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Welcome to the Spordle PAGE sports registration guide. This guide will help you understand how to easily register for a variety of sports activities, from tournaments to leagues and events. With an intuitive interface and advanced search options, Spordle PAGE simplifies registration for players, parents and teams. Follow our step-by-step instructions to ensure fast, efficient registration, while accessing all the essential information about your sporting activities.


Table of Contents

Access to Spordle My Account

To register online and access the registration page, you must first log in to your Spordle My Account at

Please consult the My Account Set-Up documentation if you haven't created your Spordle My Account.

Access to your organization's online registration

There are two ways to access your organization's registration:

  1. If you do not have the link to your organization's online registration, please refer to option 1.

  2. If you have the link to your organization's online registration, please refer to option 2.

Option 1 - I don't have the link to my organization's online store

In the Dashboard menu of Spordle My Account, click Register Now.


Search for the organization where you would like to register your child.

Filter options are available on the left, allowing you to refine your search by selecting your region, type of organization, and sport.


Once you've found the organization you're looking for, click on Register Now to begin the registration process.


Select the online store you would like to register with.

Then, refer to option 2 to continue your registration process.


Option 2 - I have a link to my organization's online store

Details of the online store will be displayed:

  • All registration fees

  • The words Required item included will be displayed if a listing fee includes a mandatory item.

  • If you click on a listing fee, a View More button will be displayed, allowing you to see the details of that listing fee (see image below).

  • All other items available in the store will be displayed.

  • Discounts and Terms and Conditions will be displayed in the Details section.

To begin the registration process, click on Register Now.


Details of registration fees when you click on View More.


Select the participant to register

Two options are available to register a participant.

  1. Select a participant in your Spordle account: This participant is already linked to your Spordle My Account.

  2. Add a player: If the member you want to register does not display in your profile or he is a new member, you must select the Add a Player option.



Note: when selecting the member, you get a message that the administrators block the member's profile. Please contact your local organization to verify this.

Select a participant from your Spordle account

If the participant you want to register is displayed, click Register Now.


Select the Add a Player option

By selecting the Add a Player option, enter the member's name, first name, and date of birth, then click on Search.

If you know the member's participant number, click Search by #.

Click on Search, and the system will search the Spordle ID registry to see if a record exists for this member.


Note: We recommend using your participant's full name and date of birth, as shown on his birth certificate.



Please note: when creating a new member, the system will check whether the first name, name, and date of birth match those of an existing member. If a duplicate is detected, the system will display an error message inviting you to contact your organization to access the profile or to create a new one.

If a match is found, you can view the participant's information and click Register Now if it's the correct participant.


The system will ask you to validate your search criteria if no match is found to avoid creating a duplicate member.

  • If you find that you have made a mistake in your search, click on Search Again.

  • If this is a new member who has never been registered, click on Create New Participant.


To create a new participant, you must complete the required fields:

The * indicates a mandatory field.

  • Email address (will be used for communications)

  • Citizenship

  • Primary language

  • Second language

  • Gender identity

  • Birth Country

  • Identify as Indigenous

  • Race & Ethnicity

  • Phone number

  • Phone Type

  • Address Type

  • Move-in year

  • Address


If the search tool does not recognize your address you can enter it manually by clicking on the Manually Enter an address link.

Once all mandatory fields have been filled in, click on Create.


Participant already registered

Suppose you try registering a member already registered with a club. The following message will inform you that the member is already registered with another organization. If you want to change the member's organization, you must contact the organization with which the member is associated.


Problem with your registration?

If you have any problems with the registration process, you can quickly contact your organization. You'll find a note at the bottom of the registration pages: Problem with your registration? Please get in touch with us. You'll be directed to your organization's contact details page by clicking on the Contact Us link.


Manage Participant

When you click on Register Now, the following window will be displayed.


Address change

If the system detects that the address in the member's profile and your Spordle My Account is different, it will tell you that it has detected a difference between the addresses.

  • If you want to change the address in the member's profile, click on Submit request.

  • If there are no address changes to be made in the member's profile, skip this step.


You can add the participant's contacts, who will automatically be added to the member's profile. Click on Add a Contact.

Then click + Add new contact.

Adding a contact to the member's profile from Spordle My Account is also possible. Please consult the My Account - Members - Contacts documentation for more information.


Please fill in the required fields:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email

  • Contact Type

  • Emergency Contact

  • Allow communication

  • Phone number

    • If you select Yes to emergency contact, the phone number will be mandatory

  • Phone type

  • If you want to add a phone number, click + Add number

When finished, click on Create contact


The contact will be displayed in a box, and it will be possible to add another contact by selecting + Add new contact.

