My Account -Set-Up

My Account -Set-Up

If you work for an Association and are a Spordle ID user, you must contact your region to obtain access to the platform.

CONSEIL : If you work for an organization, we strongly suggest that you do not use a generic e-mail address, i.e. an address for your organization, such as janedoe@nomorganisation.com.

We suggest that you use a personal e-mail address instead, since your e-mail address for accessing Spordle ID will be the same as that for My Spordle Account, and if you leave your position within the organization the generic address will have to be transferred to your replacement, including access to My Spordle Account.

Creating a My Account

Whether you are a parent, official, team staff member or administrator, the first step is to create your account.

  1. Navigate to https://account.spordle.com/login


  1. To create a new account, you will need to enter your email to confirm if an account exists with that email. If no account is found, click Sign up to create your login.


  1. Enter your first and last name and a password - your password must contain an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a symbol* and must be at least eight characters long. Then click Next.

  • * The symbol (special character) must be one of the following :

    • ^ $ * . [ ] { } ( ) ? " ! @ # % & / \ , > < ' : ; | _ ~ ` = + -


  1. Enter your phone number and address, then click Sign up.


  1. A 6-digit code will be sent to your email (check junk mail if you do not receive the code). Enter the code to verify your account. If you do not receive the email, click on the link for Send Email.

Note: Please keep this tab open while you check your email for the code.

  1. Enter your password and click Login


  1. Click I agree on the terms and conditions.

Congratulations, you now have access to My Account.



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