorer is not supported.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations, Scorekeepers



Connectivity Issues

Steps to try to rule out connectivity issues:

  • Connect to

  • Reboot the device

  • Tether through a cellular connection

Check for cell signal strength if the device is connected over a cellular connection.

If you're using a public wireless hotspot, make sure you check if need to log into a portal.

Server Issues

HiSports monitors server uptime and latency, and will immediately receive an alert when there are any sort of issues.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Schedule Organizers, Team Staff, Team Assistants, Associations, Scorekeepers



Managing your Team Roster


HiSports syncs rosters one-way from Hockey Canada every 30 minutes. This includes the roster members and their position, but generally does not include the jersey numbers or captain status as most teams do not keep this up to date in HCR.

You'll want to make sure your rosters are up to date, as this will save you time when you add your lineup to a scoresheet. Making roster changes will not change past scoresheets.

  1. Navigate to your team page, and select the Roster tab.

  2. Click on the individual member row to open an editing dialog. Clicking on the participant name will take you to their full profile, and the arrow will expand to show contact information.

  3. You can edit the player's jersey number, position, and captain status here.

  4. Click Save

Additional notes:

  • A jersey number is required unless the member is an affiliate player

  • Only admins and registrars are able to set affiliate (AP), age (OA/UA) and release (X) status.


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Team Staff, Team Assistants, Super Admins, Admins, League Directors, League Managers, Associations

Team & Office Logos


Logos are inherited from parent offices to each member office and team, and can be override at any office level or team.

Changing a logo

Navigate to the office or team page, and select Edit.

You can drag and drop (or click to select) a logo to upload, which will replace the logo for that team or office (and any member offices or teams).


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins, Admins

Visitor Teams / USA Hockey


This is not required for teams that are synced through Hockey Canada, such as BC Hockey.

You may have teams in some leagues or tournaments that are not synced through HCR, which means you'll need to create a team and participants.

Create a Team

  1. Search the list of teams by Hockey ID to ensure that another administrator has not already created the team.

  2. Navigate to the Teams list and select Create.

  3. Enter the team's details and select Save. You may need to contact HiSports to create an office for this team.


Upload Roster

  1. Navigate to your newly created team's Roster tab

  2. Select Import. This will open a team importer dialog.

  3. Drag and drop (or click on the area and select) a CSV file. See the sample file below for reference.

  4. A list of participants will appear for your review. Some participants may already exist, and potentially incorrectly matched.

  5. Once you've verified the list of participants, select Import.


Sample Roster Template


Template US Team.csv

Template Canadian Team.csv


Last updated

December 7th, 2020



Applies to

Super Admins