Once you've added all the contacts for this member, click Next.



You must upload the documents if your organization requires documents or a profile photo (soccer only). Otherwise, when you click Next, the system will not allow you to continue with the member registration, and the message Incomplete will be displayed.


If Incomplete is displayed, click on Upload documents to continue your registration.


The information on the documents or photos to be added will be displayed. Click Add document or drag and drop here to add the required document. Then click on Next.


Once you have completed the Manage Participant tasks, click on Registration.



Important: If you have started online participant registration but have not completed the registration process, The system will remember the change of address, the addition of a contact, and the documents you have added. However, you won't be able to view the document, so there's no need to add it again.

Participant registration

Registration Selection

The activity packages and registration fees displayed will be those for the participant's age group. If membership fees are calculated in the price, a small "1" will be shown Welcome to the Spordle PAGE sports registration guide. This guide will help you understand how to easily register for a variety of sports activities, from tournaments to leagues and events. With an intuitive interface and advanced search options, Spordle PAGE simplifies registration for players, parents and teams. Follow our step-by-step instructions to ensure fast, efficient registration, while accessing all the essential information about your sporting activities.

Table of Contents

Access to Spordle My Account

To register online, you need a Spordle My Account. Once your account has been created, you can register directly from your account or via your organization's public page.

If you have not yet created your Spordle My Account, we recommend that you consult the My Account documentation for instructions on creating your profile.

Access to your organization's online registration

There are two ways to access your organization's registration:

Option 1 - Directly on your organization's public page

  • You can access registration via Spordle My Account by clicking on "Register now" in the Home menu, or via Spordle Page.

  • See the related documentation to find your organization How to access?

  • Once you've found the organization you want, click on Register now or go to the Registration tab to start the registration process.


  • Select the desired online store to proceed to registration.


Option 2 - Directly with the link to my organization's online store

  • You've received a link to your organization's online store.

  • Click on the link.

  • This will take you to a specific store on your organization's public page.

  • The online store details will be displayed.

  • Click on Register now to begin registration.


If your organization has several active online stores and the link doesn't take you to the right one, simply click on the Registration tab at the top of the page. You'll then see all the available stores and can select the one that suits you best.

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Online store content

  • All registration options appear when you are in an online store

  • You can see the category and fees associated with this activity


When you start registering your child, only the activities corresponding to his/her category will be displayed. If the desired option is not displayed during registration, please contact your organization directly.

  • If a registration fee includes a mandatory item, the words Mandatory item included will be displayed.

  • When you click on a registration fee, a View More button will appear, allowing you to see the details related to that registration fee.


  • All items available in the store will be displayed after the registration fee.

  • Discounts and terms and condition will be displayed in the Details section.

    • Discounts, if applicable, will only be applied prior to payment. They will therefore not appear when you consult the registration fee details.

    • Terms and conditions are specific to your organization's refund policy. Please read them carefully.

  • The start and end dates correspond to the dates on which the online store will be open and not to the dates of the activities.

  • To begin the registration process, click on Register now.


Registration process

Select the participant to register

  • You will first need to select the participant you wish to register.

  • If you have already linked the member to your Spordle account, he or she will appear in your selection.


Note : If, when selecting the member, you receive a message informing you that his/her profile is blocked by the administrators, we invite you to contact your local organization to carry out the necessary checks.


  • If you have not linked the member to your Spordle account, you will be asked to add a participant.


Attention : when creating a new member, the system will check whether the first name, surname and date of birth match those of an existing member. If a duplicate is detected, the system will display an error message inviting you to contact your organization to gain access to the profile or to create the new profile.

  • By selecting the Add a player option , enter the member's surname, first name and date of birth, then click on Search.

  • If you know the member's participant number, simply click on Search by #.

  • Click on Search and the system will search the Spordle ID registry to see if a record exists for this member.

  • If a match is found, you can view the member's information and click Register Now if it's the right member.


If no match is found, the system will ask you to validate your search criteria to avoid creating a duplicate member.

  • If you find that you have made a mistake in your search, click on " Search again".

  • If this is a new member who has never been registered, click on Create new participant.


Note: when selecting the member, you get a message that the administrators block the member's profile. Please contact your local organization to verify this.

Creating a new participant

  • To create a new participant, you must complete the required fields:

The * indicates a mandatory field.

  • Email address *: The email address you provide will be used for communications.

