Scorekeeper guide
This section explains how scorekeepers can use the Web application for electronic scoresheets.
- 1 Starting the application
- 1.1 Application setup
- 1.1.1 Android/Chrome
- 1.1.2 iOS/Safari
- 1.2 Log in
- 1.1 Application setup
- 2 Before the game
- 3 Start Game
- 3.1 Enter the scoresheet
- 3.2 Add a goal
- 3.3 Add a penalty
- 3.4 End or Modify a penalty
- 3.5 Change or remove the goalie
- 3.5.1 Pull or Swap goalie
- 3.5.2 Return
- 3.6 Shots on goal
- 3.7 Add game notes
- 3.8 Edit or delete events
- 4 After the game
- 5 Resources
- 5.1 Support
- 5.2 Notepad
- 5.3 System requirements
- 5.3.1 Android/Chrome
- 5.3.2 iOS/Safari
- 5.3.3 Other devices
Starting the application
Application setup
Spordle Play uses modern web application technology that gives instant access to the app from your already installed browser without worrying about app updates. The application can be used on a phone, tablet, or laptop of any size.
It's optional! Spordle Play is fully functional directly from your browser without installation.
Installing the application will allow you to launch it in full-screen mode and provide a shortcut to open it easily at your next games.
Go to in your address bar.
Open the browser menu (usually three dots) in the top right-hand corner of your browser. Click on Add to Home Screen to open a pop-up window with an icon and a name.
Click on Add to install. The scoresheets application will now be installed on your phone. It will open full-screen and remain up-to-date.
Go to in your address bar.
Press the Send icon in the middle of the bottom of your screen, then Add to the home screen. You may need to scroll to the right of the last row to find it. This will open a screen displaying an icon, a name, and an address.
Click on Add to install it. The scoresheets application is now installed on your phone. It will open in full screen and stay up to date.
Log in
If you haven't installed the application, go to in your browser.
Select Scorekeeper, then enter the schedule's game and the home team's ID numbers.
This information should have been communicated to you before the game. If necessary, ask a referee or coach for details.
Before the game
Ready to connect! Once connected, you can fill in the entire scoresheet offline if you're in a location without an Internet connection.
The four tasks required to start the game should be virtually complete. You'll see a check next to the pre-game tasks that have been completed, which you can review.
Team line-ups
If this task has not been completed, ask each coach to enter and sign his team's roster. You may need to give them your device.
Teams can complete line-ups using their account in advance, so this step may already be complete.
Scorekeeper and Timekeeper
Indicate the names of the people responsible for scoring and timing the game.
Game officials
Add the names of the referees and linesmen who will be officiating this game. You don't need to fill all the positions if they don't apply.
Check with the game officials that their names are entered correctly. They must be added so that they can sign the scoresheet.
If the name of an official you entered does not appear in the drop-down list, and you are sure the name is spelled correctly, you can click Volunteer.
The association can assign officials in advance, so you can already complete this step. You should always review the list of officials and make changes if necessary.
No show? If you remove an official, you can select Did not show. The association may have additional procedures to follow.
No officials? By the rules, you can enter the substitute game official by entering his name and pressing Volunteer.
Period settings
At the top, click Periods to open the period settings box.
By default, all periods are set for 20 minutes and can be adjusted to any duration as required.
Start Game
Once all tasks have been completed, click Start Game in the top right-hand corner. A confirmation dialog box will appear, just in case. You cannot continue if you have not completed the pre-game tasks.
The referee must check line-ups and other pre-game details before starting the game.
Once the game has started, you can always return to the pre-game section to correct line-ups and other details if necessary.
Enter the scoresheet
If required, you can print out a notepad to quickly note game-related information.
Add a goal
To add a goal, press the Home Goal or Away Goal button of the team to which you want to add a goal.
Enter the period and the game time at which the goal was scored.
Enter the time you would enter on a paper scoresheet. 00:00 is the End of the period.
Select the players you want to attribute goals and assists to by pressing their jersey number. To deselect, press the jersey again.
The green jersey is for the goalscorer, and the white jersey is for the assists. This is summarized in the text above the player list.
Select a goal type, if required. The following options are available:
Power Play
Empty net
Penalty shot
If you have selected Power Play, a list of penalties is displayed to finish. If you select a penalty, it will automatically end when the goal is scored.
Check the goal details and press SAVE.
Add a penalty
To add a penalty, press the Penalty button of the team for which you wish to add a penalty.
Enter the period and time of the game at which the infraction was reported and the game was stopped.
