Access to Spordle PLAY
Profile search
Member profiles are created in Spordle ID. They are then synchronized with Spordle PLAY.
Do not create new members directly in Spordle PLAY. Please check Spordle ID first and create new members there if necessary. If synchronization has not yet taken place, please submit a support request. This will prevent duplicate profiles.
Click on PEOPLE in the left-hand menu.
There are 3 ways to search.
Last name: Allows you to search for a profile by first or last name.
Member number: Search for a profile using the member number from the federation.
E-mail address: Allows you to search for a profile using the e-mail address with which the account was created.
Search results:
This is how you'll see your results:
If no e-mail appears in the dedicated column, this means that the member has not yet created a Spordle PLAY account.
If a blue logo appears, this means that the member has linked their Spordle PLAY account to their Spordle account, which will enable single sign-on.
Add administrative roles
In Spordle PLAY, an administrative role is a function assigned to a user, granting them specific privileges to manage and administer certain tasks within the platform. These roles make it possible to delegate responsibilities to different users, while controlling their level of access to Spordle PLAY's various functionalities.
How do I add one or more administrative roles to a user ?
In the member profile, click on ADMINISTRATIVE ROLES and then +ADD A ROLE.
Select the user's role and the organization to which you are giving access with this role.
At least one user per organization must have the Super Admin role, so that he can assign roles to users within his organization.
IMPORTANT: A user can have several roles within the same organization, and can also hold roles in several organizations.
If no category is entered, the user will have access to all categories. Do not set an expiry date.
Click on SAVE.
For more information on the different roles and the permissions they offer, please consult the following documentation: Administrative roles in Spordle PLAY.
Create an account with Spordle PLAY
If you work for a CLUB or ASSOCIATION and are a Spordle Play user, you must contact your region to obtain access to the platform.
If you are a COACH or MANAGER, you must have been added to a team in order to access Spordle PLAY and your team's information. Contact your organization if you believe you have not been added to a team.
If you are an OFFICIAL, you must have qualifications and the referee membership type added in order to have access to Spordle PLAY. Please contact your organization if you are registered as a referee, but account creation is not working.
Go to
Click on Register at bottom right.
Whether you are a scorer, referee, coach, manager or administrator, you MUST select I am a Member / Administrator.
Please complete the following information:
Your membership number
Your first name
Your last name
If you do not know your membership number, please contact your association. Spordle will not be able to give you your number.
Click on verify
If you are creating an account for another person, please use their personal e-mail address. You can then add your own e-mail address for notifications.
If you wish to change the e-mail address of your account, please contact your association directly. The SUPERADMIN role allows this change.
Enter your e-mail address
Create your password
Confirm your password
Click on Continue.
Click on register
Send an invitation to create an account
If you have a superadmin or administrator role, you can send an invitation to create an account directly via the people search in Spordle PLAY.
Once you've found the user you're looking for click the invite button.
Enter the participant's e-mail address so that a link to create their account can be sent to them.
You can also add a note to be included in the invitation e-mail.
Click on SEND.
The member will receive an e-mail invitation to create an account.
Receive an invitation by e-mail
You have received an e-mail invitation to log in to Spordle Play.
Here's how to create your account.
Your organization will invite you to create your account on the Spordle PLAY online platform.
You will receive an e-mail entitled Create your Spordle Play account.
Click on START to create your personal account.
Enter your e-mail address, create your password, confirm the password you have just created.
Click on CONTINUE.
The system will ask you to confirm the e-mail address to which you are associating this participant. If everything is correct, click REGISTER.
You will then access the PLAY platform, and a yellow notification will appear at the top of the page asking you to check your email if you wish to receive notifications.
The account email address and the email address used for notifications doesn’t have to be identical.
Check your message box and click on the e-mail entitled, Verify your Spordle Play e-mail address.
Click on Verify Email.
Your Spordle Play access has now been created!
Link the Spordle PLAY account to my Spordle account
You can link your Spordle PLAY account to your Spordle account. This will synchronize both e-mails and passwords, making them identical. Once you've logged into "My Account", you won't need to re-enter your password in Spordle PLAY.