You can now decide to show/hide the details of an instructor in the registration platform.
We have added a new filter in the deficiencies report. You can now filter on Rostered in a team. This will allow you to run a report on people missing a qualification that were added on a team.
Team list report now show 2 new columns: regular players and affiliated players. So now you have the data of the total number of the players, but you also have that split by regular and affiliates.
You can now filter on all the unconfirmed members inside an organization. From the member profile, there is now a check box that allow you to get the list of member profiles that are unconfirmed. This can be exported to excel if needed. Note: Unconfirmed members will only be for new members created from clinic registrations.
You can confirm the members by going to Action and Confirm member in the member profile.
In the team detail page, we now display the age of the bench staff like we were doing for the players.
When displaying comments in the team or in the team roster section, we are now showing the actual date and time that the comment was added and not a text. Previously it was a text saying for example that the comment was added a month ago.
In the release player section in a team page, if the released participant is a Bench staff, the side panel will now show Bench staff status instead of player status. This will allow you to approved released bench staff status .