Game Incident Report

Note: The Game Incident Report tab will only be displayed to officials with access to this function.




Report management

All the submitted reports will be displayed by clicking Manage With on the Game Incident Report tab, and you can add new incident reports.

List of Game Incident Reports

The list of submitted reports will display the following information:

  • Incident number

  • Season

  • Home team

  • Away team

  • Status


Add a Game Incident Report

To add an incident report, click +Add in the top right-hand corner.


Game Info

Indicate game information.

The * indicates a mandatory field.

  • * Division

  • Class

  • * Category

  • * Incident Date

  • League

  • Location

  • Game number

  • Note

Click on Next.



Indicate the information for both teams.

The * indicates a mandatory field.

  • * Branch

  • * Organization

  • * Teams

  • Coach

  • Manager

If you can't find the team, click on the Other tab to add the information manually. However, one of the two teams must Existing.

Click on Next.



Add game official information by clicking on Add Official.

  • * Official Type

  • * Email

  • * Phone Number

Click on Next.



Add incident information.

  • * Player name

  • Jersey number

  • * Penalty Type

  • * Penalty

  • Period

  • Minutes

  • Seconds

  • Indicate if an injury has occurred

  • Add another incident

Click on Confirm


Submit Report

You will be asked whether or not you wish to submit the report now.

Select your choice, and the report will appear in your incident report list.


Game Incident Report side panel

If you click on one of the reports, a side panel will open to your right.

By clicking on the Action button, the following two options will be displayed:

  • Export to PDF

  • Resubmit the report

Three tabs will be displayed in the side panel:

  • Info

  • Teams

  • Incident


Info tab

This tab displays general information about the report. You can make changes by clicking on the blue pencil.

  • Report update date

  • Status

  • Incident date

  • League

  • Location of incident

  • Game number

  • Note

  • Names of officials


Teams tab

This tab displays information on both teams involved in the incident. You can make changes by clicking on the blue pencil.

  • Name of the home team

  • Name of home team coach

  • Name of home team manager

  • Away team name

  • Away team coach's name

  • Away team manager's name


Incident Tabs

This tab will display the incident details. You can make changes by clicking on the blue pencil or add a new incident by clicking on Add incident.

  • Penalty Type

  • Penalty

  • Period and time of period

  • Description of incident