Create Online Store
Click on Manage, Online Registration, and + Create a new online store.
There are four steps to creating an online store:
Please note: Auto-complete does not always enter the correct information. If you use this function, please make sure that the information entered is the one you want.
Step 1 - General Information
Fill in the requested information:
Fields marked with an * are mandatory
General Information
Season *: Select the season of your online registration
Language *: Select the language (French, English, or both)
Postal code verification *: Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to apply postal code verification.
If you select Yes, only members whose postal codes have been added to your organization’s configuration can register. For the configuration of postal codes please refer to the related documentation. : Organization-postal codes
If you select No, postal codes will not be considered and will allow your coaches, referees, and volunteers to register in your online store even if they are not part of your organization.
Registrar email address *: Enter the registrar's email address
Send an email to each registration: By default the box is already checked, if you do not wish to receive an email at each registration, uncheck this box.
Registration Period
Start date and time *: Set the start date and time for your registration.
End Date and Time*: Set the end date and time of your registration.
Activity Period: Select the activity period for your enrollments. By leaving this blank, the registration will be for the regular season.
You can add a message to confirm your registration. This is also where you can enter payment information if you select payments by cheque or Interac transfer.
Several text formatting options are available, including adding a web link.
Click on Next.
Step 2 - Items and Fees
To add registration fees, click on +Add.
Select any registration fees you wish to add to this online registration.
Side Panel - Registration Fees
Clicking on the row of any of the registration fees will open a side panel on the right with three tabs.
In the Item tab, using the blue pencil you can change the status of the fee (active or inactive) and the order in which your fees are displayed in your online store.
Your early and late fee information will also be displayed.
In the Fees tab, all of your fee information and additional questions will be displayed.
In the Catalog tab, the catalog items added to your fee will be displayed.
Edit - Registration Fees
If you find that changes need to be made to your registration fee, simply click on Manage in Catalog/Registration Fees in the side panel. This will allow you to quickly access the registration fee page to make the desired changes.
Action Button - Registration Fees
By clicking on the Action button, you have the option to remove the fee by clicking on Remove.
Other Fees
To add the other fees, click on +Add.
Select any other fees you wish to add to this online registration.
Side Panel - Other Fees
Clicking on the line for any of the other fees will open a side panel on the right with two tabs.
In the Item tab, using the blue pencil you can change the status of the fees (active or inactive) and the order in which your other fees are displayed in your online store.
You can also make your other fees mandatory for some of your listing fees.
Note: All other selected fees will be visible in your online listing whether you have made them mandatory or not.
In the Fee tab, the information for your other fees will be displayed.
Edit - Other Fees
If you find that changes need to be made to your other fees, simply click on Manage in Catalog/Other Fees in the side panel. This will allow you to quickly access the Other Items page to make the desired changes.
Action Button - Other Charges
By clicking on the Action button, you have the option to remove your other charges by clicking Remove.
Once complete, click Next at the bottom of the page
Step 3 - Terms & Conditions, Discounts, and Payment
Terms & Conditions, and Discounts
Select your terms & conditions, and discounts.
Payment terms *: Select only one payment term per online registration.
Discounts: Select one discount per online registration.
Payment Options
Select the payment options accepted for your online registration.
Merchant Account: If you accept credit card payments, select your merchant account.
Manual Payment Method: Select the manual payment methods from the following:
Manual Interac e-Transfer
External Payment (payment from an external terminal)
Offline credit (credit from an external terminal)
Once completed, click Next.
Step 4 - Review
Verify that all the information you entered in your online registration is set up correctly. If changes are needed, click Edit or Add depending on the section, make the desired changes and click Save.
Once complete, click on Create Online Store at the bottom of the page.