Payroll and Claims Management
This section describes the payroll management procedure for officials.
Payroll Periods
To get started, select your organization from the Organizations menu.
You must select the assignment organization. Otherwise, the officials' transactions will not be displayed.
Payroll management must be done in the Assigning tab of your organization under Pay Periods.
Click + Pay Periods to create a pay period corresponding to your payment frequency in the Pay Periods box.
Enter the name of your period (for example: Period 1, Week from October 1st to October 15th, etc.)
Enter the start and end dates of your pay period
Click on Save
Official Transactions
To add official transactions, click on the name of the pay period.
Click Transaction to display all transactions that have not been closed, and add the transactions in this period.
Search Filter
You have different search filters to find the officials you wish to assign.
Assignment start and end dates
Game number
Participant name
Type of payment
Per diem
Exhibition Game
Payment Withhold
Certified: select Yes or No; by default, the system searches all the games.
Adding Officials to a Pay Period
Select the officials' games you wish to add to this pay period by ticking them in the left-hand column.
Note: If you have not created a compensation structure, transactions will be at $0.00.
Once you have added all the transactions to this pay period, click Add at the bottom of the page.
Search Filter
You have different search filters to find the officials you have assigned in this period.
Participant: the name of the official you're looking for
Type: the type of amount paid
Schedule: the name of the assigned schedule
Game: game number
Add Transaction
To add additional transactions to an official, e.g., travel, evaluation, internship, etc., you must click on Transaction on the date you wish to add charges.
A window will pop up asking you to complete the required fields:
Game number
Participant name
Type of fee you wish to pay:
Per diem
Exhibition Game
Payment Withhold
You must enter a negative amount
Amount to be paid
Description of payment
When finished, click on Save.
Additional charges will be added on the day of the selected game.
The bubble indicates that a comment has been added.
Remove an official from a pay period
To remove an official from a pay period, check off the officials you want to remove.
Then select Remove Pay Period on the right.
Officials will be removed from the period and no longer appear on your list. If you wish to add them again, click on Transaction, and you can select them again.
Close a Pay Period
Once the payments for a period have been made, you can close the pay period.
Click on the line of the requested pay period.
In the blue Active Period band, left-click on Close.
A window will appear indicating that this action is irreversible; click Close.
IMPORTANT: Closing the period is irreversible, and transactions will be locked; no changes can be made once the period is closed.
A yellow band will be displayed in your pay period, indicating the date the period was closed and informing you that it cannot be modified.
In your pay period list, the status of the pay period will be indicated as Closed with the date on which it was closed.
If you authorize officials to submit claims in the Travel Expenses section of your assignment settings, claims submitted by officials will be displayed here.
Select the officials, and three options will be displayed:
Once you've selected your choice, a window will appear, allowing you to confirm it.
The status to the right of the claim will change according to your chosen status.
If you have approved the claim, the fee will be displayed in the pay period of the game for which the fee has been claimed.
Transaction Report
To export a transaction report, click on the pay period and click on Export.
A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer. To convert the file to Excel XLSX format, please consult the documentation Converting a CSV file to an XLSX file (Excel).