Schedule Importer

Schedule Importer

If you wish to generate your schedule with a CSV file, you must select the Import file option when you click on Create in the Inverter tab of your schedule.




Click on the Download template button to obtain the CSV template and ensure that the columns and formatting of your documentation are correct. Select the date format you are using in your file. To convert a CSV file, please consult the documentation Converting a CSV file to an XLS file.

The columns in your document must be in the following order:

  • Game date

  • Start time

  • End time

  • Home team

  • Home team number

  • Visiting team

  • Visiting team number

  • Field name

  • Stage (if applicable)

  • Game number

We strongly suggest that you enter your team numbers. This will ensure that you select the right team. If you enter the team number, you won't need to enter the team name, because with the team number, the system will find the right team quickly.

Once you've completed your document, be sure to save it in . CSV FORMAT.

If a team present in the imported file does not yet exist in the system, it will be added automatically.

Important: Your file must be saved in CSV format. When you save your file, you must select the CSV format type (separator: semicolon) (*.csv) in the drop-down menu under your file name.

You must then add your file by clicking on Upload your draft game file here. Then click on Next at the bottom left of the page.



The system will try to game the headers provided in your file with the required headers. If you have named one of your headers incorrectly, the corresponding column will remain empty. Click on the box to display the header drop-down menu for your file. Select the header that corresponds to the one you are trying to fill in.

If you've used team numbers instead of team names, use the drop-down menu in the Local and Visitor boxes to select the team options with the ID number.

The Status and Comments headings are optional; you can leave them empty.

If you have already created games in this schedule and wish to keep them, simply click on the toggle button at the bottom of the Update existing games page. The system will then keep your games and the game numbers.

When finished, click Next at the bottom of the page.



The system will ask you to confirm the names of the teams and fields it has game with your file. If no teams or fields are selected, they will be indicated as yet to be determined.

If teams or fields are to be changed, click on the drop-down menu in the left-hand column to select another team or field.

Once all your teams and fields game your schedule, click Next.

Note: You can always click Back to modify information or import a new file.



The system will then ask you to review your schedule to ensure that it match the one in your file. If everything conforms, click on Import in the bottom right-hand corner. Otherwise, click Back to make any necessary changes or import a new file.

Your games will then be imported in draft form, so it's always possible to make changes in the scheduler before publishing your schedule.

Once you're ready to publish your schedule, simply click on Publish in the top right-hand corner.




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