  • Citizenship:

  • Primary language:

  • Second language:

  • Organization: This option is not available for all sports. By default, the organization with which you started registration will be displayed. If you try to change it, an error message will appear.

  • Gender identity:

  • Country of birth:

  • Identify asIndigenous*: Only required for field hockey registrations.

  • Race or ethnic origin*: Only required for field hockey registrations.

  • Phone number *:

  • Phone type *: Allows you to choose different phone types such as home, work or cell.

  • Address type *: Allows you to choose different address types such as home, work, father and mother.

  • Move-in year*: If you don't know the year, add the year you are registering.

  • Address: Allows you to add the participant's address.

  • Address 2 : To be used when the address includes an apartment number.


If your address is not recognized by the search tool, you can enter it manually by clicking on the blue Enter address manually link.

  • Once all mandatory fields have been entered, click on Create.

Participant already registered

  • If you attempt to register a member who is already registered with a club, the following message will appear, informing you that the member is already registered with another organization. If you wish to change the member's organization, you must contact the organization with which the member is associated.

Participant management

  • When you click on Register now, the participant management window appears.

  • There are three items to check:

Adress change

  • This item is optional.

  • If the system detects a difference between the address in the member's profile and that in your Spordle My Account, it will notify you that a difference has been detected.

  • If you wish to change the address in the member profile, click on Submit request.

  • If there are no address changes to be made in the member's profile, skip this step.


  • This item is optional.

  • You have the option of adding contacts to the participant. The added contacts will be automatically added to the member's profile.

  • You can define this contact as an emergency contact or not.

    You can also decide whether this contact will receive e-mails from the organization.

  • Click on Add a contact.

  • Then click + Add new contact.

  • You can also add a contact to a member's profile directly from Spordle My Account. For more details, see the My Account - Members - Contacts documentation .

  • When finished, click on Create contact

  • The contact will be displayed in a box, and it will be possible to add another contact by selecting + Add new contact.

  • Once you've added all the contacts for this member, click Next.


  • If your organization requires mandatory documents, you will see incomplete at the top of Document.

  • You will need to upload the required documents to continue the registration process.

  • The documents that may be required here are as follows:

    • Profile photo: Mandatory for Soccer Québec members. Please see attached documentation for detailed criteria regarding profile photos.

    • Proof of residency: May be requested to ensure that the participant is assigned to the correct organization, this information is considered private and will not be shared. For minors, a school report may be accepted as proof of residence.

    • Proof of birth: May be requested to ensure that the participant is enrolled in the correct program.

  • Click on Registration.

Participant registration

Registration selection

  • The activity packages and registration fees displayed will correspond to the age of the participant. If membership fees are included in the price, a small number "1" will appear to the right of the fee.

  • Click on the desired package; if your organization has added additional information


  • concerning the number of


  • training sessions or


  • matches per week, this will be displayed.

  • If your organization has added an early or late fee, it will be displayed under registration fees.

  • Click on Next.

  • Options: The Depending on the organization's configuration, the following options may be displayed depending on your organization's configuration.:

    • Number of places

    • remaining for this division

    • Waiting list (sold out)

    If a registration package

    has been placed

    is on


    the waiting list, click on the package, then on Next. You will receive a waiting list number and be


    notified if a place becomes available.



Note : If you


choose the Skip


registration selection option, you


will only be able to purchase other items


available in this online store.


This option is useful if you wish to purchase an item after completing the online registration.


  • In order to continue the member's registration, it will be necessary to fill in certain information. Depending on your organization's


  • guidelines, some of this information may be mandatory. However,


  • it is important to select each option


When you click Next, the message Incomplete will be displayed, indicating that the information must be completed.



If you want to change your registration package selection, click on Modify registration and select your choice of activity package.


The system will indicate Incomplete for items, even if no item is required. You must click Add items and confirm whether or not you want to purchase another item.

Suppose your organization has made another item mandatory. In that case, the number of items for this item will automatically be set to "1”, and you cannot remove it from your purchase. Click on Next to continue with the member registration.

To purchase an optional item, click " +" to add the quantity you want to purchase, and click Next.


Note: if the Items are not displayed during the registration process, your organization has not added any other items to this online store.

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  • so that you are aware of all the elements. An "incomplete" message will appear if a required option is not completed.

  • In this section you will find :



  • Indicates the registration you have selected at this time. It is possible to modify the registration if necessary.


  • If your organization has added items, they will appear here. If an item has been made mandatory for the selected registration fee, you will see the number already entered.