You can specify a different start time if the penalty starts after another penalty. This is generally not necessary.
Select the player who received the infraction and, if applicable, the player serving the penalty by pressing their jerseys. Press the jersey again to deselect it.
By default, the player who receives the infraction also serves it unless you select another player.
The yellow jersey identifies the player or team official to whom the infraction has been assigned. If another player is serving the penalty, he will be identified with a white jersey.
Then, select the infraction and duration.
Click Next.
You may only select the durations that apply to the infraction. This list is based on Hockey Canada rules and has been reviewed by the provincial chief referee.
If an option is unavailable, please ask the referee if he has made a mistake.
Check the penalty details, then press Save.
Once completed, the penalty will appear active on the screen.
End or Modify a penalty
The middle row lists the active penalties for each penalty. You can tap on a penalty to view its details and modify or finish it.
If you need to correct a penalty, press Edit to make the changes.
When ending a penalty, click End. By default, this time will be the hour after the start time.
Change or remove the goalie
To indicate a goalie change or removal, start by pressing the Goalie button.
Pull or Swap goalie
Enter the game time the goalie change occurred and press the Pull or Swap.
If the team has only one goalie, you'll only see the Pull button, as there are no other goalies to change.
If the team has two goalies, the goalie leaving the ice will be displayed in the Off position, and the goalie entering the net will be displayed in the On position.
To return a goalie to the net, click on Goalie.
Enter the game time at which the goalie returns to his net.
Select the returning goalie by pressing his number.
Click Return.
Shots on goal
You can enter the number of shots on goal against a goalie for each period. Select the Shots button in the top right-hand corner to calculate additional goalie statistics.
When logged into their account, team officials can also enter their shots after the game on the game details page.
Add game notes
If additional notes are to be added to the scoresheet, select the Notes button in the top right-hand corner.
Enter the note in the text box and press Save.
Game notes are helpful for any situation not described on the electronic scoresheet. The notes will be listed at the bottom of the scoresheet after the game.
Edit or delete events
To modify a goal, penalty, or goalie change, press the button with the pen icon to the right of the event. Make the necessary changes and press Save.
To delete a goal, penalty, or goalie change, press the button with the red X icon to the right of the event.
After the game
End of game
Press the End Game button in the top right-hand corner to end a game.
Enter the remaining time on the game clock if necessary, then press End game.
In most cases, it is unnecessary to change the time unless the game has ended before the End of the last period or in the event of extra time or penalties. This time will be highlighted on the scoresheet.
Scorekeeper and Timekeeper signature
Sign the Scorekeeper’s' signature box and ask the timekeeper to sign the timekeeper's signature box.
Once you have signed, press Next to allow game officials to review the game and sign the scoresheet.
Official Signature
Officials must review penalties before signing the scoresheet. A review step is displayed before the game officials sign. Once the review is complete, the official clicks on Next at the top of the page.
Then, the official click on I confirm that all penalties and goals have been entered correctly and click Approve.
Finally, all officials must sign the scoresheet and click on Done.
Submit Scoresheet
All bench staff and game officials will automatically receive an email copy of the scoresheet if they have registered an account. League administrators will also receive a copy of the scoresheet.
The Scorekeeper or the official must click submit, or additional email addresses can be added.
To add an email address, you must :
Select Add email address for each additional email required.
When you're ready, click on Submit to finalize the scoresheet.
You will be logged out once the scoresheet is complete. At this stage, a league administrator can only make any further changes.
If offline, you can reconnect to the Internet to synchronize the game. A message will confirm that all game events have been successfully synchronized.
Check your league or regional website for support contact details and additional resource materials. They can also pass on any problems if necessary.
If this is your first game or a speedy one, it can be helpful to download the Notepad to print out and write on during the game. It can also be used as a backup if you run into problems.
System requirements
Android 6 (N) is the minimum Android version supported. If you use Chrome, the minimum supported version is 58.
We strongly recommend that you keep your browser up to date. Connect to your device's app store for the latest updates, especially when using an older device.
IOS 10.3 is the minimum iOS version supported. Safari is recommended, as Apple handicaps other browsers.
Safari is updated as part of your system updates, so we strongly recommend installing the latest iOS version when it becomes available.
Cookies may be unintentionally disabled on iOS. Spordle Play uses your browser's storage to maintain scoresheet integrity and offline compatibility. If they are deactivated, a notice will appear telling you how to remedy the situation.
Other devices
Most modern browsers are generally supported, provided they are updated.
Internet Explorer is not supported.