Accessing Spordle PLAY

Accessing Spordle PLAY



Note: If you work for an organization and are a Spordle Play user, you must contact your branch to get access to the platform.


  1. Your organization will invite you to create your Spordle PLay account online. You will receive an email entitled Welcome to Spordle Play.

  • Click on Get Started to create your account.


  1. Enter your email address, create your password, confirm the password you just created, and click CONTINUE.


  1. The system will ask you to confirm the email address to which you are associating this participant; if everything is correct, click REGISTER.


  1. Once you access the Play platform, a yellow notification will appear at the top of the page, asking you to check your email to receive notifications.


  1. Check your message box and click on the email entitled Verify your Spordle Play email address.

    Click on Verify Email.


  1. Your access to Spordle Play has now been created!