Some items may not be linked to your registration fee. Please read the description provided by your organization carefully.


  • If your organization has added a questionnaire to the registration


  • process, you must click on Fill out


  • questionnaire to continue,


  • even if the questions are not mandatory.

  • Mandatory answers to the questionnaire will be marked with a red asterisk ( * ).

  • If you do not


  • wish to answer the optional questions (which do not have an *)


  • click on Next.

Questions marked with an * indicate that you must answer the question.





  • Waiver refer to consents and codes of conduct that have been added by your


  • sport's federations or by the organization.

  • Mandatory waivers will have a red asterisk ( * ).

  • You will need to read them and click on Sign waivers to


  • respond


  • .

  • If


  • several waivers have been added, you will see the number at the top


  • . Click Next


Waiver fields marked with an * are mandatory.



The Installments option will be displayed if your organization offers to pay your registration fees in installments. Your organization can allow installments on the registration packages of its choice.


  • to go through them one by one.

Payment schedule:


Note: You can select different payment methods for each participant.

  • If your organization offers an installment plan for your registration fees, the "Installments" option will be visible.

  • You must choose whether you prefer to pay in full or in


  • instalments, in accordance with the terms


  • and conditions defined by your organization.

  • If you select installments, the initial amount to be paid and the dates and amounts



Note : Vous pouvez sélectionner des modalités de versements différentes pour chaque participant.



  • of future installments will be indicated.


The initial payment always includes all membership fees. If you sign up after the payment dates, this option will be displayed, but will be adjusted according to the remaining payments.

  • Once all the information is complete, click on Complete to continue with the member's registration.


Register another participant


  • The registration process will be completed for the member, but if you want to register another participant, click on + Add another participant.

  • You can register a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th participant from the same family by following the steps above.


Note: If your organization offers a family discount to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th participants, you must register all members simultaneously on the same invoice.

  • You can also modify the participant's registration by clicking on Edit under the participant's name.

  • If you have no further participants to add, or if you have finished adding all your participants, click on Checkout.


Order Summary


  • A summary of the participants' registrations will be displayed. If you want to make any changes to a participant's registration, click on Back.

  • The registration fees will be displayed as detailed below:

    • Club registration fee

    • Affiliation fee for your national organization

    • Affiliation fee for your Provincial organization

    • Affiliation fee for your Regional organization

    • Affiliation fee for your Local organization (if applicable)

    • Other items

    • Member discount or credit (if applicable)


  • If you have selected payment by installments, click View Installments to display payment amounts and dates.

  • If you want to remove another optional item, click Remove.

  • Once you've validated the registration summary, click Next


Terms & Conditions

You must accept your organization's Terms and Conditions.

Check that I have read and accept the terms and conditions box, then click Next.


Note: Terms & Conditions must be accepted to continue registration.


Payment method

Finally, select your payment method. Your organization configures the choice of payment methods.


IMPORTANT: Please remember that the Interac transfer, cheque, and cash options are manual deferred payments to your organization.

Only credit card payments are made online.



  • .


Terms & Conditions

  • You must accept your organization's Terms and Conditions. It’s the refund policy.

  • Check that I have read and accept the terms and conditions box, then click Next.


Note: Terms & Conditions must be accepted to continue registration.

Payment method

  • Finally, select your payment method. Your organization configures the choice of payment methods.

    • Pay online now: Payment is only possible by credit card. AMEX cards are not accepted if your organization uses PAYSAFE. However, prepaid credit cards are accepted if an e-mail address has been added.

    • Send payment manually: If your organization offers a manual payment method, it will be listed here. You will then be able to choose between payment by cash, cheque or Interac transfer, depending on the options defined by your organization.

  • If you wish to pay by credit card, click on


  • Credit card or select your card if it is already registered


  • in your account, then click on the Pay button.


Please note that Paysafe does not accept payments with American Express cards.

Payment by credit card

Enter your credit card details, then click on the Pay button.


Note: The address you provide must be shown on your credit card statement.



To change your credit card, go to My Spordle account, select a payment method, and change your default credit card. Click here to refer to the documentation.


Registration confirmation

  • Congratulations, you are now registered! A receipt number (confirmation) will be displayed on the screen, and the invoice will also be sent to you by email.

  • The invoice could be use as an income taxes receipt.


Note: Your invoice is also available in Spordle My Account. For more information, see My Account - Purchase - View and print invoice.Please note that this invoice is a tax receipt; no other invoice will be sent.


Sample Invoice
