Creating a Clinic (Hockey University)

Creating a Clinic (Hockey University)

This is a dedicated page to show the five step process to create a clinic for Hockey University.

Step 1: The category must be “Coach” and the qualification HU - (select level from dropdown)


Step 2: Under the session information, choose “Online - Recorded/On Demand”, and enter a range of dates (the initial date here is very important – example is July 1st)

Note: You must leave the URL Link box blank.



Step 3: Register the same way as you would to a normal clinic


Step 4 : The fourth step has two methods to access the hockey university clinic. You can access this by the email link or by the calendar in “My Account”.

A: The primary method to access the course

The primary way to access the course is via email which will have the link to the Hockey University course.


B: Secondary method to access the course

The secondary method to access the course is from your Spordle My Account. We need to select calendar and click the date of the start of the clinic (this case was July 1st) to see the link to your course



Step 5: Complete your course on Hockey University


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